观韬中茂律师事务所近日助力中国交通建设股份有限公司完成发行15亿美元无抵押固息债券,该债券已于2月24 日在港交所上市。安理国际律师事务所(A&O)作为联席主承销商和联合簿记管理人国际法律顾问,为瑞士信贷、汇丰、交银国际、中信里昂证券、华泰金控、SMBC Nikko和渣打银行提供了法律意见。

中国交建是全球最大的交通基础设施建设公司之一,本次发行是其自2015年以来第二次在境外债券资本市场发债,并创下了中资发行人永续债券最大发行规模。本次融资将为中国交建的主营业务及海外业务运营提供资金支持。“在目前的经济环境下,此次定价体现了投资者对于中国企业和建筑行业依旧充满信心。” A&O团队评价道。




Guantao, A&O, C&F act on two dollar bonds in Hong Kong

Guantao Law Firm has advised China Communications Construction Company's $1.5 billion perpetual securities issuance on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with Allen & Overy advising the joint lead managers and joint bookrunners.

CCCC is one of the largest transportation infrastructure construction companies globally. This is the second dollar bond of the company on offshore capital markets since 2015, and the largest perpetual bond ever issued by a Chinese company. CCCC will use the proceeds to support its main business as well as overseas operations. “Pricing in this current environment has echoed that investors still remain confident in Chinese companies and the construction sector.” A&O commented in one press release.

The Guantao team was led by partner Chen Zhongye, and the A&O team led by partner Agnes Tsang.

Allen & Overy represented Credit Suisse, HSBC, BOCOM International, CLSA, Huatai Financial, SMBC Nikko and Standard Chartered Bank.

Also on the HKEX, Commerce & Finance Law Offices has advised China logistics company S.F. Holding on its $700 million dollar bonds issuance, which is the first dollar bond issued by a logistics company globally in 2020.


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