
根据中兴通讯的一份新闻稿,本次募资规模为2017年以来非公开发行A股股票募集资金规模之最,且为近期首个过百亿非公开发行A股股票项目。募集资金将用于面向5G网络演进的技术研究和产品开发项目,包括蜂窝移动通讯网络、核心网、传输与承载网、固网宽带、大数据与网络智能技术研究和产品开发,及补充流动资金。中兴通讯目前在全球已获得35个5G商用合同,与全球60多家运营商展开5G 合作。



JunHe acts on ZTE’s $1.65 bln additional placement on SZSE 

JunHe has advised Shenzhen-based telecom equipment maker ZTE on its $1.65 billion additional offering of stocks on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, with China Securities being the sole sponsor.

According to ZTE’s press release, this is by far the largest private placement of A shares since 2017 and the only placement passing the billion-dollar threshold recently. The proceeds will be used for further research and development of 5G technology and products, including big data and network intelligence technologies, as well as supplementing working capital. By far ZTE has seized 35 commercial 5G deals globally and is cooperating with about 60 network operators on 5G.

The JunHe team was led by partners Zhang Jianwei, Liu Yongzhao and Wei wei.


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