

天元为此次交易组建了一支跨越北京及香港办公室的团队,项目牵头律师为合伙人华秀兰律师、张德仁律师、黄伟律师及刘宁律师。美迈斯团队牵头律师为其美国并购及私募业务主管Tobias Knapp。


Tian Yuan, OMM act on Sino-U.S. $550 mln PCB M&A deal

Tian Yuan Law Firm has advised AKMMeadville Electronics’ $550 million acquisition of California-based printed circuit board producer TTM Technologies’ mobility business unit, with O’Melveny & Myers advising the seller.

According to Tian Yuan’s press release, being one of the top three PCB producers globally, TTM would divest its four China manufacturing plants, namely in Guangzhou and Shanghai, comprising substantially all of the assets of its mobility business unit with approximately 7,500 supporting employees to the buyer. TTM stated in one press release that it had long been looking for buyers due to change of business strategy, and AKMMeadville would continue to lead the mobility business on the cellular market.

Tian Yuan has built a team across its Beijing and Hong Kong offices for the deal, with Hua Xiulan, Zhang Deren, Huang Wei and Liu Ning being the leading partners. The O’Melveny team was led by head of the firm’s US Mergers and Acquisitions and Private Equity practice Tobias Knapp.


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