The Beijing Internet Court has concluded its first online trial, which related to a copyright claim by short-video platform Douyin against competitor Huopai over alleged unauthorized use of its video products.

The key feature of these Internet courts is that litigants can deal with their lawsuits entirely online.  China has three such courts, in Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Beijing. 

Douyin claimed that the Baidu-backed Huopai had downloaded a short video clip published on its platform without permission, and then uploaded it to its own app, allowing users to download it. Douyin demanded 1 million yuan ($145.674.91) in compensation and 50,000 yuan in costs. 

The main points of the case were whether the plaintiff and the defendant were qualified parties, whether short web videos can be regarded as “work” as defined under copyright law, and whether the defendant’s actions constituted an infringement. 

According to the trial judge Wen Zhang, the two sides were qualified parties and Douyin’s short video in this case could be regarded as “work” as defined under copyright law but Huopai, as a network service provider, didn’t commit an infringement based on a “safe harbour” and a “notice/takedown” procedure. All the claims of the plaintiff were thus dismissed. 

The year 2018 saw an explosion of 15-30 second user-generated videos in China. 










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Beijing Internet Court concludes its first case(双语)

by Ines Yang |

The Beijing Internet Court has concluded its first online trial, which related to a copyright claim by short-video platform Douyin against competitor Huopai over alleged unauthorized use of its video products.