King & Wood reinforced its Beijing IP litigation team by recruiting new partner Ren Yunling from the multinational pharmaceutical company Johnson & Johnson.

Ren, who was a senior patent counsel with Johnson & Johnson, holds a J.D. degree from the New York Law School and a Ph. D. in Biochemistry from the City University of New York.

Prior to her stint with Johnson & Johnson, Ren spent over 10 years practising IP law in New York City.
She specialises in cross border patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, unfair competition, patent litigation, and technology transfer. Her focus is on the biotechnology, chemicals and pharmaceuticals sectors.

In addition to these areas, Ren counts IP litigation, patent and trademark prosecution, IP strategic planning, licensing and other IP transactional matters as parts of her practice.

“Ren Yunling has a wealth of experience in IP litigation, and her addition will further enhance the strength of King & Wood in this field, and promote the development and professional direction of the business,” said Wang Ling, managing partner of King & Wood, in a statement. ALB

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