
道可特成立于2003年,总部位于北京,并在上海、深圳、天津、济南、太原、哈尔滨、海口等地设有办公室。道可特定位于高端法务,尤其在重大民商事争议解决、金融资本市场、地产与基础设施、国际业务等领域拥有丰富经验和业绩,获得了全国优秀律师事务所、北京市优秀律师事务所等荣誉。在过去一年中,道可特入选了“2021 ALB China十五佳成长律所”榜单,并在“2021年ALB并购排名”中入选“中国值得关注律所”单元。


道可特主任刘光超在合并仪式上表示:“随着和大器的合并,道可特在知识产权、公司业务等领域将变得更强,特别是在文化娱乐板块,道可特将会更有优势,更有特点… 随着一次次合并,道可特的规模在扩大,道可特的质量和结构在优化和完善。”


Docvit merges with Beijing-based boutique Dachi, becoming the firm’s second merger within one month

Beijing Docvit Law Firm has merged with Beijing Dachi Law Firm, an intellectual property-focused boutique. This is Docvit’s second merger within one month since it shook hand with another Beijing-based boutique Dare & Sure Law Firm in the middle of January.

Established in 2003, Docvit has branches in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Jinan, Taiyuan, Harbin, and Haikou.. Docvit provides high-end legal services, especially major civil and commercial dispute resolution, finance and capital markets, real estate and infrastructure, and international business, where the firm has accumulated extensive experience and achievements. Docvit has won multiple awards including “National Excellent Law Firm” and “Excellent Law Firm of Beijing” since its establishment. In the past year, Docvit was selected in the ranking of 2021 ALB China Fastest Growing Firms and was one of the Firms to Watch in the category of China Domestic Firms in 2021 ALB M&A rankings.

Established in 2005, Dachi is a boutique law firm with a focus on IP and corporate law. Dachi has served a number of Chinese companies and institutions in high-technology and media industries, including Alibaba, Mengniu Dairy, China Radio International, Sina, and Phoenix New Media.

Liu Guangchao, the director of Docvit, commented in the merger ceremony: “With the merger with Dachi, Docvit will be stronger in the areas of IP and corporate, especially in culture and entertainment sectors, where Docvit will gain more cutting-edge advantages and win more recognition. As we expand through the two mergers, our service quality and structure will also be optimized and constantly improved.”

This is this year’s fourth merger between Chinese law firms. Before Docvit comes together with Dachi and Dare & Sure, respectively, Silkroad Law Firm merged with Anchorite and Sage Law Office, and Han Kun Law Offices merged with Shanghai Young-Ben Law Firm, both at the beginning of January.


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