
美富律所(Morrison & Foerster)前合伙人赵天岳(Tien-yo Chao)最近加入年利达担任合伙人,聘任从2011年8月起生效。赵天岳将继续关注并购和股票资本市场,他的新任职位要求他在香港和北京两地工作,继续开发中国客户关系。

年利达还推选企业事务合伙人方健担任全国执行合伙人,并推选企业事务合伙人叶晓仪(Betty Yap)担任中国业务负责人。方健将负责该律所的中国成长战略,尤其侧重于岸上扩张。他将管理该律所在北京和上海办公室的中国团队以及在香港关注中国的团队。


香港证监会最近任命了年利达律所的企业事务合伙人马嘉明(Teresa Ma)出任香港并购委员会和上诉委员会的委员。

Tien-yo Chao, former Morrison & Foerster’s partner, recently joined Linklaters as a partner, effective August 2011. Chao will continue to focus on M&A and equity capital markets. In his new role, Chao will split his time between Hong Kong and Beijing, while further developing relationships with PRC-based clients.  

Linklaters has also elected corporate partner, Fang Jian, as national managing partner for China, and corporate partner, Betty Yap, as head of its China practice.

Jian will lead the firm's growth strategy in China, with particular emphasis on the firm’s onshore expansion. He will manage the firm’s China Group in their Beijing and Shanghai offices, and China-focused team in Hong Kong.

Yap, who specialises in M&A and private equity, will tighten the connection between Linklaters' China practice with the firm’s international clients and global network.

Hong Kong’s securities regulator Securities and Futures Commission recently appointed Linklaters’ corporate partner Teresa Ma to the Takeover Panel and Appeals Committee in Hong Kong.ALB

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