曾在渣打银行(中国)任资深法律顾问的Susan Deng律师近期加入美亚博香港办公室。Deng律师在劳动法业务领域有丰富经验。她还曾在君合和权亚律师事务所上海办公室执业。在香港工作10个月后,她将赴美亚博上海办公室带领该所中国劳动法业务团队。

PRC employment legal issues have been at the centre of foreign investors' attention following the widely reported labour unrest in recent months, which saw a series of labour disputes and strikes affecting the China operations of foreign companies such as Honda, Toyota and Foxconn.

Against a challenging background for employers in China, Mayer Brown JSM has enhanced its offerings with the addition of PRC employment specialist Susan Deng, previously a senior legal counsel of Standard Chartered Bank (China) in Shanghai.

Prior to joining Standard Chartered, Deng worked at Jun He and TransAsia Lawyers in Shanghai. She also had five years of experience working as arbitrator & deputy division chief of the Jiangsu Provincial Personnel Department.

In her new position with Mayer Brown JSM, Deng will work in the Hong Kong office for 10 months before relocating to Shanghai to lead the employment & benefits practice in China.

Around the same time last year, the firm appointed PRC qualified employment lawyer Zhou Lihui as foreign counsel from Minter Ellison. ALB

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