安理国际律师事务所(A&O)近日迎来齐华英律师以合伙人身份加盟其上海办公室。加入A&O前, 她曾在汉坤律师事务所担任合伙人。
A&O adds funds expert in Shanghai
Allen & Overy has hired Daisy Qi as partner in its Shanghai office. Prior to joining A&O, Qi was a partner at Han Kun Law Offices.
Qi focuses on funds for more than ten years, and she has extensive experience in advising Chinese and international clients on the formation and operation of domestic and international investment funds.
This is the second partner-level hire made by the firm this year. Shanghai Lang Yue Law Firm, A&O’s joint operation partner in China, has hired Vivian Cao as a partner in January.