JunZeJun Law Firm has advised Bank of China (BOC) on the issuance of a $5.92 billion perpetual bond, with King & Wood Mallesons advising the joint key underwriter, China International Capital Corporation Limited.
BOC is the first Chinese bank to issue perpetual bonds or perps, which will set a template for other Chinese banks, reported Reuters. Perps, having characteristics of both debt and equity, are seen as a major step toward recapitalization of banks held back by inadequate capital, but it is not the first Chinese company to do so. Perps were introduced in China in 2013.
More than 140 investors, including insurance companies and some offshore institutions, subscribed to the issue, reported Reuters. It added that alarmed by a slowing economy, policymakers are in a hurry to have banks fit enough to ramp up credit expansion, but banks’ lending capacity is largely limited by their capital adequacy.
The JunZeJun team was led by Beijing partner Ze Wang.
The KWM team was led by partners Beijing partners Linli Fan and Sijia Liu.
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