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Paul Hastings has represented Singapore fund manager Alpha Investment Partners on its agreement to sell the 80 percent stake it holds, along with Keppel Land China, in a firm that owns a mixed-used development in Shanghai for $516.9 million.

Keppel Land China holds 42.5 percent of the 80 per cent stake, while Alpha Asia Macro Trends Fund II and a co-investor hold the remaining 57.5 percent in Sparkle Bright Holdings, which owns the Life Hub @ Jinqiao project in Shanghai.

The stake is being bought by Star Champ Development Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chongbang Group, which owns the other 20 percent of the project.

The Paul Hastings team was led by Hong Kong partner Vivian Lam.


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据彭博社消息,由贝莱德牵头的财团计划以 228 亿美元的协议收购香港长江和记实业在巴拿马运河两个重要港口的大部分股份,威嘉律师事务所将为买方提供法律服务,普衡律师事务所为卖方提供法律意见。

