法律科技也是我们关注的话题。目前我们在合同管理层面的电子化程度已经较高,未来会更关注合同自动化、AI等新领域。例如阿斯利康在拉丁美洲市场使用了名为“virtual legal”的工具,通过网上问答和BOT功能,帮助大家自动解决基础性日常法律问题;此外我们也希望尝试基础合同模板、“条款银行”(clause bank)等产品,未来只要输入关键数据,就能由AI自动生成合同。
General counsel from the healthcare sector are finding themselves faced with both opportunities and challenges. While their companies have seen an uptick in demand following the COVID-19 pandemic, they also have to handle the constantly changing regulatory environment in China. In this feature, healthcare sector GCs share their current pain points, and how they support their companies to remain competitive.
ALB: In the past 12 months, what are some of the regulatory changes in China's healthcare field that have had a significant impact on the work of your team?
Aaron Shao, Head of Legal, Greater China, Abbott: Abbott operates in diversified business areas, ranging from medical devices, diagnostic products, to pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. This diversity dictates the complexity and extensiveness of the external regulatory environment and the applicable laws and regulations we are faced with.
The establishment of the National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) in 2018 accelerated the pace of China's healthcare reform. A slew of laws, regulations and industry policies have been introduced in the healthcare field, such as revisions to the Drug Administration Law, the Measures for Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices and its supporting regulations, introduction of the medical representative registration system, the credit-based bidding and procurement system of the NHSA, centralized procurement of medicines and high-value consumables, etc.
On top of promptly tracking and analyzing regulatory changes, Abbott Greater China's in-house team also actively works to gain an in-depth understanding of the background of regulatory and policy changes and discuss the impact of such changes on the company with business units.
Sarah Wang, Deputy General Counsel, International & Japan, AstraZeneca: In terms of external regulation, legal changes in information protection have had a greater impact on us. Be they the regulatory adjustments made by the Office of Human Genetic Resource Administration in the past few years or the introduction of new laws such as the Cyber Security Law and the Personal Information Protection Law, information management has outgrown clinical research and penetrated to all aspects of the commercial operations of pharmaceutical companies.
In the field of intellectual property protection, the introduction of patent extension and patent linkage schemes have greatly impacted the protection status of brand-name drugs in China. While brand-name drug manufacturers rarely resorted to patent infringement lawsuits to protect their rights in the past, considering the current market environment in China, we may also need to be more proactive in using laws and regulations to safeguard our rights in a timely manner.
Jenny Zeng, Head of Legal Compliance Department, Ping An Medical and Healthcare Management: Ping An Group serves patients and medical services players through various group companies, and its products mainly empower the national healthcare security, the biggest payer in China's healthcare sector. As a result, we pay more attention to changes in laws, regulations and policies related to national healthcare security.
We observe two clear trends in such field in the past year. First is the gradual improvement of the institutional system, with a raft of rules to supplement the national healthcare security system after its separation from the social security system. Second is the gradual standardization of innovative business. These trends are bound to profoundly impact the work of the in-house team. In response, we must learn faster, be more specialized and think out of the box.
ALB: How important is it for companies in the healthcare field to have an in-house team that is well versed in both the industry and the business? Do you expect your team to develop more interdisciplinary capabilities?
Aaron Shao: An in-house team in the healthcare field will be able to offer more professional, practical and effective legal solutions only if they have a deep understanding of both industry and business. In addition, legal issues in this field are highly complex and many regulations are not yet clear enough, which requires the in-house team to tap into their understanding of the regulations and the industry environment to provide forward-looking and feasible solutions while ensuring compliance.
As mentioned earlier, Abbott’s business spans industry areas such as food, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. To equip each in-house team member with cross-sector knowledge and skills, we have implemented a rotation system in recent years so that each team member has the opportunity to be exposed to Abbott's different business units and projects as well as related industries.
Sarah Wang: Pharmaceutical companies are expecting more and more from their in-house counsel in terms of diversification of legal specialization. With the companies undergoing transformation themselves, their in-house teams must align capacity building with business needs. For example, AstraZeneca has begun to pay attention to online hospitals and fund business and requires in-house teams to be capable of supporting new business. At present, our team not only has transaction lawyers, but also a four-member patent attorney team. Going forward, we also need lawyers who can support fund business.
On the other hand, as pharmaceutical companies continue to embrace digitalization, business units and in-house counsel are in fact learning together. This requires lawyers to grow together with the companies, to keep up with business, to remain curious about emerging areas, to be willing to learn and accept, and to adapt to new challenges together with the entire organization.
Jenny Zeng: Although a traditional industry, the healthcare sector has been undergoing constant innovations and changes in recent years. Only by having an in-house team that is well versed in both industry and business can we ensure steadiness amid changes. The team must tick two fundamental boxes: one is to always comply with laws and regulations, and the other is to have a deep understanding of the company's industry and business models, and the business logic of its products.
I have always encouraged my team to be bold enough to try and achieve successful "cross-overs" in three areas: industry, profession and hierarchy. Only in this way can the value of in-house counsel be maximized.
ALB: Digitization is gathering pace in China's healthcare sector. What support has your team provided for the company's business in light of such transformation?
Aaron Shao: Digitization will bring about disruptive innovation and may reshape the entire ecosystem of the healthcare industry. The successive promulgation of the Cyber Security Law, the Data Security Law and the Personal Information Protection Law also points to gradual improvement in the legal framework governing cybersecurity, data security and personal information and privacy protection.
The in-house team needs to be deeply involved in the feasibility study of various digital innovation projects of business units, while at the same time ensuring data compliance of these projects. Meanwhile, the team also actively partners our data protection and cybersecurity departments to formulate and implement the company's compliance systems for such fields.
Sarah Wang: AstraZeneca has been committed to building an e-commerce ecosystem in the past several years. Some examples include the "AstraZeneca CICC Healthcare Venture Capital Fund" set up with the China International Capital Corporation and the establishment of the China business innovation hub in Wuxi. By partnering third parties, we hope to achieve synergy between related companies from testing, to diagnosis and treatment, and to follow-up care. In this process, the in-house team must be able to keep up pace with business directions, examine the compliance or business risks of projects at a higher level, and rely on effective communication to enable business units to understand relevant risks.
Jenny Zeng: Having worked in the Internet industry for many years, I am fully aware of the powerful spillover effects that digitization can produce. On the one hand, the cross-industry application and roll-out of digital information technology has accelerated systemization and automation of the healthcare sector. To support this revolution, the in-house team has comprehensively optimized the company's intellectual property management system to not only provide legal safeguards, but also develop a patent application technical assessment mechanism. On the other hand, the formulation and improvement of digital and information management rules are also gathering momentum in the healthcare sector. The team has been staying alert to changes and has stepped up research and analysis in this process. In fact, we launched special projects to enhance data security as early as 2019 in line with the national trend, striving to find the best path for business to be compliant.
ALB: In the past year, what have you and your team done to play a more active and important role in the company?
Aaron Shao: Abbott's Global Legal attaches great importance to the impacts the in-house team can have on the company. Therefore, our team must always have our eyes on the business issues that are truly important to the company, on top of providing outstanding legal support.
To this end, Abbott Greater China in-house team, apart from legal support for the company's major projects and strategic goals in the region, offers feasible and reasonable solutions targeting problems and phenomenon when providing legal solutions and suggestions, instead of merely making legal judgments. In addition, the team makes forward-looking and strategic analysis of areas where regulations are not yet clear, and is also committed to internal risks optimization and balanced risk management by evaluating the external environment and internal risks.
Sarah Wang: First of all, I think the company itself must be attractive enough to challenge team members with interesting and high-quality projects. I will actively help create opportunities for our team to participate in the company's large projects, while encouraging team members to keep an open mind and play an active role in project teams.
In addition, AstraZeneca's "Plan100" scheme provides employees with diversified job opportunities. As General Counsel, I need to have a deeper understanding of the needs of each member and help them create more opportunities based on such understanding. Finally, I also aim to help colleagues seek new opportunities within the entire organization.
Jenny Zeng: In my opinion, the role of the in-house team needs to be gradually upgraded from "transactional legal", to "management legal", to ultimately "strategic legal". At present, my team has completed the transition from "transactional" to "management", and is on course to grow into "strategic". This journey will be long and undoubtedly challenging, but we are never afraid of the arduous road ahead.
At the same time, I personally have been thinking about how General Counsel can better upgrade his/her role. For example, when a decision needs to be made at the company level, the General Counsel cannot only focus on the in-house team. Instead, he/she should make analysis based on professional judgment and in light of the company's strategic planning, main business direction and other higher-value levels. This requires the General Counsel to have a strategic mindset and an industry vision.
ALB: What are some of the priorities of your team in the next 12 months?
Aaron Shao: In terms of team building, we will focus on developing both team capacity and individual strength, and continuously optimizing our organizational culture.
In terms of legal work, we expect to prioritize the following three areas: 1. Continuously watch changes in laws and policies in the healthcare industry; 2. Focus our attention on anti-unfair competition, anti-monopoly, advertising and promotion, product quality and compliance; 3. Actively learn and explore new areas, including personal privacy protection, cyber and data security.
Finally, we are committed to improving industry standards so as to contribute to the construction of a healthy external environment and the active and healthy development of the industry as a whole.
Sarah Wang: First, as new laws and regulations are still being explored or have just been implemented, the in-house team aims to provide the company with clearer guidance going forward; second, the team should build up the capacity of our members by focusing on future development priorities; third, patent will be one of our key areas; and, fourth, with digitization and e-commerce remaining as pivotal future development directions for pharmaceutical companies, the team must gain a deeper understanding of new business formats.
Legal technology is also on our radar. Since we have already achieved a high degree of electronic management of contracts, we will pay more attention to new areas such as contract automation and AI in the future.
Jenny Zeng: My team will have only one focus: to be above competent as "management legal" while striving to realize the transition and upgrading to "strategic legal" sooner.
Laying a solid foundation, keeping an open mind, seeking integration and having high ambitions – these are words that best describe my expectations for the team. First, we must provide professional and efficient services for the company's business and operations, and such services must also come with a human touch. Second, I hope my team can be more forward-looking and proactive and create more value. Third, the team should have high aspirations. I am a firm believer that the in-house team is not simply a department to give professional opinions; rather, it is a function that creates value for the company.
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