
目前签约加盟的突出合伙人律师包括:叶红军律师, 加盟前执业于锦天城律师事务所,目前专注于涉美反倾销、337条款业务、知识产权;夏达律师,加盟前就职于欧洲律所,为中石油、中石化海外投资项目提供法律支持,目前专注于私募基金及IPO项目;张晓明律师,加盟前为世界某五百强企业亚太区法务总监,专注于投融资、公司法务。



Among the 50 largest firms in Shanghai, ten are the branch offices of Beijing firms. Established in July 2010, Yingke's Shanghai office is a case in point.

At a gala opening ceremony last Saturday, Yingke's Shanghai managing partner Dong Dongdong (董冬冬) unveiled the new office, which currently has 54 lawyers and 22 administration and supporting staff. More than 70 lawyers have signed agreements to join in the next a few months, giving the firm 130 lawyers including 40 partners in Shanghai after the transition period.

Some of the well-known partners joining Yingke in Shanghai include Ye Hongjun, previously with AllBright (antidumping, IP and international trade), Zhang Xiaoming, previously the Asia-Pacific legal director of a Fortune 500 company, and Xia Da, previously capital markets and private equity lawyer with a European firm.

Yingke's Shanghai office has already set up seven practice groups, and five more practice groups - capital markets, investment, corporate, property development and IP - will be formed in the coming months. ALB