为大力推动国有重点企业建立健全以总法律顾问制度为核心的企业法律顾问制度,加强企业法律风险防范机制建设,并吸引聚集国际国内优秀人才为国有企业改革发展服务,国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(‘国资委‘) 依据有关法律法规,受企业委托,组织三户国务院国资委监管企业面向海内外公开招聘三名企业总法律顾问。



从2006年开始,国务院国资委已连续三年组织中央企业招聘总法律顾问,已有16名优秀法律人才通过公开招聘走上企业总法律顾问岗位,在企业日常经营管理和重大经营决策过程中发挥了重要作用。今年四月获得ALB“2010年最佳中国企业法务团队" 大奖的中国东方航空集团,就于2006年通过公开招聘,聘用了郭俊秀先生为其集团总法律顾问。

Senior lawyers and in-house counsels who are keen on working as a general counsel at large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) should keep a close eye on the website of the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC). The representative owner of the country's most important SOEs has recently initiated its 2010 public recruitment program to help appoint general counsel for enterprises under its supervision.

This year, SASAC is looking to hire general counsels for three SOEs - China Metallurgical Group, China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation and China National Aviation Fuel Group.

Although selection criteria vary from one company to another, it's interesting to note that for all three GC positions SASAC prefers candidates who are both fluent in English and familiar with international legal environment and overseas investment and projects. Candidates must be under the age of 50 and must have work experience as a mid- to senior-level legal manger in a large domestic or multinational company or five years as a partner in a law firm. Foreign lawyers and multinational companies' legal counsels are also eligible to apply, as there is no specific requirement on nationality.  

The GC positions could offer exciting and diverse legal work and projects, but the salaries are expected to be no more than RMB 600,000 per year - a drawback which has made the recruitment process more difficult.

The annual recruitment program, part of SASAC's continuing campaign to improve corporate governance and legal and compliance in SOEs, was first launched in 2006. So far, 16 central-level SOEs have successfully appointed general counsel through the previous three programs. The winner of the "Chinese Company In-house Legal Team of the Year" award at the 2010 ALB China Law Awards, China Eastern Airlines Group, appointed its general counsel Guo Junxiu through the 2006 recruitment program. ALB

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