曾任金诚同达影视文化传媒专业领域合伙人的王军律师近日加盟了盈科律师事务所,担任北京总部影视文化传媒专业团队领头合伙人。王军律师曾担任多家国内知名影视文化公司的常年法律顾问。 他在从事律师职业前,在国际知名企业任职多年,曾担任企业市场总监和驻海外首席代表。

对于他在新兴娱乐行业领域的业务发展, 王军表示, “作为一名专门从事影视娱乐产业的律师,我对整个影视行业的发展充满信心,电视剧产业发展现在是高点,无论是从业者人数、投资量、电视剧制播集数、对电视台广告收益的价值比重均处于非常高的水平;中国大陆电影市场目前处于快速爬升期,无论从投资量、电影类型、艺术水准、院线屏幕增加规模、观影人数、电影票房等均是令人鼓舞的。相应的,影视文化产业的法律服务水准也必须能跟上来。”

除影视文化传媒专业以外,王律师也在知识产权,争端解决领域等方面具有经验。 他的长期客户包括华谊兄弟、湖南电广传媒、北京电视 北京人民艺术剧院、首都剧场、八一剧场、北京翰海鼎鑫国际贸易等知名企业。

Strong growth of the media, entertainment and sports sectors in the past year has brought a sense of optimism to lawyers specialising in this field and has resulted in several personnel movements in this niche practice. Veteran media and entertainment lawyer Allen Wang is one of the lawyers to have made a move – he has left Jincheng Tongda & Neal to join Yingke as the lead partner in the firm’s media and entertainment team.

Wang has represented a long list of individuals and businesses in film, television, music, and print and new media industries. His clients include industry leaders such as Hunan Radio & TV Media Holdings, Beijing Television, Shenzhen Vanke Movie & TV and Huayi Brothers Media Group. He is particularly recognised for his strengths in IP, compliance and dispute resolution.

According to Wang, the entertainment market, particularly the music, magazine and reality TV-type sectors, are set to boom. “Judging on the increasing number of PE investors and investments, the increasing number of channels, the new standard and quality of existing media companies, the number of performances down to the number of people who are watching movies, 2010 is beginning of the peak of the entertainment and media industry,” said Wang, who added that the type of legal advice related to entertainment work has also changed.

While only a year ago, most entertainment-related legal advice surrounded copyright and licensing issues, 2010 has seen an increasing appreciation for legal risk assessment and due diligence work by the entertainment industry. ALB

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