高位绅律师事务所最近在亚洲区内提拔十五位律师位为高级律师 (senior associates), 其中包括北京代表处的Wang Zhong,上海的Katherine Ke 和 Paula Liu; 以及香港的Alex Chung, Helen Fok, Christina Hui, Richard McDade, Karen Wong 和Alan Xu. 此次被提拔的7位大中华区律师的专业领域主要为公司以及金融。

From the outset the firm is investing in its Asian corporate service, as most of the promoted lawyers are from the corporate and finance practices. A majority of the lawyers were promoted in five years since joining, with around 46% beginning their careers at the magic circle firm in September 2003. Most of the promotions – also 46% – were made in the Hong Kong office.

The promoted individuals are Wang Zhong from the Beijing office; Katherine Ke and Paula Liu in Shanghai; Alex Cheung, Helen Fok, Celina Fu, Christina Hui, Richard McDade; Karen Wong, and Alan Xu in Hong Kong; Joanne Booth, Sandeep Bose-Mallick, and Tsuguhito Omagari in Tokyo; Bong-Sang Cho and Colin Dunlop in Singapore.