New guidelines released by the National Intellectual Property Strategy office have heralded the next step in China’s drive to create a better platform for IP lawyers.

The recently released ‘2011 Action Plan on China's Intellectual Property Rights Protection’ consists six major sections for reform including: formulation and revision of IP laws; improved enforcement of IP related laws; development of IP services; enhanced IP training; and promotion of a consistent IP culture through external exchange and expansion.

Lawyers believe that the  2011 Action Plan is the most comprehensive set of  rules released to date in China’s IP rights protection history. “Despite previous guidelines/action plans for IP right protection released by the Chinese government, this year’s action plan has provided greater clarity on a variety of levels. Improvements have been made on the legislation, enforcement and judicial level,” Rouse senior manager Carol Wang said. “Since 2010, we have seen the Chinese government’s determination in improving China’s IP right protection-related issues. We are impressed by the Sword Action – a nationwide effort to combat IP right infringements and the production and sales of counterfeited and forged commodities.”

According to Wang, the bureaus of industry and commerce, the administrative authorities and the public security bureau all took a tougher stance towards IP right infringement since the launch of Sword Action, which kicked off last November and will extend to the end of 2011. “The communication between lawyers and administrative offices has become easier than before,” She said. “I believe the plan is creating a better platform for lawyer to solve IP related issues.”

According to a report released by the Supreme People’s Court of PRC last month, a total of 42,931 civil cases involving intellectual property rights were heard in 2010, a 40% spike from 2009. ALB

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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |
