Infant formula makers Nestle SA, Danone, Mead Johnson Nutrition Co and Abbott Laboratories confirmed on Tuesday that they are being investigated by China's top economic planning agency for possible antitrust violations.

The companies said they were cooperating with China's National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) in its investigation into possible price-fixing and anti-competitive practices.

Mead Johnson, whose shares were down about 6 percent in New York, said it was "fully cooperating" with the antitrust review, and would provide information in response to inquiries received from government officials.

Officials at Danone, Abbott, Nestle and Wyeth Nutrition also said they were cooperating. Officials at the NDRC were not available to comment.

Abbott shares were down 0.8 percent in afternoon trade in New York, while Danone shares closed down 1.5 percent in Paris. Nestle shares fell 0.8 percent.

Foreign infant formula is highly coveted in China, since public trust was damaged by a 2008 tainted infant formula scandal that left at least six children dead. Foreign brands now account for about half of total sales.

The Beijing Times, which first reported the probe, said the investigations came to light after a Hong Kong-listed infant nutrition manufacturer Biostime International Holdings said last Thursday that its Guangzhou unit was under investigation by the NDRC for an alleged violation of China anti-monopoly law.

"The main purpose of the investigation is in relation to an alleged violation of Article 14 of Anti-Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China by Biostime Guangzhou in managing the market sales prices at which the distributors and retail sales organisations sell our products," the company said in a filing to the Hong Kong stock exchange.


21世纪经济报 道周二援引接近中国相关政府部门知情人士称,国家发改委对五大外资奶粉品牌展开反垄断调查,因近几年“洋奶粉”频繁涨价,导致国内婴幼儿配方奶粉价格远高于国外,一般是欧美国家的两倍以上。

报导称,被调查的洋奶粉品牌上月底被国家发改委召集开会约谈,包括达能 旗下的多美滋、惠氏、雅培、美赞臣 和雀巢。

合生元 上周曾公告全资附属公司广州合生元遭发改委调查,因广州合生元对其经销商及终端零售商销售产品的市场销售价格进行管理,可能涉嫌违反反垄断法的第14条规定。



牛奶和配方奶粉安全是中国家庭密切关注的问题;国内主要乳业集团--蒙牛乳业 的产品曾被国家质检总局验出致癌物质黄曲霉素(M1)超标,伊利股份 部份婴幼儿奶粉被检出汞含量超标,最早则是2008年三聚氰胺有毒奶粉曾造成至少六名幼儿死亡和30万名幼儿中毒。

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