2024 ALB China客户首选律师  (ZH/EN)

by Asian Legal Business《亚洲法律杂志》, Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |

今年,1944余位公司法务及商务人士参与ALB调研,评选出了他们心目中的20位首选律师。在“持续内卷”时代,客户对于律师的服务提出了哪些新的要求?他们希望律师具备怎样的特质?法律人又如何应对这些挑战? ALB与上榜者聊了聊赢得客户青睐的秘诀。 




2024 ALB China 十五佳成长律所 (ZH/EN)


穿越合规“迷雾” (ZH/EN)


探索全新“出海”策略 (ZH/EN)


争议解决业务持续演进 (ZH/EN)




资本市场半年观:A股、港股、美股 (ZH/EN)


New option

by Chen Dujuan |

New arbitration rules, tailored for the newly launched Shanghai FTZ and consistent with international standards, have taken effect since May this year. Although it will be some time before Shanghai can develop itself in a holistic manner, experts believe the new rules will enable it to build itself into Asia’s centre for arbitration despite competition from Hong Kong and Singapore. Chen Dujuan talks to lawyers on the highlights and effects of the rules on China’s legal environment.

Global dilemma

by Chen Dujuan, Reuters |

The recent failure of Chinese private equity firm CDH Investments in the IPO exit of Chinese pork company WH Group has triggered discussions on Chinese private equity firms’ capabilities in competing in the global arena. Chen Dujuan reports with additional reporting from Stephen Aldred of Reuters

A budding relationship

by Kanishk Verghese, Reuters |

As Asia’s appreciation for intellectual property rights grows, lawyers in the region note that competition law is increasingly finding its way into IP matters. In China, the issue of anticompetitive behaviour over IP rights is coming to the fore, evidenced by several recent high-profile investigations. Kanishk Verghese reports, with additional reporting by Michael Martina and Matthew Miller of Reuters