Thomson Reuters has added a dedicated China service to the Practical Law, the leading provider of online know-how to lawyers worldwide.

Practical Law China is the first legal know-how service of its kind to provide transactional support to lawyers doing business in, or with parties based in, mainland China.

Practical Law China was created to meet the unique needs of lawyers working in one of the world’s largest target markets for global corporations and brands. It enables lawyers at multinational companies that trade with China to understand quickly where and how the practice of Chinese law differs from typical international practice, and to advise with confidence on the most common foreign direct investment deals.

The service brings together the expertise of Practical Law’s trusted team of in-house legal editors, all former practising lawyers at top firms and companies around the world, with insight and guidance from leading international and Chinese law firms, including Beijing-based Zhong Lun Law Firm.

“Lawyers working in multinational companies quickly realise that in order to seize the rampant growth opportunities in China, they need to understand the key legal challenges of doing business in the country,” said Sophie Cameron, head of Practical Law China at Thomson Reuters.

“There is nothing in the Chinese legal market like the Practical Law China service,” said Robert Lewis, international managing partner, Zhong Lun Law Firm and a member of the service’s consultation board.

“I am confident that practitioners both inside and outside of China will find these resources to be invaluable.”

“Practical Law China will enable lawyers to respond to these challenges more effectively, offering critical insight and practical guidance in a straightforward and comprehensive way,” said Cameron.

汤森路透启动中国Practical Law服务

汤森路透今日宣布扩大其全球Practical Law服务范围,将中国专属服务正式加入到其中。该服务一直为世界各地的律师提供在线知识服务。

Practical Law China成为了首个专为在中国大陆工作或在中国大陆有客户的律师而设的交易支援法律诀窍服务。

Practical Law China致力满足在全球最大目标市场的企业和品牌工作的律师的独特需求。它使在与中国进行贸易的跨国公司工作的律师迅速了解中国法律的做法与一般的国际惯例在什么时候有何不同,并就常见的外国直接投资交易提供专业意见。

此服务集合Practical Law内部法律团队和世界各地顶级公司的前执业律师的专业知识,并由国际及中国顶级律师事务所作引导,其中包括总部设在北京的中伦律师事务所。

汤森路透Practical Law China主管苏菲•卡梅伦(Sophie Cameron)说:“在跨国公司工作的律师明白要抓住在中国的发展机遇,他们必须了解当地的关键法律挑战。”

Practical Law China的独特之处在于它的一套针对律师常遇交易类型的方案。从在中国建立业务,到样板协议本地化、政府合并申报和保护知识产权,这套方案可以帮助律师更有效地工作,并减轻他们在与中国同僚进行交易时会遇到的风险。

“Practical Law China为中国法律市场提供的服务是独一无二的。” 中伦律师事务所国际合伙人及服务咨询委员会成员之一的吕立山(Robert Lewis)说,“我有信心这些资源对于在中国内外的用家都非常宝贵。”

该英语方案提供超过350种资料,包括超过100个国际市场标准文件和条款模板。所有资料由内部团队定期更新和本地化以设合中国商业交易。其他资料包括提供中国法律工作模式差别的引导和技巧的综合起草说明、实践说明、清单、关键术语和国家常见问题。用户还可以连接到万律(Westlaw China)有关中国法规 的双语Practical Law资源。中文资料将稍后推出。

“Practical Law China提供直接,全面且具洞察力的意见和指导,帮助律师更有效地应对这些挑战。”卡梅伦说。

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