



Paul Hastings hires anti-bribery, white-collar crime expert from U.S. peer in China

Paul Hastings has hired Shaun Wu as partner from U.S. peer firm Kobre & Kim, where he was the chief representative of its Shanghai office. He will practice in both Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Wu is an investigations and litigation partner who focuses on corporate investigations, anti-corruption compliance and white-collar defense. He has represented multinational corporations in investigations and compliance reviews involving China, with a focus on the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), bribery, corruption, fraud, misconduct, and other enforcement matters. He has also served as the Compliance Monitor and Investigator to various corporations debarred by the World Bank for fraudulent practices, assessing and monitoring the implementation of their compliance policies. 

This is the second major hire made by Paul Hastings in Greater China within one month, with IPO expert Fan Chaobo joining its Hong Kong office last December. Wu will work with the firm’s investigations and white-collar defense team across Asia, Europe, Latin American and the United States.


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