据ALB 统计,目前,共有近五十位港澳律师成功加盟华南律所,为开启大湾区执业做好准备。其中,华商律师事务所与广信君达律师事务所并列第一,分别吸纳了12位港澳律师加入;广悦律师事务所则以4位律师的加盟排名第二;广和律师事务所及金桥司徒邝(南沙)联营律师事务所则以吸纳3位大湾区律师的成绩紧随其后;此外,君合香港办公室及通力香港办公室分别有3位及2位律师获得了粤港澳大湾区律师执业资格。
South China firms keep hiring HK and Macau lawyers to practice in the Greater Bay Area
Following ALB's interview with several of the first batch of Hong Kong and Macau lawyers to be issued with the Guangdong Provincial Department of Justice's practising certificate for lawyers in the Greater Bay Area in July this year, we have continued to focus the development of lawyers in the Greater Bay Area.
According to our statistics, nearly 50 lawyers from Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR have joined law firms in South China region and are ready to launch their legal careers in the Greater Bay Area.
Among them, China Commercial Law Firm and ETR Law Firm tied for first place, each of them having admitted 12 lawyers; Wang Jing & GH Law Firm ranked second with four lawyers joining the firm; Guanghe Law Firm and KSK Law Firm followed with three lawyers, respectively; Three lawyers from JunHe Hong Kong office and two from Llinks Hong Kong office were also admitted to practise as lawyers in the Greater Bay Area.
Recently, Shihui Partners has hired Jeffrey Mak as partner in its Shenzhen offices. Mak became the latest Hong Kong lawyer to be admitted to a mainland Chinese firm.