ALB荣幸地通知您,2022 ALB China 年度雇主调查现已开始。这一调查向在中国大陆地区设有办公室的律师事务所的雇员开放,将聚焦于从职业发展前景、晋升合伙人机会、工作满意度等一系列问题,呈现当今法律市场上最具人才竞争力的律师事务所。
调查结果将用于评选出中国大陆地区的十五家杰出律所雇主,名单将公布在ALB 中国版2022年4月刊。
打开此链接 可参与调查,调查仅需8分钟左右即可完成,在线调查将在2022年1月20日(周四)18:00关闭。
2022 ALB China Employer of Choice survey is open now. This annual survey is open to employees working for law firms have office(s) in mainland China, it quizzes respondents on a variety of issues, ranging from career prospects within their firm to promotion opportunities and work satisfaction.
Responses to the survey are then used to pick the top 15 law firms to work for in mainland China, the “Employer of Choice” which will be published in the April 2021 issue of ALB China.
The survey link is here . It takes about 8 mins to complete. The survey closes at 18:00 Thursday, Jan. 20, 2022.
We look forward to your participation!