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温柔却不失力量,专业且兼具坚韧。今年上榜ALB China十五佳女律师榜单的杰出女性律师们因其在法律服务行业的精彩表现获得了客户与市场的认可。部分上榜者向我们讲述了自己的法律生涯、成长路径、印象深刻的执业经历,以及对年轻女性律师的建议。



















谈及自己获得市场认可的特质,李律师直言:“ 一是秉持坦诚的态度,不夸大、不隐瞒,告知客户真实的风险和后果;二是自我评估,即评估自身能力与案件和项目的专业度、协调度要求能否匹配,对于超出自己能力范围或者不合适自身的案件和项目,要坦诚告知客户;三是对于接受委托的项目和案件,要当成自己的事情,调动全部资源认真对待;四是在服务过程中,需要坚持原则和底线,但对于客户的一些额外要求,只要合法合理,可给予扩展,不要过分计较。”





















“其次,可以根据自己的兴趣、专业背景和市场需求,选择合适的职业方向。最后,根据自身的情况和条件,设定合理的阶段性职业发展目标;参加交流活动,了解所处的职业环境,包括所在城市的法律市场需求、律所的文化和制度等。只要努力拼搏、不断提升自己,每位女律师都能在职场上找到属于自己的天地。” 李律师表示。









“只有目光长远,脚踏实地,才能不断前进,实现可持续发展。这种理念也是君合35年来发展历程的写照,是所有君合人的共同感受和体验。希望未来能够继续以团队的力量为客户提供卓越的法律服务。” 她说。



2024 ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers

Strength with grace, professionalism with resilience. This year’s ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers list celebrates outstanding women in the legal industry who have earned recognition from clients and the market alike for their impressive contributions. Some of the honorees have shared insights into their legal careers, personal growth, memorable professional experiences, and advice for young female lawyers.


In China, the number of female lawyers continues to grow, not only in major cities but also in second- and third-tier cities, highlighting the balanced development of the legal services market. Female lawyers consistently deepen their expertise in their respective fields, gaining lasting recognition for their outstanding performance and professionalism. At the same time, women are increasingly rising to leadership roles within law firms, with more female lawyers taking on key management positions.


Lian Jing – A partner at JunHe, Lian has 24 years of experience and is a rare talent in bankruptcy restructuring, M&A, and the energy and infrastructure sectors. She provides clients with comprehensive legal support across various projects. “Before JunHe, I worked for an overseas subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation and later at a foreign law firm, focusing on energy. After joining JunHe, I expanded into bankruptcy law, aiming to become a versatile lawyer. My project management and investment experience, along with my industry insights, helped me quickly adapt to bankruptcy case management and offer additional resources.”

As an arbitrator for the South China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration) for many years, Lian has presided over complex commercial disputes and developed a deep understanding of arbitration. Recently, she has excelled in handling intricate bankruptcy cases involving multiple stakeholders, earning praise from financial creditors and government bodies for her professionalism, fairness, and efficiency.

Liu Siyuan – One of the youngest partners at Jingtian & Gongcheng, Liu has 13 years of experience in securities compliance and investor litigation. She has seized opportunities amid increased securities regulation. “The last decade of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) enforcement has paralleled my legal growth,” she tells ALB. During this time, she has protected the rights of listed companies and entrepreneurs and contributed to enforcement and judicial acceptance through case-specific advocacy. She also promotes legal awareness and helps regulated entities strengthen compliance, supporting a healthy capital market.

Since joining Jingtian & Gongcheng in 2017, Liu has successfully handled major cases such as Citic Securities’ CIDO case, the Kangde Xin financial fraud case, and the Leshi Internet Information false statement case, making a notable impact on securities compliance. “As one of China’s first securities compliance lawyers and a representative of the new generation, my career aligns with the market’s growth. Since the first shareholder class action, China’s securities compliance market has advanced, though the legislation still needs improvement. Following the 2015 market volatility, the CSRC has tightened penalties, targeting disclosure violations, insider trading, and market manipulation,” she notes.

Gloria Xu – A partner at Han Kun Law Offices for 20 years, Xu has grown with the firm as a new-generation leader. She views the legal profession as challenging and dynamic, driving her to constantly adapt and innovate. Xu has focused on legal services in technology, media, and the new economy sectors, witnessing and leading many milestone projects and complex financing deals for top internet companies.

Xu says, “Our generation of lawyers has seen the birth of key regulations and transactions in tech and emerging sectors. I was fortunate to be a part of this evolution. Early in my career, I started from scratch with private equity, learning and growing alongside it. A good commercial lawyer isn’t just a legal expert; they’re also a business designer and participant. By understanding the commercial logic and needs of a deal, a lawyer can strike the right balance between legal risks and business interests.”

Li Ling, founding partner of H&T Law Firm, began her career in aerospace legal advisory before founding H&T in 2004. She says, “Focus, professionalism, and accountability are my guiding principles. Over my 28-year career, I’ve held firm in the belief that law is a noble profession. It not only brings personal growth but also defends social order and justice, advancing the rule of law.”

“For those with sharp minds and ambition, law offers endless potential. This career gives us the discernment to protect client interests while upholding the law’s integrity, achieving the social value of the legal profession,” she adds.


In the legal profession, trust is essential, and female lawyers often excel at building this trust through strong listening skills, effective communication, empathy, and a natural warmth that helps foster client relationships. 

For Li, trust isn’t earned through mere promises. Reflecting on what has earned her market recognition, she explains: “First, I maintain an honest approach—no exaggeration or concealment, always informing clients about the real risks and consequences. Second, I conduct self-assessments to ensure my capabilities align with a case’s requirements; if a matter is beyond my scope, I communicate that openly. Third, I treat each case as my own, mobilizing all resources to approach it with full commitment. Finally, while I uphold principles and boundaries, I’m also flexible with reasonable client requests, as long as they’re lawful and sensible.”

For Liu, a positive mindset is key to her success. When facing pressure, she prefers to shift perspectives, exploring the root cause and actively seeking solutions. She believes lawyers shouldn’t dwell on complaints or feelings of unfairness, but rather adopt a proactive approach to problem-solving, crucial in turning challenges into opportunities.

“Maintaining a positive outlook is both a personal choice and a client service strategy,” Liu shares. “Clients often feel helpless under stress, so beyond offering professional advice, I provide emotional support. I sometimes joke that I should earn a counseling license as well! My goal is to convey positive energy, helping clients adopt a more objective and optimistic view on their situations. I reassure them that, even under the worst outcomes, life goes on. They must take responsibility for their actions, but life doesn’t end here. I’ve seen clients face regulatory scrutiny or criminal charges, only to rebuild and achieve new career successes.”

For Lian, “steadfastness” is the trait that earns clients’ trust. She believes an effective lawyer must combine skill with fairness, and she’s built her career on this principle.

“Market recognition comes one case at a time, starting with the small ones and building a reputation. No case is too minor; we fully commit to each one, using government-court collaboration to ensure clear communication.

“We handle cases with neutrality, always adhering to the law while balancing social and political needs. Our flexibility remains within compliance, never crossing boundaries. In doing so, we set aside self-interest and act with integrity—qualities that challenge not just individual bankruptcy managers but our entire team,” she says.


The number of female lawyers has been steadily rising in recent years, with many advancing to leadership roles within firms.

Xu notes, “Qualities like keen insight, understanding, and attention to detail are valuable in our field. I’ve met many outstanding female partners who have achieved remarkable success through their high level of professionalism.” Her advice to young female lawyers is to recognize their interests and strengths, then choose a practice area and career path that align with those. “Many female partners thrive in fields that are highly specialized and have strong barriers to entry.”

Liu agrees, emphasizing the importance of versatility: “Skills give you options, and options bring real freedom.” She believes in the need for a well-rounded skill set to navigate all areas of work and life. “For female lawyers, a solid foundation is essential. It allows them to break barriers and achieve personal and professional growth,” she adds.

Lian encourages young lawyers to avoid excessive worry and instead focus on personal growth. In her view, early career exploration is invaluable, whether in-house, at a firm, or in government. After gaining some experience, it’s then crucial to determine a clear career direction and specialize in one area. “Self-assurance naturally attracts positive feedback. Hard work and dedication are always recognized. My advice is to continuously hone your skills and be patient as you await opportunities. Career growth has ups and downs, but perseverance will yield success,” she says.

Li draws inspiration from Myra Bradwell, the first female lawyer in U.S. history, and from Zheng Yuxiu, China’s first female Ph.D. and lawyer. She believes that young lawyers should focus on professionalism, integrity, and diligence. “Break gender biases with expertise, showing that skill—not gender—defines ability. Pay attention to every detail because they often determine outcomes. A strong team or firm is a bonus, but self-accountability is essential if you don’t find one. Choose a field based on your interests, background, and market needs, and set realistic career goals. Attend networking events to understand your professional environment and find your place. With hard work and continuous self-improvement, every female lawyer can carve out her own space in the legal world,” she advises.


For the next step, Liu of Jingtian & Gongcheng plans to deepen her expertise and broaden services through a “vertical and horizontal” strategy. “Vertically, I’m expanding from securities regulatory work into areas like compliance systems and securities crime defense, aiming for a full-spectrum approach to better manage risks. Horizontally, we’re extending beyond stock misrepresentation to include bond misrepresentation, large asset disputes, and cross-regulatory cases, while expanding geographically to key markets like Shanghai and Shenzhen. I envision integrating legal services with business decision-making to enhance both depth and breadth.”

Xu from Han Kun envisions continued learning and exploration with her team, aiming to build a highly specialized and commercially savvy team focused on the new economy sectors.

Lian at JunHe is committed to integrating the firm’s brand values with the unique strengths of her bankruptcy team. “JunHe has always valued the professional reputation and personal qualities of our lawyers. I want every team member to be dedicated to their field, resilient under pressure, and persistent in overcoming challenges.

“Only by maintaining a long-term vision and taking steady steps can we achieve sustainable growth. This philosophy reflects JunHe’s 35-year journey, a shared experience for all of us. I hope to continue leveraging our collective strength to deliver outstanding legal services to our clients,” she explains.

Li feels that her career is closely tied to H&T’s growth. “H&T and I will continue to uphold our professional principles and values, focusing deeply on our areas of expertise and providing clients with refined, efficient legal services in special asset disposal. Our aim is to build lasting client relationships through quality results, using our expertise and experience to meet client needs effectively. Additionally, we will strengthen our brand, drive internal transformation, and attract and develop talent to create a better future,” she says.



2024 ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers
2024 ALB China 十五佳女律师

Fang Qing方青
AllBright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所

Gao Yan高燕
Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所

Li Ling李玲
H&T Law Firm 汉韬律师事务所

Li Ruomu李若木
Cooley LLP 美国科律律师事务所

Li Yuling李玉玲
HanSheng Law Offices 汉盛律师事务所

Lian Jing连晶
JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所

Liu Siyuan刘思远
Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所

Song Juanjuan宋娟娟
Tian Yuan Law Firm 天元律师事务所

Sun Wei孙溦
Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所

Wen Lizhao文黎照
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm 金诚同达律师事务所

Xu Jing徐静
King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所

Gloria Xu许莹
Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所

Zhang Xu张旭
DeHeng Law Offices 德恒律师事务所

Zhao Rongjing赵蓉婧
Morrison & Foerster LLP 美富律师事务所

Zhu Ning朱宁
Chance Bridge Law Firm 卓纬律师事务所



  1. Significant achievements;
  2. Important deals or cases;
  3. Key work done in the last 12 months;
  4. Key clients;
  5. Significant awards and public recognition;
  6. Comments from clients and colleagues.
  1. 主要成就;
  2. 参与的重大交易或案件;
  3. 过去12个月的主要工作内容;
  4. 主要客户;
  5. 所获奖项;
  6. 客户评价和同事评价。