

此次股权转让标志着证监会自 2020年4月1日起取消证券公司外资股比限制后外资证券公司的加速进场,截至目前,包括摩根士丹利华鑫在内的外资控股证券公司已达到五家。


年利达团队牵头律师为上海办公室合伙人徐宏,项目同时得到纽约办公室合伙人Doug Davison协助。


AllBright, Linklaters on Morgan Stanley taking majority stakes in China JV

AllBright Law Offices has advised China Fortune Securities on transferring majority stakes in its China securities joint venture, Morgan Stanley Huaxin Securities, to Morgan Stanley, with Linklaters advising the buyer.

According to Reuters, Morgan Stanley received nod from the China Securities Regulatory Commission to raise its stakes in the JV from 49% to 51%. Last August, the Wall Street investment bank has just picked up a 2% share for $54 million in the JV.

China raised the cap on foreign ownership of securities operations to 51% in 2018. Beijing promised to scrap foreign ownership caps on securities firms and mutual funds for foreign investors from April 1, in an interim Sino-U.S. trade deal signed in January.

The AllBright team was led by senior partners Zhu Linhai and Bao Fangzhou, with assistance from partners Lou Chunhan and Wang Jianfeng. The Linklaters team was led by Shanghai-based partner John Xu, with assistance from New York-based partner Doug Davison.


To contact the editorial team, please email ALBEditor@thomsonreuters.com. 

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