


去年11月及今年4月,普衡香港办事处主席韦嘉及合伙人容璟瑜分别离任加盟中国平安及安永旗下的林朱律师事务所,两位律师都以香港IPO为主要业务;不久前,其香港公司业务高级合伙人Bretton King也离开加盟了美国投资公司Nexwell。今年早些时候,普衡上海及北京办公室首席代表唐海燕及李竟弘也分别离任加盟私募公司CBC集团及天元律师事务所。


Paul Hastings begins replenishing HK cap markets practice with Latham hire 

Paul Hastings has begun the rebuilding of its capital markets practice in Hong Kong after it added Fan Chaobo as partner from Latham & Watkins, where he was an associate.

In the past two years, Paul Hastings has seen a number of departures in Greater China. In November last year, Hong Kong chair Steven Winegar exited, and he was followed by partner Bonnie Yung in April. Both focused on Hong Kong IPOs. And in October this year, Hong Kong corporate partner Bretton King left to join a Miami investment startup. Paul Hastings’ Shanghai and Beijing heads, Tang Haiyan and Nan Li, also left earlier this year to join CBC Group and Tian Yuan Law Firm, respectively.

Fan, who spent five years at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer prior to his stint at Latham, focuses on securities offerings, M&A and other corporate matters, with expertise in advising Chinese companies’ listings on the HKEx. He has advised on Sinopec Engineering’s 2013 Hong Kong IPO, as well as Shenwan Hongyuan’s IPO in May this year, among other projects.


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