金杜律师事务所近日迎来一支10人争议解决团队加盟其纽约办公室,这支团队包括三名合伙人:Mark Raskin、Robert Whitman和Vincent Filardo,Jr.,6位资深律师,以及1位律师助理。加盟金杜前,他们都曾任职于英国Mishcon de Reya 律师事务所纽约分所。

根据金杜的一份新闻稿,合伙人Mark Raskin的执业领域为知识产权诉讼,专长于生命科学、生物技术和制药领域;合伙人Robert Whitman的执业领域为专利诉讼,专注于电气——尤其是高科技和半导体领域;合伙人Vincent Filardo,Jr.同样专长于知识产权诉讼,此外还处理包括商业合同纠纷、商业秘密和反不正当竞争、商业侵权、诽谤、劳动纠纷、白领犯罪、监管和民事欺诈辩护和起诉以及美国政府调查和公司调查在内的各项事务。


这是近几个月来金杜在美国市场的又一重大横向招聘:2019年10月底,其刚刚迎来前美国普盈律师事务所中国区负责人Thomas M. Shoesmith加盟硅谷办公室

随着这最后三名合伙人的离开,Mishcon de Reya 纽约分所在执业十年后也将面临彻底退出纽约市场。


KWM hires dispute resolution team from Mishcon as the later calls it quits in New York

King & Wood Mallesons has hired a dispute resolution team of three partners, six senior counsels and one paralegal from Mishcon de Reya's New York office and officially announced the closing of Mishcon’s New York base after ten years’ practice.

The three partners, Mark Raskin, Robert Whitman and Vincent Filardo,Jr., all focus on intellectual property litigations, with Raskin specialising in healthcare and pharmaceuticals, and Whiteman on telecommunications. 

“Such a team will enable us to provide clients with a full-service dispute resolution practice. This announcement signifies KWM’s commitment to the US market which is critical to the firm’s global strategy.” Managing partner of KWM US Jack Wang commented. KWM now has 19 partners across its US offices.

This is the second major lateral hire made by KWM in recent month in the U.S. market: it has hired Pillsbury’s former China head Thomas M. Shoesmith as partner in its Silicon Valley office in last October.


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