
根据伟凯的新闻稿及路透社报道,索尼旗下全资子公司索尼美国将认购纳斯达克上市公司哔哩哔哩新发行的Z类普通股,交易完成后,索尼将持有哔哩哔哩已发行股份总额的约 4.98%,并成为其第六大股东。双方还签署合作协议,将共同在包括动画和手机游戏应用在内的中国娱乐市场寻求合作机会。


伟凯团队牵头律师为合伙人Morton A. Pierce和Chang-Do Gong,项目同时得到合伙人Patti Marks、Arlene Arin Hahn、Steven Gee、Victoria Rosamond、David Hille、Gregory Owens、蔡玮玮、郭冰娜、George Paul和Farhad Jalinous协助。


White & Case on Sony’s $400 mln investment in Bilibili

White & Case has advised Sony Corporation of America's (SCA) $400 million investment in Bilibili, an online entertainment platform for young generations in China.

In addition, Sony and Bilibili entered into a business collaboration agreement to pursue collaboration opportunities in the Chinese entertainment market, including anime and mobile games.

According to Reuters, upon closing, SCA will own approximately 4.98 percent of Bilibili’s total issued shares.

Starting out as an animation site popular among teenagers in 2009, Bilibili is expanding into other areas such as documentary, eSports, and music videos. It is backed by tech giants Tencent and Alibaba.

The White & Case team was led by partners Morton A. Pierce and Chang-Do Gong, Patti Marks, Arlene Arin Hahn, Steven Gee, Victoria Rosamond, David Hille, Gregory Owens, Vivian Tsoi, Bingna Guo, George Paul and Farhad Jalinous.


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