近日,欧洲血浆制品生产商基立福(Grifols)以跨境换股方式战略投资A股上市公司上海莱士项目完成交割,君合律师事务所、Osborne Clarke律师事务所及普士高律师事务所代表基立福参与交易,国枫律师事务所则为上海莱士提供了法律意见。


根据君合的新闻稿,本次交易为首例真正意义上的民营A 股上市公司与境外上市公司之间跨境换股交易。基立福是欧洲最大、全球排名前三的血浆制品行业龙头企业,总部位于西班牙巴塞罗那,其子公司GDS为血液检测仪器及试剂生产商,主要开展核酸检测、免疫抗原和血型检测三类业务。上海莱士成立于1988年,从事血液制品,疫苗、诊断试剂及检测器具生产和销售并提供检测服务。




JunHe, Grandway on 2020’s largest blood product industry M&A deal

JunHe, Osborne Clarke and Proskauer Rose have advised European plasma products producer Grifols on the control of 26.2 percent stake in A share listed company Shanghai RAAS, with Grandway Law Offices advising the seller. 

The transaction value is about $1.87 billion and in exchange, Shanghai RAAS has gained 45 percent non-majority share in Grifols’ subsidiary, Grifols Diagnostic Solutions (GDS). This is by far the largest M&A deal in the blood products industry globally.

According to JunHe’s press release, this transaction is the first share swap made in China with shares of a foreign company and a non-state-controlled Chinese listed company. Founded in 2013, GDS’ line of business includes providing professional analytic or diagnostic services for the medical profession. Meanwhile Shanghai RAAS was founded in 1988 and is the largest blood products company in China.

The JunHe team was led by partners Chen Jiang and Tao Xudong; the Grandway team was led by partners Wang Guan, Li Dapeng and salary partner Tang Shi.

Nomura and CICC served as financial advisors for the buyer, with Shenwan Hongyuan Securities acting as the counterpart for the seller.


To contact the editorial team, please email ALBEditor@thomsonreuters.com. 

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