REUTERS/Tingshu Wang

据路透社消息,由招银国际资产管理有限公司及AAC Mgmt Holding Ltd共同发起的Aquila Acquisition Corporation(以下简称“Aquila”)已于近期向香港联交所提交主板上市申请,为港交所设立全新SPAC上市机制后,首家申请上市的公司。富而德律师事务所担任发行人律师;年利达律师事务所则为联席保荐人提供法律意见。




Freshies, Links advising on HK’s first SPAC listing application

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer is advising Aquila Acquisition Corporation, a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) jointly established by CMB International and AAC Mgmt Holding, on its planned IPO in Hong Kong, with Linklaters advising the joint sponsors. 

This is Hong Kong’s first application under the new SPAC listing rules, which came into effect on Jan. 1. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange introduced SPAC new rules in December last year. If Aquila’s application is successful, it will become the first SPAC listed in Hong Kong.

Established in 2021, Aquila is registered in the Cayman Islands. According to the company’s prospectus, its key interest in acquisition of one or multiple companies targets Asian, especially Chinese, companies in the new economy such as green energy, life science, and advanced technology and manufacturing.

The Linklaters team is led by partners Gilbert Li and Lipton Li, with the Maples Group acting as offshore counsel to the issuer.


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by Nimitt Dixit |
