尼日利亚规模最大海港莱基深水港近日获得中国国家开发银行6.29亿美元的长期商业贷款,在此次交易中,安理国际律师事务所及尼日利亚Templars律师事务所为莱基港自贸区公司提供了法律意见,年利达律师事务所及尼日利亚Aluko & Oyebode律师事务所则为国开行提供了法律意见。 



安理国际律师事务所团队此次牵头律师为伦敦办公室合伙人Tim Scales和北京办公室合伙人何宛文;年利达的牵头律师为巴黎办公室合伙人Stephen Le Vesconte及北京办公室合伙人纪晓晖。


Linklaters, A&O advise on $629 mln Nigerian port financing

Linklaters and Nigerian law firm Aluko & Oyebode have advised China Development Bank as the lender on the $629 million financing of the Lekki Port project in Nigeria, with Allen & Overy and local law firm Templars advising the borrower. 

Situated in the Lagos Free Trade Zone, Lekki is Nigeria’s first deep-sea port. The project was initiated in 2011, but has been long delayed by a lack of finance. The new financing is for the development and operation of a container terminal with two berths, the completion of which will make Nigeria the primary trans-shipment hub in the region.

The Linklaters team was led by Paris-based partner Stephen Le Vesconte and Beijing partner Ji Xiaohui. Meanwhile, the Allen & Overy team was led by London-based partner Tim Scales and Beijing-based partner Yvonne Ho


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by Charlie Wu 吴卓言 |


