
2023 ALB China 并购排名调研活动现已启动。


  • 我们的研究涵盖从20225月至20235月的并购项目,此段时期内正在进行和结束的项目均包括在内。
  • ALB将会根据报名表格、并购数据、采访、编辑部的资源和市场测评来排出亚洲并购领域的顶尖律所。调查访问仅在需要时进行。
  • 排名将会被分成各个等级,第一级代表这个司法辖区内最强的并购律所。
  • 排名涵盖的司法辖区有:中国大陆、香港、印度、印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、韩国、台湾、泰国和越南。但不会有亚洲整个区域的排名。
  • 排名包括本地律所和国际律所。以下司法辖区将会有本地律所和国际律所两个排名:中国、日本和韩国。
  • 我们的研究不包括澳大利亚和新西兰。


  • 所承接业务的工作量、复杂程度和规模
  • 在亚洲和各个司法管辖区的业务布局
  • 主要人员的聘用和业务团队的增长
  • 主要现有客户和新赢得客户
  • 律所在该地区的知名度和整体情况

中国本土律所,请点击下载China Domestic Firms - ALB M&A Rankings 2023 - Submission Form Bilingual.docx,并将完成的表格在529日前发送至

在中国的国际律所*,请下载ALB M&A Rankings 2023 - Submission Form - China(Intl)-HK-Japan-Korea-Taiwan.docx , 并将完成的表格在619日前发送至*调研涵盖期间请以表格为准)

2023 ALB China 并购排名将会刊登在ALB 九月刊上。期待您们的参与!


We are pleased to announce that submission is open for the 2023 ALB China M&A Rankings.

Our Research

  • The research covers the period spanning from May 2022 to May 2023. This includes both ongoing work and matters that were closed during this timeframe.
  • ALB will draw results from firm submissions, M&A data, interviews, editorial resources and market suggestions to identify and rank the top firms for M&A in Asia. Interviews will be conducted only if needed.
  • The rankings will be divided into tiers, with the first tier identifying the strongest M&A firms in each jurisdiction.
  • The rankings will cover the following jurisdictions: Mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. There will be no Asia-wide table.
  • The rankings will feature both domestic and international firms. The following jurisdictions will have separate tables for domestic firms and international firms: Mainland China, Japan and South Korea.
  • Our research does not cover Australia and New Zealand.

Our Rankings

Our rankings are based on the following metrics:

  • The volume, complexity and size of work undertaken
  • Presence across Asia and in individual jurisdictions
  • Key personnel hires and growth of the practice group
  • Key clients and new client wins
  • Firm’s visibility and profile in the region

For China domestic firms, please download China Domestic Firms - ALB M&A Rankings 2023 - Submission Form Bilingual.docx, please send your submissions to Research Team at The deadline for submission is May 29, 2023.

For China international firms, please download ALB M&A Rankings 2023 - Submission Form - China(Intl)-HK-Japan-Korea-Taiwan.docx, please send your submissions to Wang Bingqing at The deadline for submission is June 19, 2023.

We are looking forward to your submissions!

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