阿里健康近日完成对阿里巴巴集团旗下公司Ali JK所持离岸控股公司Ali JK ZNS Limited的100%股权的收购,礼德律师事务所代表卖方Ali JK参与交易。





Reed Smith on Alibaba Health’s acquisition of e-commerce business

Reed Smith has advised Ali JK Nutritional Products, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alibaba Group, on the selling of its 100% equity interest in Ali JK ZNS to Alibaba Health Information Technology.

The transaction consideration was about $1 billion and was satisfied by Alibaba Health issuing consideration shares to Ali JK at completion.

According to Reed Smith, the target business comprises the selling of pharmaceutical products, medical purpose food products, medical devices, healthcare products, and medical and healthcare services on the e-commerce platforms of Tmall, Tmall Supermarket and Tmall Global. The acquisition represents an important step in Alibaba Health’s ongoing development of its healthcare related e-commerce platform business.

The Reed Smith team was led by Hong Kong partner Denise Jong.


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