Linklaters has counselled a subsidiary of China Minmetals Corporation on the $275 million sale of its 90 percent stake in Lane Xang Minerals, which owns the Sepon mine in Lao PDR, to Chifeng Jilong Gold Mining. The buyer was advised by Dentons.

The state-owned China Minmetals Corporation is China’s largest metal ore mining company. Its Hong Kong-listed subsidiary MMG mines explores and develops base metal projects around the world.

Sepon’s current copper operation has a projected mine life until around 2020; however, it can be extended as a primary gold operation. MMG said in a statement that it was selling the mind to a gold-focused company like Chifeng Jilong as the latter was better suited to realising Sepon’s future. 

The Linklaters team was led by corporate partner Craig Dally.


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