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“招聘受经济活动影响,而法律服务又滞后于经济活动,于今年显现出了诸多变化。”Page Group-Page Executive*大中华区法律招聘首席顾问刘泽南告诉ALB。(*Page Executive是Page Group下与Michael Page互补的高端招聘品牌——编注。)“2015年到2018年初,伴随红圈所扩张和地方所全国布局,律所在人才需求上经历了扩张。但到2019年下半年,放缓节奏很明显,律所在经费支出上都很谨慎。”





刘泽南还观察到,中国“一带一路” 效果初现,大型海外收并购项目,尤其有是矿业、新型能源、基础设施类相关行业经验的并购和融资律师需求出现反弹,“律所要求这些人拥有大型项目经验,不少人是从国外回流的。”











Michael Page(米高蒲志)高级招聘顾问李涛综合了全国六家办公室在中国企业及外企法务招聘方面的数据,她告诉ALB:“总体来看,2019年法务招聘量最大的是中国企业,但出于行业和城市区别,中国企业2019年整体招聘数量略有下降,外企整体则比较稳定。”

SSQ高级经理袁俊斌告诉ALB,2019年在华美国及欧洲公司对法律人才的需求量依旧很大,但“一般是既有岗位的人员更新换代。而且随着招聘预算和公司经营模式调整,公司对法律人才的需求量也有所下降。” 与此同时,“中国有名的创新企业对法律人才的需求量有所增长,而且很多都是新岗位,主要涉及数据安全、私募基金、商业及合规领域。”



在法务专业能力方面,“今年最热的话题就是网络安全、数据隐私以及和国际贸易相关的合规问题。”袁俊斌说,“ 人工智能、网络、电子商务、零售及消费产业都花费了许多时间和金钱,帮助法务掌握更深入的行业知识。与此同时制造业则希望法务更懂和出口控制及贸易合规相关的时事政策。”




不过法务们在城市层面选择更加丰富了。在一线城市中,“上海对法律人才的需求依然最稳定;北京由于政治地位,提供着更纷繁复杂的法律岗位,国企、私企、金融机构、创新企业和国际公司都想要招聘法律人才。长期来看,公司和人才可能都会继续向大湾区流动,深圳的需求增量最明显。” 袁俊斌说。

李涛则分享了一些新兴城市:“ 杭州越来越受青睐,它主要依托互联网,创业气氛浓厚,薪酬也比别的二线城市高;此外还有成都,互联网、科技产业聚集,还有很多世界500强公司把办公室放到了成都,因此吸引了很多回流的年轻人。其次武汉、南京、西安,都是值得关注的地方。”


The Year in Recruitment

Legal recruitment trends in 2019 reflected the needs of law firms and their clients – for example, while capital markets specialists saw demand slowing, compliance lawyers were increasingly sought after. In this roundup of hiring trends in the year gone by, legal recruiters talk about what practice areas and skillsets were most popular with hiring managers in both private practice and in-house.

With China’s economy witnessing a slowdown and the trade war still raging on, hiring in the legal services industry in 2019 was negatively impacted, according to recruiters with first-hand knowledge of the situation.

“In the period between 2015 and early 2018, law firms experienced an expansion in demand for talent, but by the second half of 2019, the pace of the slowdown was obvious, and law firms were cautious about spending money,” says Liu Zenan, legal recruitment principal for Greater China at Page Executive. For one, capital markets and M&A lawyers were less sought after. “In light of the Sino-U.S. trade war, the demand for capital markets and corporate lawyers has shrunk,” said Levana Huang, manager at recruitment consultancy SSQ.


However, it was not all gloomy; compliance, data protection and intellectual property lawyers were popular in 2019. This was owing to the strong demand for talent to cope with the compliance landscape in China. Additionally, U.S. law firms were seeing an increase in FCPA work, while Chinese law firms were growing their corporate investigations and antitrust practices.

With the advent of AI, there was more demand for lawyers specializing in cybersecurity, data privacy and intellectual property. Huang says that these lawyers were expected to be highly proficient technically.

Liu also observed the effect of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on legal work, with a rebound in demand for lawyers specializing in large over-seas M&As, especially in industries like mining, renewable energy and infrastructure. “Law firms prefer lawyers with experience in large projects, particularly those who have returned to China from overseas,” she notes.

She also saw firms ramping up their recruitment of non-legal professionals. Large Chinese law firms, in particular, are beginning to create positions like COO and senior marketing head.

And they also expected their lawyers to be multi-faceted. “In addition to legal skills, both Chinese and foreign law firms also want to recruit more lawyers with good overall skillsets. Lawyers are expected to have good communication skills and the ability to retain clients, and to discover new pain points from clients in the process,” Liu says, “When advising clients, the lawyers find that they are not simply tackling a legal problem, and thus ‘being persuasive’ is of great importance.”


Liu did not observe any overly excessive changes to lawyers’ salaries among Chinese law firms in 2019. She points out that law firms are reluctant to make drastic changes as salary stability tends to be an indicator of the overall stability of the firm. Market conditions were also an important factor in determining salary level. With the year-end bonus dependent on the performance of the firm and its partners, it was also possible that if the economy was not good, fresh graduates would be offered lower salaries.

The situation for foreign law firms was different. They were under some pressure to offer a higher salary at the entry-level as fresh graduates also have the option of joining Red Circle firms. “Some young talents choose Red Circle firms as they have a long-term plan for their careers; they want to grow rapidly and become partners soon, eventually leading their teams,” Huang adds.


In Huang’s view, as China’s legal market continues to mature, cities will attract lawyers who want to specialize in specific industries. For examples, most lawyers focused on the pharmaceutical industry will choose to work in Shanghai, while Shenzhen attracts TMT lawyers.

Additionally, with Circuit Courts being established in various cities, they are becoming new magnets for legal talent. “Nanjing is the most competitive among the newly added cities,” says Liu. “Another upcoming city is Chengdu. Although it doesn’t have a Circuit Court, it is a hub for all of Southwestern China.”


Meanwhile, on the in-house side, established companies are cutting back on recruitment, while startups are driving demand for lawyers. Frank Yuen a senior manager of SSQ China, says that U.S. and European companies are still very active in the legal recruitment market.

“However, most of the mandates are replacement searches for existing business and legal positions. We are seeing a slowdown in recruitment needs due to tighten budgets or restructuring of business operations. Meanwhile, there is rising demand from reputable Chinese startups in first- and second-tier cities. Many of those positions are newly created headcounts which seek legal expertise related to data privacy, PE, commercial and compliance,” he notes.

His experience is echoed by Sophia Li, senior consultant at Michael Page.

“Small and medium-sized Chinese IT enterprises only had a few or even no in-house counsel at the beginning. In the course of their growth, as capital comes in, there are increasing demands when it comes to both the quality and quantity of in-house counsel. In particular, AI and blockchain companies have an increasing demand for legal personnel.”


So what kinds of expertise are most sought after by corporate legal departments?

“The hottest skillsets this year are cyber-security, data privacy and compliance issues related to international trade,” Yuen says. “AI, the Internet, e-commerce, retail and consumer companies are all spending a lot of time and money to help their in-house counsel acquire more in-depth industry knowledge. Meanwhile, manufacturing companies are seeking in-house counsel who have a good understanding of the latest policies related to export controls and trade compliance.”

Li says that with data compliance burdens increasing, companies are seeking personnel who can help them build a data protection system from scratch. “Furthermore, in-house counsel are also required to be able to imagine business scenarios, anticipate risks, and assist business units to proactively solve problems,” added Li.

The bad news is that except for the increase in salaries of in-house counsel at pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, salaries at all levels declined in 2019, with an average drop of at least 10 percent, says Li. “ Many Chinese companies still consider in-house as a cost instead of an added value.”


However, more choices are available to in-house counsel when it comes to location. Among the first-tier cities, “the demand for legal talent remains the steadiest in Shanghai, while Beijing, owing to its political status, offers more diverse legal positions. In the long run, both enterprises and human resources will possibly continue to move to the Greater Bay Area, with the most obvious increase in demand in Shenzhen,” says Yuen.

Li says that second-tier cities are coming up as well. “Hangzhou, which is a hub for the Internet industry, is becoming more and more popular and is full of entrepreneurial atmosphere. The salary is higher compared to other second-tier cities. In addition, there is Chengdu which has a cluster of technology companies. Many of the world’s top 500 companies have also opened offices here, attracting a lot of young people to come back home from first-tier cities. Wuhan, Nanjing and Xi’an are also noteworthy.”


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