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岁末年初,我们邀请了五位不同律所的管理合伙人,为我们总结了2019年律所在诸多层面的情况,并展望了2020年的法律新趋势。这五位合伙人分别是:天达共和律师事务所主任李大进,英士律师事务所中国区负责人何保罗(Paul Ho) ,君合律师事务所管委会成员华晓军,天同律师事务所创始合伙人彭卿,以及浩天信和律师事务所管理合伙人云大慧。






有些变化显然为律所带来了新机会,比如华律师告诉ALB:“截至 2019 年 11 月 9 日,君合担任发行人律师已为包括医药制造业、 软件和信息技术服务业、 计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业等高新技术产业和战略性新兴产业的 13 家企业提供了境内科创板上市的法律服务。”有些则在提供机会的同时也让律所保持着审慎,比如云律师提到,从2018年底,国家要求央企必须建立合规体系,因此产生了大量合规法律需要,“但政策未来的变化情况并不明朗,目前不清楚合规是否能够带来明确、长期的蓝海效应”。



云律师则告诉ALB,过去一年浩天信和除了一直占主要地位的争议解决、国际贸易、知识产权、通讯传媒、建设工程、破产重整等核心业务板块持续增长外,还开展或持续深耕了 “企业合规、家族财富传承、数据隐私合规、人工智能”等领域。

有些律所则通过自身策略的变化,在略显暗淡的大背景下实现了“逆袭”,英士就是很好的例子。2019年初,英士与英国律所Gordon Dadds合并,不仅人员规模翻了一倍,而且“英士传统做海事海商、国际贸易、国际仲裁,合并之后我们成了一个多元化综合所,在上海和北京,特别是服务大型国有企业时,开始可以向他们销售更多的业务。”何律师告诉ALB。2019年,英士不仅在香港增加了一支约30人的新业务团队,其整个中国区的利润增长率也预计将超过80%。


2019年,几乎所有律所都感受到了法律市场日益白热化的竞争。“ 数字是最实在的。”李大进律师告诉ALB,“现在北京的律师数量已经达到了近3.7万人,全国则已经有46万律师之多。这种同业人数的增加就是一种实实在在的竞争。”


作为外资所,英士也感受到了中国市场明显增长的竞争压力,但它同时带有一丝“旁观者清”的心态。“中国本地律所越来越强,做得越来越好,同时收费也越来越高——可能在十年、十五年前,外资所和中资所的收费模式还差别很大,现在少了很多。我们也要做得更好,停顿就落伍了。 ”何律师说,“但我觉得中国市场还是够大。最近这几年一直延续到2019年有个新特点:过去的业务很多都是外商到中国投资,最近则是很多中国企业往外走。因此英士和中国律所的合作也更进了一步。”





何律师从另一个方面阐述了为客户更好提供服务的“要义”。“我觉得沟通和信任很重要。当经济不明朗的时候,花更多时间去见客户,就显得尤为重要。这比较花时间,所以找到平衡很关键,既要与客户见面沟通,但又不能影响工作质量,这就很考验你的团队够不够强大和成熟。 还有一点:律师应该从客户的利益来考虑每一件事情,务求保持长期深厚的合作关系。”





英士则在2019年经历了中国区的融合管理。“我们统一了香港、北京、上海三个办公室,由我负责管理。”何律师介绍说, “这样就把办公室竞争降到了最小,也能让我们更好地利用资源,甚至三个办公室的营收额和现金流都是放在一起来看的。”




对有些律所来说,他们认可营销手段的必要性,但更觉得“品牌” 是一种内在质感的培养,之后才会像光芒一样照射到外部。比如云律师提到了浩天信和在2019年加大了公益服务力度,“公益的对外宣传是让公益理念深植人心,带动更多人投入公益活动;对内则增加了大家的核心价值观认同,让品牌加入精神内核。只有建立了坚固的律所文化,大家才能一起更好地走下去。” 她认为2020年中国法律服务市场品牌差异化的核心是“细分市场。在此基础上针对目标市场的个性化需求,通过品牌定位与传播,赋予品牌独特价值,树立鲜明形象,建立品牌的差异化和个性化核心竞争优势。”

李大进律师对于“品牌”的认识则更多与律师的职业责任感相关。能够以专业示人并透过有品质的服务,让律师有尊严的执业,“ 我认为这是律师最有价值的两个方面,这也是打造律师品牌的价值所在。”















What to Expect in 2020

With the year 2019 seeing lots of domestic and international challenges for China, law firms have been adjusting their practice areas and business models accordingly. Managing partners of both PRC and international law firms share the lessons they’ve learned from 2019, as well as their vision for 2020.


With the uncertain international political situation impacting trade, as well as recession in the traditional business sectors, Chinese law firms are seeking out new practice areas, even as they feel pressure from their competitions and their ever-demanding clients. Quite a few have tried new management models as well as novel marketing strategies. Additionally, they have realized the importance of retaining talent, especially young talent.


In 2019, all eyes were on the unpredict-able situation between China and the United States. As a resulted of this situation, law firms witnessed slowing growth or even a decline in business in areas such as capital markets and foreign investment in 2019. Compared with the optimism brought about by the rapid growth in previous years, law firms and their clients have generally adopted a wait-and-see mentality in the past year.

Some effects of the trade war were very real, especially for China’s private enterprises. Li Dajin, director of East & Concord Partners, says: “Enterprises, especially small and medium-sized one, are striving for survival. Moreover, owing to the increase in the operating and maintenance costs of clients, the litigation costs have also increased accordingly.” Yun Dahui, managing partner of Hylands Law Firm concurs: “Some private enterprises were among the Fortune 500 at the beginning of the year, then went bankrupt by the end.”

Other commonly mentioned factors having an impact on legal work are: the establishment of the STAR Market, the new guidance from the Supreme Court concerning civil and commercial cases, the increasing compliance requirements of enterprises, strict supervision and control on the financial sector, and that fact that the Supreme Court raised the target amount of the first trial to 5 billion yuan.

Some changes have brought new opportunities for law firms. Hua Xiaojun, member of the Management Committee of JunHe says: “JunHe has acted for the IPO listings of thirteen enterprises on the STAR Market by the beginning of November 2019, who are from the sectors of pharmaceutical manufacturing, software and information technology services, computers, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing.” Some changes provide opportunities while at the same time requiring extra caution. As Yun mentions, China now requires all state-owned enterprises to establish compliance systems, and this has resulted in great demands for compliance-related legal services, “but we don’t know whether it could grow in a long-term business because the certainty of policy is not clear.”

Some changes have even shaken up a law firm’s entire business model. Take Tiantong & Partners for example, which used to focus on Supreme Court appeal cases. After the increase in target amount, they have to get involved in more first-instance cases. Peng Qing, founding partner of Tiantong & Partners, says: “In the past, the Supreme Court cases basically accounted for 80 percent of our caseload, but now it has become half-and-half. However, the long cycle of first trial cases and the slow payment of fees necessitate us to make the base even larger.” This has a great impact on the firm’s strategy and its relationship with clients.

With the traditional market shrinking, law firms have also explored new business areas, which might further blossom in 2020. “The advantage of a general practice firm is to make business adjustments within the firm,” says Li. In 2019, East & Concord has made its mark in areas like government legal services and the sports industry. The firm also hired two new partners in Shanghai to develop its antitrust business.

Yun says that the new growth of Hylands in 2019 was in “corporate compliance, family wealth management, data privacy compliance and artificial intelligence”.

Some law firms have gone against the bleak environment through changes in strategies. Ince is a good example. In early 2019, Ince merged with Gordon Dadds and consequently not only doubled its staff size, but also “expanded into a diversified firm which can provide more legal services in addition to our traditional advantages. In Shanghai and Beijing, we could begin to sell more business to our clients,” says Paul Ho, head of Ince for China. In 2019, Ince not only added a new team of about 30 people in Hong Kong, but also its profit growth in China is expected to exceed 80 percent.


In 2019, law firms felt the fierce competition in the legal market. “The figures provide concrete evidence,” says Li of East & Concord. “At present, the number of lawyers in Beijing has almost reached to 37,000, while the number of lawyers in the whole country has reached 460,000.”

Yun mentions that the tendering system adopted by state-owned enterprises has made the competition for legal services even fiercer. Peng corroborates her words, “The supervision on state-owned enterprises, central enterprises and listed companies is getting ever-stricter, and SASAC requires the process of tendering and leaves no room for rent-seeking. This makes the competition very fierce. We are learning to adapt.”

As a foreign firm, Ince also feels the obvious growth of competitive pressure in the Chinese market. “PRC law firms are getting stronger and better, and their fees are getting higher and higher. We also must do better. Any pause will make us lag,” says Ho, “Nevertheless, I think the Chinese market is still big enough. With more Chinese enterprises going abroad, we also have more opportunities to cooperate with PRC law firms.”

The relationship between law firms and clients inevitably underwent significant or subtle changes against this background. According to Li, the requirements of clients, especially those at technical level, are gradually increasing. “In this new era, if a law firm still only sells legal services, it will not be able to take a share in the market, or serve customers better. Some clients want lawyers to understand A.I., internet and blockchain, some even ask us to incorporate elements of technology when designing investment plans or business models.”

Tiantong used to only deal with dispute resolution, but now “as our service has been extended to a more preliminary level, we have found that the needs of clients are all-dimensional. Consequently, we have set up a business section for enforcement and bankruptcy reorganisation,” Peng says.

Ho understands the “essentials” of better service for clients from another aspect. “I think communication and trust are very important. When the economic prospect is gloomy, people have to spend more time meeting clients. It is hard but also important to strike a balance between meeting clients and not compromising the quality of your work. This is a good test of whether your team is strong and mature enough.”


Evolution of law firm management was a hot topic in China’s legal market in 2019, with many law firms changing or planning to change their current system of management, partnership system and other aspects.

Hylands introduced new management roles such as chief operating officer in 2019. Yun says: “Introduction of the managerial system is a very important change, which greatly liberates the energy of partners.” Tiantong has also tried “enterprise-style operation, with introduction of strategic consulting and aptitude evaluation agencies,” Peng says.

Ince experienced integration in China in 2019. “We have unified three offices of Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai,” says Ho, “In this way, we minimize office competition and it allows us to make better use of resources. Even the revenue and cash flow are combined.”

With the increasing refinement and differentiation of management techniques, Chinese law firms are forging ahead en masse in various ways about marketing and brand strategies. Hua says: “With the development of China’s legal profession, a higher standard of professionalism is expected not only of the lawyers, but also of all teams, including the marketing team. At present, the law firm management team’s understanding of the importance of brand marketing stays at different stages, and we expect that the ‘head effect’ of brand differentiation in the Chinese market will become more obvious in the future.”

Tiantong refined its brand marketing strategy in 2019. “According to the location of each branch office, we implement strategies that suit the particular needs.” Peng says, “In areas where the brand of Tiantong has been established, it is necessary to list out the target customers through big data, then carry out a precise ‘crackdown’. However, in areas where the brand is relatively not well-known, we will continue to expand our influence through brand promotion activities such as forums.”

For some law firms, they recognise the necessity of marketing techniques, but feel even more that a “brand” is the cultivation of internal quality. Yun believes that the core of brand differentiation in China’s legal service market in 2020 is “market segmentation.” On this basis, according to the personalised needs of the target market, through brand positioning and the mass media, they bestow the brand with a unique value, establishing a distinct image, achieving brand differentiation and personalised core competitive advantage.”

According to Li, “brand” is something more related to the sense of professional responsibility of a lawyer. “Having an esteemed career and being able to serve others professionally, I think, are the two most valuable aspects of a lawyer’s brand,” he says.


In 2019, law firms generally felt the importance of talent. This refers not only to the recruitment of new partners, but more importantly, also to the cultivating a sense of belonging among internal staff and taking care of the growth of young lawyers.

JunHe has once again won the ALB China Top 15 Best Employers award in 2019. “Junhe’s humanistic care and work management system that keeps pace with the times have always enjoyed a good reputation in the legal profession. Our team of lawyers is relatively stable, and the turnover rate is relatively low.” Hua says.

Li tells ALB, “As director of a law firm, what makes me happier is not how many people have been attracted from the outside, but rather the promotion to partners of our young lawyers. This shows that they agree with our philosophy, professional culture and system.”

In the opinion of Paul Ho, “Most managing partners are facing a great challenge, which I believe, is to manage partners. In my view, if we want to achieve growth, we must first be able to retain competent people, otherwise there will be no increase of people after their coming and quitting. Stability is also very important for maintaining client relationships.” He believes that, just like client communication, the key to be a good manager is “communication after all.”


Many of the conditions and experiences of 2019 are bound to continue in 2020. In addition, several partners share with ALB some of their forecasts about business, management and macro trends for 2020.

Both Hua and Peng mention the specific implications of legislation and policy. Hua believes that with the implementation of the Foreign Investment Law, businesses involved in foreign direct investment will grow. In addition, the state has completely abolished the restrictions on the business scope of foreign banks, securities companies, fund management companies and similar financial institutions in China, it is expected that the related business areas will also grow in 2020.

Peng mentions the Civil Code to be promulgated and implemented in 2020, which will have far-reaching significance to the legal service industry, with much room for interpreting the application of articles therein. To this end, Tiantong has cooperated with Nanjing University to establish the Tiantong-Nanjing University Law Commentary Centre, which is expected to develop into a non-governmental judicial interpretation group in China in the future.

On the other hand, Li points out that East & Concord will continue to build a business framework that can minimize risks during development. “There will not be a sudden increase in business, nor will there be a sudden drop in business.”

Ho predicts there to be three possible trends in 2020: “First, more foreign law firms will continue to choose to merge; second, more law firms will be listed on capital markets; and third, we will see more international law firms entering into joint operations with Chinese firms.”


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