国枫律师事务所首席合伙人张利国律师则指出:“2023 年是中国资本市场重大变革的一年。律师行业的发展离不开大环境,过去一年整体来讲行业还是比较困难。国枫作为一直将资本市场作为核心业务的高度专业化律所,基于政策变化及经济形势的影响,2023年也经历了营收的同比下降。”
在国枫,过去几年涉外业务也发展迅速。张利国律师介绍道,2017年布局涉外服务市场后,国枫已经承办了多项典型项目,例如近期的“新奥股份并购新奥能源”项目,以及“杉杉股份首批发行GDR 并在瑞士证券交易所上市”项目等。
此外,2023年国枫的业务还呈现出两大特点。一是聚焦科技前沿,“近年国家大力提倡发展硬科技。国枫十分重视在新兴领域法律服务的专业化布局、研究及业务拓展,2023 年助力中国内燃机零部件行业排头兵企业——恒勃股份、民用指挥信息系统整体解决方案提供商——莱斯信息、高科技半导体公司——芯动联科、高新技术企业——誉辰智能、国家级专精特新‘小巨人’企业——精智达等成功上市,同时为众多高科技企业再融资项目提供了法律服务。”张利国律师说。
另一个特点则是围绕适度多元化战略推动多元业务领域的快速发展,例如推出了《国枫不动产及建设工程月报》《国枫基金观察 Newsletter》《国枫医药健康视点 News Digest》等前沿资讯及法规参考,并在合规领域举办了“合规产品发布会”“国枫合规月月谈”活动,打造了“合规会客厅”等。
协力则在过去一年新设了企业合规、劳动法、数字经济与数据合规三大专业委员会,并在数据合规、数据安全、个人信息保护领域取得突破,助力了“数据合规与数据保护实务论坛”“数字经济与数据合规前沿法律问题研讨会”“DCMM数据管理与应用培训会”等圆满举行,形成了《2023 数据交易合规法律报告》等研究成果,并入选深圳数据交易所首批DEXCA注册成员、获评上海数据交易所第三方数据服务商——数据合规评估服务商等。
作为以资本市场为核心业务的律所,张利国律师认为,伴随2023 年A 股资本市场制度得到进一步的完善、出台了一系列活跃资本市场和提振投资者信心的有利措施,“相信 2024年资本市场法律服务会出现更多的业务机会”。
The year 2023, officially the first post-pandemic year, is now behind us. It was a year that saw ambition and disappointment, impact and resilience, fatigue and perseverance, commitment and responsibility. With the dawn of the new year, ALB speaks to the heads of leading firms in the Chinese market, inviting them to recount their firms' key developments and achievements over the past year, as well as their cautious optimism as they gear up for the long haul in a landscape marked by continual flux.
The Chinese economy has gone through a tumultuous recovery in the past year: its GDP registered growth of 4.5 percent in the first quarter, followed by a high growth of 6.3 percent in the second quarter; going into the third quarter, the number fell back to 4.9 percent before rebounding to around 5 percent in the last quarter. Over the past few months, a series of domestic and foreign policy adjustments in China have signaled optimism for the new year, but the clouds of uncertainty have not completely dissipated.
At the beginning of 2024, many mainstream media organisations have chosen "confidence" as the central theme for the new year. Whether the confidence of private enterprises, foreign investors, consumers, and other groups can be restored this year is of crucial importance. Against this backdrop, Chinese firms are also expected to see their performance in 2024 ebb and flow in tandem with the wave of confidence.
Firms usually take stock of the gains and mishaps in the past year at the turn of the year. Wang Dong, Director of East & Concord Partners, admits that after rapid growth in the first quarter of 2023, the firm's performance in the next three quarters was relatively subdued. Throughout the year, the firm achieved approximately 10 percent of revenue growth "mainly on the back of the over 40 partners recruited at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023.”
Zhang Liguo, Chief Partner of Grandway Law Offices, points out that "2023 saw significant changes in China's capital market. The development of the legal industry is inseparable from the overall environment, and the industry was relatively challenging in the past year. As a highly specialized firm where capital market practice has always been the core business, Grandway also experienced a year-on-year decline in revenue due to policy changes and economic conditions.”
Zhang He, Director of the Management Committee of Tiantai Law Firm, shares that Tiantai's revenue remained largely stable in 2023, "achieving steady growth in the face of challenges posed by the external environment.” Meanwhile, Zhu Xiaoqing, Director of Co-effort Law Firm, also says that "stability" was the main theme of the firm's development last year. Although certain practice areas experienced stagnation or even decline due to industry and economic conditions, "overall, Co-effort's revenue in 2023 remained stable and slightly increased year-on-year.”
Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm also managed to stabilize and grow its revenue in 2023. In light of market changes, Lianyue promptly adjusted investment and expenditure. According to Liu Tao, the firm's director, "we reduced investment in offline activities and conferences, and also cut down expenditure on office equipment thanks to accelerating digital transformation. However, we continued to increase investment in young lawyer training, professional capacity-building, brand and cultural building. These adjustments can give us more flexibility in coping with possible long-term economic challenges going forward."
If the next few years will be as uncertain and challenging as 2023, the experience of these firms in pursuing development in the past year will provide them with wisdom for the future. Law firm leaders have identified some themes in this regard.
Wang captures East & Concord Partners' development in the past year in two themes: "reform" and "innovation.” "In terms of reform, we adjusted our income distribution system, changing the cost-sharing model under pure corporate management style to one where some highly personalized cost items are singled out. In this way, we managed to achieve more optimal cost management without breaking the premise of integrated management," explains Wang.
Innovation can be seen in the establishment of the integrated Greater Bay Area office by the firm. The unified operation of its offices in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong has achieved innovation in organizational structure. In particular, its Hong Kong joint venture "is also placed under the integrated management framework. In the past year, the Hong Kong joint venture received substantial business resources from various offices, truly generating efficiency through management.”
Zhang Liguo of Grandway Law Offices selects "accumulating energy for development" as the key phrase to describe the firm’s development in 2023. "In 2023, while maintaining its advantages in capital market legal services, we vigorously grew the service capabilities of our teams in real estate and construction engineering, compliance, intellectual property, dispute resolution and cross-border legal services."
"Bravery, reform, innovation and strive for progress" are the themes for Zhang He of Tiantai Law Firm when he summarizes 2023. "We adjusted and upgraded our lawyer teams and practice areas, recruited and promoted young lawyers with outstanding professional capabilities, encouraged our local offices to expand and upgrade, and worked hard to enhance Tiantai's influence and service level in different regions. We also embarked on a new journey towards the global legal market.”
Both Co-effort Law Firm and Guangdong Lianyue Law Firm reached important development milestones in 2023, and both have laid down plans for the next phase. Zhu tells ALB:" 2023 marked the 25th anniversary of Co-effort. We decided on the theme of 'working together towards the future', and this theme ran through our work in 2023 where we elected our new director and confirmed our move to a new office in 2024. We are now fully prepared to embrace the new future."
Meanwhile, Lianyue completed its first five-year plan in 2023. Liu summarizes Lianyue's 2023 as "development, reform, opportunity and openness.” "On the basis of summarizing the successful experience of the first five-year plan, we have decided on our development plan for the next five years, clarifying our goals, main tasks, implementation channels and important initiatives."
In the past year, subdued market deal-making volume and budget cuts by many corporate clients for legal services brought significant financial challenges to law firms. However, some practice areas have remained as business highlights for firms in a weak environment.
For East & Concord, the biggest highlights in 2023 were REITS and cross-border investment. Particularly for the latter, "we have seen companies accelerating their pace of going global. In particular, the new energy vehicle industry has become a bright spot. Law firms with keen market awareness, effective implementation and swift actions will be able to ride this wave. Going forward, China's legal services industry should focus on cross-border investment, including overseas mergers and acquisitions or factory establishment, as well as cross-border family wealth succession and management," says Wang.
Zhang He has similarly observed the rapid development of cross-border business. He points out that in the past year, Tiantai's "overseas bond issuance, international arbitration, international investment, etc. all achieved growth.” In addition, family wealth management is another major growth area.
In 2023, Grandway’s business focused on the forefront of technology. "In recent years, China has been vigorously promoting the development of hard technology. In 2023, we advised on the successful listing of internal combustion engine component manufacturer Hengbo Holding, civilian command information systems provider Nanjing LES Information Technology, semiconductor company Anhui XDLK Microsystem, and 'little giant' firm Shenzhen Seichitech."
At Guangdong Lianyue, corporate compliance, data compliance and legal services for new economies were last year's highlights. According to Liu, "Lianyue's compliance team handled the first compliance pilot case in Guangzhou. In 2023, we set up a data compliance team which is dedicated to providing data rights confirmation, compliance assessment and other services for all parties involved in data circulation."
Co-effort, at the same time, established three major professional committees in 2023: enterprise compliance, labor law, and digital economy and data compliance, and achieved breakthroughs in the fields of data compliance, data security and personal information protection. The firm was selected as one of the first batch of DEXCA registered members by the Shenzhen Data Exchange and was awarded the certificate of Third-party Data Service Provider - Data Compliance Assessment Service Provider by the Shanghai Data Exchange.
Faced with changes such as lower willingness to pay and higher service demand from clients, firms have put in place countermeasures. Zhu tells ALB that "Co-effort did not deliberately lower fees. However, we are willing to negotiate more flexible payment models with clients. We are also happy to provide more diverse legal services so that our clients can enjoy more services and better experiences.”
Zhang He also shares that Tiantai has made available various payment models, including hourly rates, value-based rates or contingency fees, which "helps clients choose what are suitable for them. In terms of value-added services, we have made available online live courses, video course subscriptions, interpretations of new laws and regulations, mock hearings, etc..”
Guangdong Lianyue has offered the option of deferred payment or payment by installment where appropriate based on the actual situations of clients and the market to alleviate the financial pressure on clients. When it comes to value-added services, the firm not only provides solid legal training and advisory services, but also continuously upgrades its service experience.
In addition to overseeing business development, law firm leaders must also tap their management wisdom amid the uncertain environment. If "resilience" was the topic of the past few years, the theme for 2023 has changed to "flexibility" - that is, when "uncertainty" becomes the norm for future development, how should firms allocate internal resources more quickly and effectively, and on a more frequent basis.
In Wang's view, the cost management reform undertaken by East & Concord in the past year is precisely aimed at achieving "flexibility,” which is to cut investment in sunset business and increase investment in growth and emerging areas. "The external environment is changing. If we remain unchanged, we are being insensitive to the market. The new system will be able to respond flexibly to market changes."
In addition, the firm has added supportive policies to enable the continued development of strategic practice areas that have yet to generate good returns.
Zhang Liguo points out that for Grandway, the foundation of "flexibility" is its integrated system. For the allocation and sharing of internal resources, the firm has established a business management department practicing integrated communication and collaboration, "emphasizing business collaboration and knowledge sharing, and focusing on the management of legal services projects progress.”
In addition, improving efficiency is an important way to achieve flexibility. "With the continuous development of artificial intelligence and big data technology, we have also introduced smart tools such as Grandway online search and Grandway internal control system, and are committed to leveraging technological means to improve the efficiency of legal services," says Zhang Liguo.
While putting in place more flexible measures for the development of their firms, the leaders have not overlooked the importance of "new drivers,” which includes setting up new offices in key domestic regions. In the past year and more recently, all the firms interviewed have made moves in this respect: East & Concord established a Hong Kong joint venture, Grandway set up its Hangzhou office, Tiantai opened an office in Qingdao, Co-effort set up shop in Hefei, and Guangdong Lianyue established presence in Shenzhen and Dongguan. The new offices have provided the firms with broader regional reach and created more business opportunities.
Moreover, as Chinese companies accelerate their pace of going global, Chinese firms are also actively thinking about expanding global services and opening offices overseas to seize new opportunities. In January 2024, East & Concord commenced operations of its Canada office, "aiming to create a service line with funds travelling from Mainland China, to Hong Kong and then to Canada in the future.”
To Wang, "Chinese firms have reached the stage where it is necessary to think about international expansion. When clients venture abroad, we must follow. Internationalization will also increase the difficulty of law firm management and business operations.”
In the past year, Tiantai beefed up the strength of its international business by recruiting lawyers specializing in cross-border business, while encouraging lawyers to further their studies at overseas law schools. "We continue to progress the establishment of our Hong Kong joint venture, and have also made plans for the establishment of offices overseas to better serve our clients," says Zhang He.
As 2024 arrives with "confidence" as a key theme, what is the level of confidence among law firm leaders when it comes to the industry's development?
Wang, Zhang He and Zhu all give the "cautiously optimistic score" of 80. "We can all see challenges in the macro environment, but opportunities also emerge amidst difficulties. It depends on whether a firm has the ability to seize those opportunities. East & Concord has the confidence to be among the few when it comes to seize opportunities for the development of cross-border business," says Wang.
According to Zhang He, "with fluctuations of economic activities, people are encountering more and more legal issues in their economic lives. Although the number of lawyers is increasing rapidly, it is still far from meeting the legal services needs of the public. Therefore, the market for legal services is still huge. The key is how to help clients find lawyers suitable for them.”
"The Chinese legal market will be full of challenges in 2024. At the same time, it will also be accompanied by opportunities. I believe that with continuous improvement in the domestic economy, the legal market will also turn the corner," shares Zhu.
Zhang Liguo of Grandway where capital market is the core business believes "there will be more business opportunities for capital market legal services in 2024" thanks to further improvement of the A-share capital market system, and the introduction of a slew of favorable measures to stimulate the capital market and boost investor confidence in 2023.
Liu, on the other hand, remains very confident in the overall legal market. "The legal market in China enjoys promising development prospects and potential. With the continuous growth of the Chinese economy and the deepening of market-oriented reforms, the demand for legal services from enterprises and individuals continues to increase, and the legal market continues to expand. At the same time, the acceleration of technological development and digital transformation has prompted the legal industry to constantly innovate and upgrade, injecting new impetus into market development."
In addition, firm leaders have shared with ALB important plans and directions for their firms in 2024.
In 2024, East & Concord plans to establish a regional "Chengdu-Chongqing office" by following the innovative structure of its GBA office "in response to the abundant business opportunities in the region. We look forward to the new office becoming a new growth pole for the firm," says Wang.
Grandway keeps close tabs on the Internet delivery of legal services amid the digital wave. "With government support for the digital upgrading of the legal industry, we will invest more in the research of AI in legal services to keep up with the times, and adapt to and embrace the challenges posed by new technologies and formats to the service models and methods of the entire legal industry," shares Zhang Liguo.
In the new year, Tiantai is committed to further optimizing its presence in different provinces across the country, and through cross-regional business integration, expanding its advantageous practice areas such as IP, tax, corporate affairs, banking and finance, criminal defense and dispute resolution to the whole country.
2024 marks the beginning of Guangdong Lianyue's "second five-year plan.” "We will solidly push for high-quality development and strive to build the firm into a top large and strong full-service firm in South China," says Liu. In addition, the firm will "focus on the development of the information industry in the GBA, attract and nurture cross-border talents, and continuously improve the level of cross-border legal services.”
In the new year, Co-effort will continue to drive "scale" with "professionalism" and explore the model of full-time management positions. "In terms of practice areas, we will increase professional research and development and investment in digital economy, data security and new energy fields. At the same time, we will step up presence and cooperation in 'Belt and Road Initiative' countries and regions, striving to contribute our wisdom and strength to the overseas ventures of Chinese enterprises," says Zhu.
How firms develop in 2024 may lay the foundation for the coming years. "We think that the golden age of the legal services industry has passed," admits Wang. "In the next three to five years, we will enter a relatively stable and even slightly downward market environment, and industry competition will gradually intensify. How to seize opportunities, strengthen internal management, and do a good job in existing business may be something that Chinese firms will need to deal with for a considerable period of time in the future."