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2023年,中国在六年停滞后重启自愿碳减排市场,相关新法规密集落地,中国核证自愿减排项目(Chinese Certified Emission Reduction,CCER)再次成为备受市场关注的话题。

这让观韬中茂的蒋则谢律师回忆起在此前的市场停滞期,他和团队帮助客户应对的一项挑战。“2017年发改委实质暂停CCER项目审批后,境内不少开发机构转型成为境外标准——如VCS(Verified Carbon Standard,核证碳标准)和GS(Gold Standard,黄金标准)的开发者,当时我们顺应市场需求,开始应对不同标准甚至是不同法域的问题。”








“第七,与其他专业机构共同协作,协助客户编制ESG报告,填写CDP问卷等;第八,提供ESG培训,并帮助客户定期更新ESG政策法规库;最后,提供绿色金融及乡村振兴的法律服务,例如参与发行绿色公司债券,为可持续基金的募投管退提供法律服务、服务碳中和企业、乡村振兴项目等。天元曾助力中建西安幸福林带建设投资有限公司发行PPP项目绿色资产支持专项计划,、协助电投信能基金参与一系列与国电投集团 的并购合作,收购全国范围内多家新能源发电企以及协助长电国际完成中国-秘鲁ESG、能源电力监管等领域法律监管比较研究报告。天元还为比亚迪、国家能源集团、中广核风电公司、中国纳泉能源科技控股有限公司、圣元环保股份有限公司、绿色动力环保集团股份有限公司等数十家环保企业提供法律服务。”












In recent years, China has significantly strengthened its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) regulations. Consequently, ESG-related legal services have evolved into a distinct area of practice within law firms. Presently, ESG legal services are becoming more industry-specific, which elevates the requirements for lawyers to demonstrate innovative thinking and comprehensive judgment.


In September 2020, the announcement of China's "carbon peaking and carbon neutralization" objectives heralded the nation's entry into the "ESG era." By 2023, China had firmly entered the year of "ESG standards."

Influential bodies such as the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and key stock exchanges have all introduced a series of ESG disclosure and management rules targeting various company types, making ESG compliance mandatory rather than voluntary. "Against this backdrop, different industries have begun to implement their own ESG policies," notes Ren Yanling, managing partner at Tian Yuan Law Firm.

Dante Jiang, a Shanghai-based partner at Guantao Law Firm with many years of experience advising on ESG-related legal issues, observes, "ESG is a broad concept that has become a distinct area of practice in recent years, driven by a steady stream of relevant policies and regulations." Guantao Law Firm, with its early involvement in the field and comprehensive ESG service offerings, caters to a diverse client base across various industries. Jiang, who specializes in green emission reduction trading services, typically works with clients concentrated in sectors such as energy, technology, and finance.

As the implementation of industry-wide ESG regulations advances and the demand for sophisticated ESG services grows, lawyers are recognizing a trend toward more industry-specific ESG legal services. "The reason for this shift is that ESG encompasses three main areas—environmental, social, and governance—which affect industries in unique ways. Clients are increasingly seeking tailored ESG reporting, compliance, and advisory services that align with the specific needs of their industries," says Wan Xing, a partner at Commerce & Finance Law Offices.

Wan provides insight into two sectors. The first is the biotechnology industry, in which he specializes. "Regarding environmental concerns, drug manufacturing is intimately connected to chemical use and carbon emissions. Leading global pharmaceutical companies have been focusing on low-carbon production, a topic that was highlighted during their executives' visits to China this year. On the social front, bioethics is a significant issue for biotech firms."

Moreover, on April 12, the Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Beijing Stock Exchanges each issued their own sustainable development reporting guidelines, set to take effect on May 1. These documents address the growing emphasis on ESG reporting and are likely to place additional pressure on biotech and other industries. "The Hong Kong Stock Exchange introduced ESG reporting guidelines earlier, and domestic biotech companies aiming to list in Hong Kong are required to disclose ESG information during the application process. We're assisting clients with meeting these obligations," Wan adds.

The consumer sector is another industry with a high demand for ESG compliance. Wan notes, "In terms of environmental impact, the greenhouse gas emissions from certain consumer sectors are significant. For instance, methane emissions in dairy production have become a global concern. Socially, consumer products face increased scrutiny over issues such as anti-unfair competition, brand reputation, data privacy, and more."

Shi Lin and Wang Xiaodong, partners at Shihui Partners with a focus on ESG services, have observed that as ESG concepts and practices continue to evolve, the approaches to ESG taken by various industries are diverging to reflect their unique development characteristics. Consequently, Shihui Partners tailors its ESG legal services to suit the specific sector in which a client operates.

For instance, in the Internet and high-tech industries, where data is a core asset, the demand for ESG legal services primarily revolves around data security and user privacy. These industries also prioritize ESG practices in corporate governance, supply chain management, labor, and employment. To meet these needs, Shihui Partners offers customized services, including the construction of compliance systems, training, investigations, and data compliance demonstrations for innovative business models.

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) represent another client group with distinct requirements. In recent years, the government has rolled out numerous policies encouraging SOEs to adopt and implement ESG principles. A significant portion of Shihui Partners' ESG clientele consists of SOEs, for which the firm provides services such as the development of compliance systems, training programs, and investigations.


In the evolving field of ESG legal services, lawyers acknowledge that they frequently assist clients with pioneering "market-first" projects or deals. These ventures test their skills but also add to the excitement of delivering ESG advisory services.

In 2023, China reactivated its voluntary carbon emission reduction market following a six-year pause, introducing a raft of new regulations in quick succession. The Chinese Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) project has once again captured market interest.

Jiang reflects on a past hurdle his team helped clients navigate during the market's suspension. "When the National Development and Reform Commission halted CCER approvals in 2017, many domestic developers pivoted to working with international standards like the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Gold Standard (GS). We adapted to market needs by addressing issues arising from these various standards and jurisdictions."

Early in 2023, the management body of the VCS unexpectedly discontinued the rice methodology, halting the issuance of credits for rice projects and causing a cascade of project defaults. At the time, China hosted a large number of VCS rice projects, with primary buyers being energy or chemical conglomerates from leading developed countries. "The transaction documents for these rice projects were varied and subject to different legal frameworks. We employed a multi-jurisdictional analysis model, typically used in cross-border transactions, to deliver as comprehensive and commercially sound an analysis as possible in a brief timeframe. This involved examining the legal characterization of the same fact across different jurisdictions and thoroughly addressing enforceability and the potential invocation of force majeure clauses," recounts Jiang.

"When facing such intricate issues that lack market precedent and span multiple jurisdictions, our ability to truly assist clients hinges on understanding their commercial objectives and presenting our services as a polished legal product," Jiang concludes.

When discussing the newly relaunched CCER market, Wan explains that he and his team are at the forefront of pertinent transactions. They have recently been aiding a carbon technology firm in their CCER investments. Wan elaborates, "We assist our client in determining if the project they've invested in is part of the initial group of the four methodologies that have been released. We also ensure the project's compliance, check for any defects in project ownership, and safeguard the client's investment, especially when third-party guarantees are involved. Many of these issues were groundbreaking."

Ren points out that ESG legal services are exceptionally comprehensive, representing a significant innovation. Tian Yuan Law Firm, according to Ren, has offered a complete range of ESG compliance services to clients across various sectors—construction, energy, automotive, finance, and the internet—amassing extensive experience in full-process ESG services.

Ren continues to detail the breadth of ESG services, which encompass at least nine key areas: "Firstly, lawyers help clients craft ESG strategic plans and establish internal compliance management systems. Secondly, they ensure clients meet ESG information disclosure requirements. Thirdly, they conduct ESG due diligence, particularly during mergers, acquisitions, and supply chain management, to mitigate ESG risks."

"Fourthly, we provide resolution services for ESG-related disputes. Fifth, we conduct ESG compliance reviews and risk assessments. Sixth, we offer comprehensive legal services for clients to implement improvement measures. Seventh, we collaborate with other professionals to help clients prepare ESG reports and respond to CDP questionnaires. Eighth, we offer ESG training and maintain current ESG policy and regulation databases. Lastly, we facilitate green financial services, such as assisting with the issuance of green corporate bonds and serving carbon-neutralization companies."


The ESG sector is experiencing swift growth, and the demand for specialized legal services is on the rise. Yet, lawyers acknowledge that the current demand from clients is somewhat fragmented, leading to inefficiencies in business development. Consequently, ESG practices still represent a minor share of a law firm's total revenue. "As a nascent area, lawyers often have more leverage, and clients are generally more inclined to pay. However, in the short term, the actual volume of demand for ESG services doesn't match that of traditional practice areas," Jiang observes.

Despite this, lawyers remain positive about the long-term growth potential of ESG legal services.

Wan analyzes the situation from the perspective of market demand, noting that ESG requirements are expanding across various market participants. "Firstly, public companies are increasingly subject to ESG disclosure and reporting obligations. Secondly, state-owned enterprises are poised to be frontrunners in ESG development. Thirdly, private enterprises are starting to encounter more intense ESG compliance pressures abroad, particularly as more Chinese companies expand internationally."

Moreover, Wan points out that PE/VC investors are progressively integrating ESG factors into their investment decisions, necessitating ESG due diligence in investment and M&A activities. Financial institutions are also engaging in more green finance initiatives, like issuing green bonds.

"China's targets for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality by 2030 and 2060, as well as international goals and commitments, are indicators of a long-term strategy. We anticipate that ESG-related legal services will experience steady growth. Additionally, there's a prevalent information asymmetry in the market; companies often perceive the 'Big Four' accounting firms as the primary providers of ESG services. Therefore, the legal industry needs to proactively communicate to the market our strengths, such as our capabilities, experience, and comprehensive understanding of domestic and international compliance and regulatory frameworks. This will help us to highlight the unique advantages we offer in delivering ESG services," Wan explains.

Jiang reflects on the strategic approach to business development within law firms. "Large firms tend to advocate for early entry into emerging sectors as a method for carving out new market opportunities. Drawing a parallel, consider the field of data compliance; while immediate returns may be modest, a long-term bullish outlook on ESG and green economy services justifies current investments as future gains."

Shi and Wang outline Shihui Partners' commitment to continued investment in the ESG arena, with strategic measures to align investment with returns: "Firstly, we aim to strategically position ourselves in the market, delivering specialized services with a focus on particular industries, such as state-owned enterprises and the Internet and high-tech sectors, to enhance revenue. Secondly, we plan to revamp our partner compensation structure, incentivizing market development through specific performance metrics and rewards."

"Thirdly, we intend to forge partnerships to jointly advance ESG and green economy services with other professional service firms, industry groups, and NGOs. Through collaborative efforts, we aim to broaden our market impact, elevate brand recognition, and draw in more prospective clients," the partners assert.



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