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正是基于这样的宽泛性和冲突性,易律师介绍道,每个企业搭建跨境合规体系必然有不同的 “合规场景“,即根据企业的业务经营需要搭建不同场景的合规管理体系,常见的包括ESG合规、供应链安全、出口海关管制、应对欧美贸易救济背景下的合规、跨境劳动用工、商业秘密和竞业禁止、知识产权、财务内控、境外投资反腐败合规、上市监管、数字合规等合规场景”。









沈军律师也很赞同这点:“实践中已经形成了取得ISO 37301、GB/T 35770等合规认证可以促进、证明企业合规管理体系有效运行的共识。”沈律师指出,此前,企业更关注是否有落于纸面的合规体系设计,即“静态监管”,而认证能够一定程度帮助企业向“动态监管”转变,即“使搭建的合规体系融入动态管理,使合规成为企业开展业务的方式,形成从风险识别、风险分析、风险评价、风险应对到监督监察的程序闭环”。


















The international business operations of Chinese enterprises are constantly evolving, and the scope of overseas compliance they must navigate is becoming more diverse and complex. In response, Chinese law firms are steadily enhancing their expertise and capabilities in providing legal services related to overseas compliance.


Since last year, "going global" has become the most discussed topic among Chinese companies in their business development. Companies have shifted from simple product exports and overseas asset mergers and acquisitions to pursuing more in-depth, localized operations overseas. A new generation of global companies that are "made-in-China" is emerging.

Any company attempting to enter a new market will inevitably face scrutiny. In today's geopolitical environment, Chinese companies are facing increased questioning abroad, posing a greater challenge to their overseas compliance capabilities.

According to Yi Fang, partner at JunHe, since its appearance in corporate lingo in 2018, "compliance" has quickly extended to the field of overseas operations.

Liu Xiangwen, partner at Zhong Lun Law Firm, says that overseas compliance issues began to appear on Chinese companies' radar after former U.S. President Trump took office in 2017. With China and the US engaged in an all-encompassing great power rivalry, these issues have now extended to various industries and compliance areas.

Since the latter half of 2023, China's advantageous industries, particularly in new energy, have accelerated their pace of overseas exports. This has created significant pressure on relevant industries within Europe and the US. In response, these regions have intensified regulatory investigations and law enforcement, further escalating corporate compliance concerns, says Liu.

"It is expected that in the next five to ten years, tightened overseas regulation will become the norm facing Chinese companies, which will raise higher overseas compliance requirements on them," Liu adds.

Meanwhile, with the concept of compliance extending overseas, its dimensions have become more complex. "Overseas compliance is a multifaceted concept, encompassing at least the following dimensions: adherence to the outbound investment regulations of the home country; compliance with the host country's legal requirements; observance of international conventions and standards set by standardization organizations; adherence to trade and overseas enforcement regulations enforced through ‘long-arm jurisdiction’ by the US and Europe; industry-specific guidelines, standards, and practices. Additionally, it includes internal corporate bylaws and regulations, and even human rights and ethical standards. The content is extremely complex, and there may be conflicts among different compliance requirements." explains Yi.

Based on this broad scope and potential conflicts, Yi explains that each company must establish a unique "compliance scenario" when building a cross-border compliance system. This means creating different compliance management systems tailored to the company's operational needs. Common compliance scenarios include ESG compliance, supply chain security, export customs control, compliance in the context of US and European trade remedies, cross-border labor management, protection of trade secrets and non-compete agreements, intellectual property, internal financial controls, anti-corruption compliance for overseas investments, regulatory compliance for listing, and digital compliance, among others.

"In practice, a company usually chooses three to five areas from the above to build its compliance management frameworks based on its industry, business operating conditions, business model, etc."


Yi focuses primarily on serving international contractors, companies in the upstream and downstream sectors of the energy and new energy industries, as well as certain electric vehicle enterprises expanding abroad. She notes that the content of overseas compliance services provided by lawyers varies according to the specific needs of the enterprises.

One type of demand, referred to by her as "proactive compliance," involves companies actively building a cross-border compliance management system in line with their international business strategic layout. The role of the lawyer is primarily to ensure that the compliance scenarios mentioned above are addressed, while also covering all regions where the company conducts international business. This includes establishing the compliance management system and pursuing international certification.

Over the past few years, Liu has led Zhong Lun's global compliance team to provide compliance services for clients in a wide range of industries. Specifically, building overseas compliance management frameworks for enterprises is also a key service provided by him and his team.

Liu gives the example of the China Power International Development project which he has recently advised on. "We assisted the company to complete the development of its overseas compliance management framework in 2022 and 2023 and pass ISO37301 and GB 35770 dual certification."

Liu highlights the importance of obtaining compliance certification. "Compliance certification is like a name card which can clearly show the level of compliance a company has already achieved."

Meanwhile, another type of overseas compliance needs is what Yi calls "passive compliance", which mainly refers to the responses taken by enterprises to compliance investigations launched by multilateral financial institutions.

Yi explains that, for example, international contractors she serves must meet very stringent compliance requirements if their overseas infrastructure projects are funded by loans or aid from the World Bank or the Asian Development Bank. "If multilateral financial institutions believe that a company has engaged in inappropriate behavior during the submission of bid documents or project progress, it will face a compliance investigation, be required to make corrections, and possibly face sanctions. In such cases, lawyers must assist the company in conducting an independent and effective internal compliance investigation, implement a series of remedial compliance measures, and help respond to multiple inquiries from the bank. These remedial compliance measures include assisting the company in further improving its existing compliance management system to achieve a settlement and avoid final sanctions. This effectively means completing and perfecting the internal compliance management system in a passive state."

Liu has also led his team to successfully complete projects in this regard, such as assisting a Zhejiang-based company in water conservancy engineering to respond to relevant sanction investigations. "The World Bank originally planned to impose a nine-year sanction on the company. However, through our work of response, negotiation, investigation and communication, the sanction period was reduced to two years. Thereafter, we helped the company establish a comprehensive compliance framework within two years and pass the World Bank's inspection, and the ban was completely lifted."


Given the continued intensification of great power rivalry, Liu predicts that new overseas compliance issues faced by Chinese companies are likely to "emerge one after another", including issues related to Iran, human rights issues, etc. "Chinese companies need to be more alert and attach more importance to overseas compliance".

In particular, he says that in overseas transactions, the old approach of merely hiring transactional and financing lawyers is no longer advisable. "Clients must have compliance and risk control lawyers at the same time. Especially in projects involving sensitive countries, Chinese lawyers are needed to provide support throughout the project cycle, and to reorganize transaction and financing models, industrial chains, etc. so as to ensure the smooth running of the projects."

"On the one hand, we have observed that the granularity of cross-border compliance in the European and US markets is becoming increasingly detailed. Additionally, some key regions for overseas expansion, such as Southeast Asia and BRI countries, are also significantly intensifying their compliance enforcement efforts. ," says Yi.

On the other hand, the importance of some new compliance issues continues to rise, the most typical being ESG compliance.

Yi notes that one major challenge in providing overseas compliance services is that once companies begin operations in host countries and gradually become familiar with the local legal market, they tend to reduce costs by choosing local legal advisors for compliance services related to localized operations. However, she emphasizes, "Localized operations must be part of a global strategy, requiring a law firm from the company's home country that fully understands the company's business goals to provide integrated services throughout the entire investment lifecycle. While local legal advisors' expertise is necessary during this process, integrated legal services must be in place and should be handled by Chinese lawyers. Otherwise, the compliance advice provided by legal advisors from different jurisdictions might be completely disconnected. We hope the market will increasingly recognize this approach."

Yi observes that some of the companies she serves, even though their headquarters are not located in China's first-tier cities, have grown to become global market leaders in their respective industries. "Their international perspective and awareness of global strategic layout are very broad, and their internal staffing, from legal to business personnel, has seen significant improvements on an international level," she notes.

"Given the current geopolitical situation, the window of opportunity for Chinese companies to expand abroad is limited. Only those companies capable of quickly establishing a global presence and achieving genuine localized operations will survive. These companies are certainly at the forefront in terms of overseas compliance capabilities," says Yi.



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