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经过两个多月的调研和评选,2023 ALB China十五佳新科技公司法务团队榜单出炉。在中国,新科技公司拥有广阔的发展空间,也面临着趋严的监管。工作于这一领域的法务团队如何应对快速变化的发展环境?部分上榜团队与ALB分享了他们的思考。
























梁敏表示,Keep始终把法律合规放在很高的位置,高标准、严要求对待一切相关业务。在两个月前,Keep正式在港交所主板挂牌上市,成为名副其实的“运动科技第一股”。这一 “高光时刻”的背后,也是对法务部成立多年来在法律合规上的持续努力的认可。



“数据合规在Keep一直处于很高级别,我们成立了数据合规委员会,Keep的CEO担任委员会会长,亲自带头数据合规项目。过去两年间,法务部与外部律所团队合作,对Keep的所有产品进行数据合规层面的梳理,按照法律法规要求将不同数据分级分类管理。” 梁敏补充道,法务部还组织了合规地图项目,把公司全部业务潜在风险作出详尽梳理、描述与分列,明确具体管控节点和相应的责任人,并推进整改。



















2023 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams


After over two months of extensive research and careful consideration, the 2023 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams list has been revealed. In China, companies in the new technology sector have ample room for growth, but they are also contending with increasingly stringent regulations. How do the in-house teams in this domain adapt to the swiftly evolving landscape? Several award-winning teams share their insights with ALB.


“In recent years, the exponential growth of the technology industry has brought many new challenges and opportunities to in-house teams. The rise of new technology companies has not only transformed the industry landscape, but also raised the bar on in-house teams.

In terms of professional capabilities, new technology in-house teams have shown outstanding performance. They are capable of providing effective legal support for the strategic development of their organizations as well as necessary legal safeguards for the companies’ business expansion. In terms of technological innovation, these in-house teams actively explore new legal technology, and employ big data, artificial intelligence and other technologies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of legal risks management.”

The above text is an overview generated by a Large Language Model to describe “new technology in-house teams.” Although it is not 100 percent accurate and objective, the understanding and expression by AI-generated content (AIGC) of current technological developments, the role of in-house teams and the mutual influence of company development and in-house legal work are very much aligned with the original intention and significance of this ALB list. In fact, the AI-generated text has even “considered” the fact that in-house teams have begun to actively use legal technology products.

AI technology represented by AIGC set off a global wave at the beginning of this year. In addition, many other new technology fields such as semiconductors, chips, biomedicine, new energy and smart manufacturing are also making rapid strides in China, transforming the country’s traditional industry structure and economic landscape, and generating huge attention and many hot topics.

High-end and new technologies have already become important features of China’s emerging economy. The National Bureau of Statistics has made it clear that the emerging economy is based on new industries, new business formats and new business models, and driven by the Internet and new technological revolution. It is an economic format characterized by in-depth integration of information technology and industrialization, innovation of business models, institutions and mechanisms, efficient investment in human capital and reduced dependence on material factors. All the new technology companies spotlighted by ALB’s list exhibit such characteristics and are in harmony with the development trend of the new economy.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the economic value-add of China’s “new industries, new business formats and new business models” reached approximately 21 trillion yuan ($2.89 trillion) in 2022, up 6.5 percent over the previous year and equivalent to 17.36 percent of total GDP. The continued rise of this figure over the past three years is proof that the momentum of the emerging economy has not been hampered by the pandemic.

In the capital market, the STAR Market and the ChiNext have become the main stages for A-share IPOs. According to China’s Financial News, the number of IPOs on STAR Market and ChiNext stood at 123 and 148 respectively last year, accounting for 63 percent of total IPOs. The combined amount of funds raised by IPOs on those two markets accounts for 73 percent of the total amount raised by A-share IPOs, testament to the support the capital market has lent to technology innovation enterprises and emerging industries.

Rapid technological updates and the continuous emergence of new industries, new business formats and new business models are inevitably accompanied by corresponding risks and regulatory moves. How to ensure the healthy and safe development of new technology companies has sparked much discussion. Take AIGC as an example. The Interim Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services issued by the Cyberspace Administration of China and seven ministries and commissions came into effect on Aug. 15, making it the world’s first legal document on AIGC regulation.

The burden of supporting and safeguarding business has undoubtedly fallen first on in-house departments, while the tussle among business needs, innovation needs and compliance needs is constantly changing the growth trajectory of new technology in-house teams.


This year's 15 winning in-house technology teams come from 15 different industry segments, including e-commerce, healthcare, online education, Internet finance, logistics, and other service companies. They also encompass companies in primary and secondary industries closely related to technology, such as agricultural technology innovation, smart manufacturing, and metamaterial technology and manufacturing. Geographically, six winners are headquartered in the Yangtze River Delta region and the Beijing-Tianjin region, while another three are based in the Pearl River Delta region.

Regarding headcount, the in-house teams of five companies consist of five to ten members, while another five teams have 11 to 20 members. Two winning companies each have an in-house team of 20 to 30 people, and the remaining three companies boast an in-house team with 50 to 100 members. Only four winning companies established their in-house teams before 2015, with the remaining 11 teams all set up between 2015 and 2020.

The winners this year have gone through a very similar growth journey. In particular, for teams belonging to "start-ups", those companies initially often had only one in-house counsel to perform relatively traditional and limited work alone. As new technology companies continue to mature and technologies and products undergo rapid iteration, needs for compliance, investment and financing, intellectual property, dispute resolution, etc., grow rapidly. Accordingly, in-house teams are constantly expanding, and their importance is increasingly prominent.

Regardless of their size or history, all winning teams this year have a robust professional setup and can cover comprehensive functions. Beijing Calorie Information Technology Co., Ltd., the developer of the sports tech brand Keep, set up its in-house department in 2018, and the team currently has 11 members. "Although our team is not big, it is very streamlined, capable, and 'fit,'" says Liang Min, its legal director.

According to Liang, vertically, Keep’s in-house team has set up legal BP groups to be responsible for the full range of legal services needed by each business line, such as contract review, advisory, training, etc. Horizontally, the team is divided into IP, litigation, and investment and financing groups to cover the entire company’s business, with clear divisions of tasks for patent, trademark, copyright, domain name, infringement monitoring, litigation and rights protection, investment and financing, etc.

Du Xiaoman Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd, which empowers financial services through technology, set up its legal and compliance department in 2018. According to Xing Jing, the general manager of the department, “the Legal and Compliance Department currently has business BP teams and functional BP teams. Specifically, business teams vertically support credit, wealth management, payment, insurance, fintech, and supply chain operations, while the functional teams horizontally manage labor administration, investment and financing, consumer rights protection, business seals and licenses, IP, anti-money laundering, data compliance, and corporate security. Business teams and functional teams support each other. On the one hand, functional teams strengthen centralized management and optimize resource allocation. On the other hand, the business teams implement the compliance requirements in different fields and refine them in a targeted way to achieve both efficiency and effect, and to form a model of matrix management.”

With increasing clarity in their status and functions, high-performing in-house teams will also explore and exhibit some unique team “style.” Liang says that Keep’s in-house team has legally trained members but also members with professional backgrounds in engineering, computer science, and foreign languages. “We are an inclusive team. Everyone is responsible for different business areas and has different working styles. However, the style of the whole team is simple and upbeat, with flat management and a cooperative atmosphere. There is no sense of oppression within the team.”

“Our principle is that ‘work can be demanding but should not be mentally draining.’ I strive to ensure equality across the whole team and avoid excessive internal competition and internal friction,” says Liang.

The Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department has similar traits. “Our team members are highly professional and have interdisciplinary knowledge. Most members hold master's degrees from top universities at home and abroad, with experiences from traditional finance, Internet finance, consulting firms, large multinational companies, and institutions of higher learning,” says Xing. “Emphasizing continuous learning, our team keeps track of cutting-edge legislation and academic developments at home and abroad. We have published professional articles in a number of conferences and journals and participated in many academic research studies and standard formulation projects. Under the direction and influence of the CEO and CRO, in addition to technical books, I also encourage everyone to read extensively about business management, history, culture, psychology, etc., to improve humanistic quality.”


As this year’s winning companies hail from different industries, are at varying stages of development, or possess diverse business and regulatory needs, each in-house team naturally has different focus areas. However, they all emphasize compliance as their top priority at the moment.

Xing shares that the compliance his team focuses on is not merely compliance in the traditional narrow sense. Instead, the concept of “big compliance” is highlighted, and compliance and legal functions are integrated. In other words, all business operations in a company’s development will be included in the overall framework of comprehensive compliance. “Du Xiaoman’s BP teams have different divisions of tasks, but each is performing functions related to big compliance as the primary functions.”

Liang says Keep always prioritizes compliance and treats all relevant matters with high standards and stringent requirements. Two months ago, Keep was officially listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, making it the first sports tech stock. This “highlight moment” is also a recognition of the continuous efforts over the years by the in-house team in compliance since its establishment.

As two data-intensive new technology companies where the protection of user data is crucial, both Keep and Du Xiaoman regard data compliance as their highest priority.

During the listing process, Keep not only hired multiple firms as corporate lawyers and securities brokerage lawyers but also engaged Global Law Office as its Chinese legal advisor on data compliance, the first of its kind for a Hong Kong IPO.

“Data compliance has always been high on the agenda at Keep. We have established a data compliance committee chaired by our CEO who personally leads multiple data compliance projects. In the past two years, the in-house team worked with external law firms to monitor data compliance of all Keep products, classify and manage different data according to the requirements of laws and regulations.” Liang adds that the in-house team has also initiated a compliance mapping exercise to sort out, describe and classify the potential risks of all products, specify concrete control nodes and corresponding persons-in-charge, and push for rectification.”

“Although listing has been completed, data compliance work will continue, and we will keep constant track of changes in national laws and regulations. This is not only the compliance requirements of Keep but the responsibility and obligation to users.”

Xing has noticed increasingly tightening regulation in data compliance and continuously intensifying law enforcement efforts. Furthermore, the rigor and advancement of data-related legislation in China have been leading the world in many aspects, and huge fines have been meted out. To him, data compliance work itself covers the entire lifecycle management of data, encompassing collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, disclosure, and deletion.

“The financial industry where Du Xiaoman operates handles many types of highly sensitive credit information and biometric information, the leakage of which will cause egregious consequences. Quickly identifying data compliance risks and ensuring data compliance have become the sword of Damocles hanging over the company’s head.” According to Xing, Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department takes the Cybersecurity Law, the Data Security Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law as the overarching guidance, closely tracks regulatory movements in data protection, establishes a data compliance work blueprint and framework, and focuses on data management, the whole lifecycle of data processing, and the mechanism to respond to users' personal information rights.


Apart from accumulating rich experience in compliance, the 15 winning teams have, in their unique ways, delved into new technologies, achieved notable milestones, and gained fresh perspectives on their work.

“As the legal and compliance department of a new technology company, we attach great importance to the power of technology in our work,” shares Xing. Du Xiaoman, being risk-oriented, places a strong emphasis on intelligent decision-making and analysis. The company extensively utilizes big data, AI, and other technologies to innovate the monitoring, identification, and analysis of suspicious transactions, primarily focusing on enhancing the accuracy of identifying suspicious transactions and continually refining the AML transaction monitoring system. Some monitoring models have already achieved an accurate early warning rate of 95 percent. Du Xiaoman’s proprietary AML system and the case study of building an AML management system under digital governance have received the ‘Pioneer Case of Enterprise Digital Governance’ award from the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology.

Du Xiaoman has also developed an electronic seal management system and an electronic archives management system. The electronic seal management system adopts a three-dimensional access management model of “user – role – authority” to segregate authority for seal application, production, management, and use, thereby reinforcing seal security management. This enables online management of all aspects, enhancing seal use efficiency and elevating the level of risk control.

“The electronic archives management system employs computer technology to facilitate the storage of vast archive data and information. It can cater to diverse needs. Systematic management now enables connection with different systems, significantly improving the convenience of saving and retrieving archives while enhancing the rate of utilization and shareability of archived information,” says Xing.

“In addition, we are actively exploring AIGC technology and attempting to leverage technological measures to achieve regulatory objectives by following the basic ideas of Law 3.0. In May, Du Xiaoman announced the open-source Chinese financial model 'Xuanyuan,' and our teammates played a crucial role in scientific and technological ethics, IP protection, data compliance, and other aspects.”

Keep’s in-house team introduced technology tools such as e-signing and time stamping in 2019 and established systems for AI contract review, patent management, and trademark management. “Our focus this year is on advancing the copyright management system and AI robot function. The robot function will be integrated into work software to assist us in answering common legal questions and procedural inquiries from colleagues, streamlining the simple and repetitive tasks of the in-house team, and enhancing efficiency,” says Liang. She also shares that Keep’s in-house team is deeply interested in new technology and continuously seeks and experiments with tools that can enhance human performance.


According to Liang, the Keep Legal Department continues to expand its business services to help the company reduce costs and enhance efficiency. “The in-house team has successfully recovered over 10 million yuan through litigation, preventing the company from incurring substantial financial losses.”

In recent months, Keep has established a dedicated task force to target underground activities related to online events and competitions, taking decisive action against those who violate event rules to obtain online event entry qualifications for free, defraud event rewards, or engage in other activities to gain improper benefits. Specifically, the team has assisted public security organs in implementing criminal coercive measures against one perpetrator, a move believed to act as a strong deterrent to other criminal suspects.

“Simultaneously, the in-house team has cultivated an efficient partnership with business and technology units after long-term collaboration. We aim to be involved in the development of new services and technologies as early as possible to provide clear directions and opinions, ensuring mutual understanding between the in-house team and the business and technology units. We believe this is an effective way to avoid conflicts and reduce costs. The in-house team itself must continually refine the division of tasks and work objectives. It should also grasp the needs of team members for professional growth and offer targeted assistance.”

Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department has also refined its future focus as in-house work continues to deepen. “Firstly, it is evident to us that Fintech has matured. In a mature market, there is a significant number of competitors and products, with high product maturity, intense market competition, a relatively stabilized market size, and limited growth. Compared to immature markets, a mature market operates in a different environment and adheres to different rules. Therefore, the core risks faced by enterprises in a mature market are different, regulatory requirements vary, and the role of corporate compliance departments will also evolve,” says Xing.

“Based on this assessment, Du Xiaoman’s corporate compliance and risk management strategy focuses on two aspects. Firstly, we will enhance compliance in line with regulatory trends to complete our transition to compliance tilted towards risk aversion. Secondly, we will strictly adhere to red lines to avoid ‘black swan’ events while preventing ‘grey rhino’ incidents.”

In fact, Xing has authored a signed article titled "Compliance and Risk Management Strategies for Internet Finance Enterprises in a Mature Market Environment" to share his observations and thoughts in this regard. The article will soon be published in China Economic Review. He looks forward to ongoing exchanges of ideas with experts and peers, collaborating with everyone to explore best practices for new technology in-house teams.



2023 ALB China Top 15 New Technology In-House Teams
2023 ALB China

AliExpress - Legal Department
全球速卖通 法务部

Align APAC Legal & Compliance

Beijing Calorie Information Technology Co., Ltd. Legal Department

Legal Kanyun

Beijing Kuangshi Technology Co.,Ltd Legal Affairs Department

Bojiang Group Limited Compliance Department

China Tianchen Engineering Corporation Legal Affairs Dept

Du Xiaoman Legal and Compliance Department

Department of Legal & Intellectual Property, Foxconn Industrial Internet Co., Ltd.

G7 Connect Inc. Legal Affairs Department 

Legal Affairs Department, Huizhou Desay SV Automotive Co., Ltd.

Legal Department of Insilico Medicine

Legal Center, Kuang-Chi Technologies Co. Ltd.

Legal Department, Shanghai Junzheng Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Legal & Compliance Department, Syngenta Group China



1.      Engagement with new technology and contributions of legal team to enterprise growth:

a.      Participation in and successful completion of significant transactions/projects, leading to direct contributions to the company's development or profits.

b.     Successful arbitration/litigation outcomes that safeguard the company from financial or reputational harm.

c.      Active involvement in the company's operations in an innovative manner to enhance compliance standards.

2.      Diversity and complexity of work relative to team size

3.      Feedback from business partners regarding in-house team's performance

4.      Awards and accolades

1.      公司代表的新科技及法务团队的工作在其中的贡献:

a.      参与及完成的重要交易/项目;直接为公司的发展或利润做出贡献;

b.     赢得的仲裁/诉讼,从而保护公司免遭财务或声誉损失;

c.      以创新方式深度参与公司运营,促进合规水平提升;

2.      根据团队规模考察工作的多样性和复杂性;

3.      公司业务部门对法务团队工作的评价;

4.      其他成绩(如在教育、公益法律服务、慈善事业等方面的成绩)。




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