
























“在国家‘一带一路’重大战略举措的引领下,西部地区从开放‘末梢’变身为前沿,我们为助力战略推进和涉外法治建设,积极探索新时代涉外法律服务的新路径。” 段和段律师事务所权益合伙人、全球董事局副主席、中国董事局主席孙瑜律师说,段和段已在乌兹别克斯坦设立塔什干办公室,由重庆办公室负责管理。
















“具体包括独创百君金笔榜指数用以衡量新媒体运营数据;建立法律评级机构申报指引与提醒机制;建立律所年度活动计划台账,监控常年活动执行情况与律师满意度;针对本所品牌进行年度市场调研,以掌握品牌影响力;建立舆情应急处理机制,实时监控舆情。” 唐昱州律师介绍,多番努力下,目前百君在网络流量、媒体曝光、原创内容等方面都有了显著提升。

















2023 ALB China Regional Ranking: West China Firms & Rising Lawyers

Despite a relatively late start, the legal services industry in West China has been showing strong growth momentum thanks to the region’s rich natural resources, favourable national policies and dedication by the legal community. For the second year in a row, ALB highlights top firms and young lawyers in this market and invites some winners to share how they have found the right direction to persevere or innovate amid rapid changes in the western region.

As we enter the second half of 2023, ALB continues to monitor the regional legal markets in China, with a particular focus on West China. West China encompasses ten provincial-level administrative divisions: Sichuan, Chongqing, Yunnan, Guizhou, Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Shaanxi, and Gansu. While the west's overall level of economic development may still need to catch up to the eastern and central regions, these provinces and cities have unique characteristics and exhibit promising economic performance.

In 2022, Sichuan Province maintained its 6th ranking in terms of GDP among all provinces in the country. Moreover, except for Sichuan and Guizhou, the GDP growth of the remaining eight western provinces surpassed the national level of 4.5% in the first quarter of 2023. This includes provinces and autonomous regions with smaller economic aggregates, such as Tibet, Ningxia, Xinjiang, Qinghai, and Gansu.

Among cities, Chongqing's GDP surpassed Guangzhou's in 2022, securing fourth place nationwide. In Yicai's list of 15 new first-tier cities announced this year, Chengdu took the top spot, followed by Chongqing in second place, and Xi'an and Kunming ranked sixth and 13th, respectively.

The Western region benefits from natural advantages, such as abundant energy resources, policy, and strategic support, including the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the "China Western Development" strategy. Industrial transformation and upgrading are driving economic development in the western region. For instance, Yunnan Province has seen a clustering of lithium battery companies, with CATL establishing a presence in Kunming and Eve Energy Co., Ltd. and Exencell launching their lithium battery projects in Qujing and Dali, respectively. Shanshan Technology also commenced operations for its lithium battery project in Anning, Kunming, at the end of June.

As economic vitality continues to flourish, the demand for legal services in West China is expected to increase significantly, making it one of the regions with the greatest potential in China's legal services market. Based on ALB's survey, many local firms are expanding beyond their home markets, venturing into other areas within the west and even expanding nationwide and overseas. Simultaneously, large firms from first-tier cities have been targeting key cities in the west for expansion in recent years.

In this year's ALB list, the number of winning firms has increased to 25 from 20 last year, comprising ten local firms and 15 non-local outfits. Among them, fifteen are second-time winners, while the remaining ten are new entries, reflecting the intense competition and rapid evolution of the legal services market in West China.

Another notable addition to this year's list is the inclusion of "rising lawyers," featuring 25 exceptional young lawyers. These rising stars are based in locations similar to those of the winning firms, with the majority situated in the economically developed cities of Chengdu, Chongqing, and Xi'an, and a few in Kunming and Guiyang.

These young lawyers specialise in various areas, including litigation and non-contentious services, focusing on dispute resolution, corporate and commercial law, mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, investment and financing, construction engineering, real estate, and more. Some specialise in emerging fields such as environmental, social, and governance (ESG), cross-border services, and international law, which are relatively new in the western legal services market.


As previously mentioned, the economic and social conditions of various provinces, autonomous regions, and cities in West China vary, resulting in differences in the depth and breadth of the development of the legal services market in each location. Several firms and a rising lawyer on this year's list have shared their unique "western experience" with ALB.

Hui Ye Law Firm, based in Shanghai, opened its Chengdu office in 2010, marking 13 years of operation. Yates Bi, senior partner and director of Hui Ye's Chengdu office, explains that the Chengdu office has undergone three stages of development. Initially, the focus was on adapting to the market and exploring the firm's future directions. The office gradually expanded its services in various fields while actively seeking growth opportunities.

In the second stage, which spanned from 2015 to 2021, Bi led the Chengdu office in reflecting on its development and practice areas. Based on factors such as team size, they strategically shifted focus, giving up certain traditional practice areas and zeroing in on areas where they could exert greater influence, such as finance, securities, international business, and specialised teams in financial leasing, private equity investment, securities and bond issuance, banking, non-performing assets, international investment and financing, dispute resolution, and financial regulation and compliance.

Entering the third phase in 2021, the Chengdu office embraced a "specialisation + industrialisation" approach. They introduced and built several practice teams specialising in cybersecurity and data compliance, government and public affairs, environmental resources and energy, intellectual property, criminal defence and compliance. They aim to provide comprehensive legal services throughout the entire lifecycle of an industry, expanding beyond their previous focus on pure financial services.

Du Xiaocheng, a "Rising Lawyers" winner and partner at TianTong Law Firm, successfully established the Xi'an office in a short period. As TianTong adopts a corporate management model, regional office heads are expected to find solutions independently. Du worked tirelessly on cases, pitched for the business, recruited team members, and secured new clients. The competitive market environment transformed him from a "tactical talent" with expertise to a "leadership talent" capable of leading a team.

Using Shaanxi province's geographical advantages, Du emphasised the development of legal services in the energy sector. The Xi'an office expanded its scope of practice from Shaanxi to neighbouring provinces and autonomous regions such as Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, and Xinjiang. They achieved high regional revenue per lawyer and developed a strong base of repeat clients.

Local firms on the list generally have longer histories and enjoy territorial and first-mover advantages. Chongqing Baijus Law Firm, founded in 1998, is a leader in West China. Tang Yuzhou, senior partner and management committee member, emphasises the importance of clarifying strategic positioning and development path. According to a plan issued by the Chongqing Municipal Justice Bureau, Chongqing aims to host 20 firms with national influence and international competitiveness and 35 specialised firms with 50 to 100 lawyers with influence in central and western regions. Tang believes there is still room for further growth and upscaling of local Chongqing firms.

Baijus plans to continue its long-term commitment to deepening and exploring large-scale development. In addition to the Chengdu office established in 2015 and subsequent offices in Guiyang, Hechuan, Rongchang, and Dazu, Baijus plans to open offices in key western cities like Kunming this year to increase its influence in the western legal market.

Non-local firms are also expanding their presence beyond new first-tier cities like Chengdu, Chongqing, and Xi'an. For example, Hui Ye obtained approval to open its Yinchuan office in March, and Duan & Duan unveiled its Sichuan Mianyang office at the end of June. These firms are actively engaging in the upscaling exercise in West China.


While there is overall optimism about the legal services market in the west, industry observers acknowledge the challenges that need to be overcome.

William Sun, equity partner, vice chairman of the global board of directors, and chairman of the China board of directors of Duan & Duan, highlights the need to explore new ways of delivering cross-border legal services in the "Belt and Road Initiative era." Duan & Duan has established a Tashkent office in Uzbekistan, managed by the Chongqing office, to support this initiative and facilitate capacity-building of cross-border legal services.

Zhang Xiaowei, director of the management committee of W&H Law Firm, also recognises the shifting landscape brought about by the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the increasing foreign investment in the west. However, with the rise of global projects, enterprises face new risks and challenges. The requirements for lawyers' risk control, compliance management capabilities, proficiency in cross-border services, and the resources and capabilities of law firms in cross-border matters are also increasing. Zhang highlights the challenge of local lawyers struggling to enter the cross-border services market due to the preference of foreign-invested enterprises for lawyers from Beijing or Hong Kong. To address this, W&H has recruited experienced cross-border lawyers to provide more professional legal services and break the stereotype about the capabilities of western lawyers in cross-border matters.

As more firms establish their presence in West China, new challenges arise. William Sun mentions the intensifying issues of integrated management, conflict of interest, and increased operating risks with the expansion of Duan & Duan. Local firm offices face the challenge of competing with local firms for market share and adapting to local policies during development.

Du and Zhang also point out problems such as unhealthy pressure, low fees, and malicious competition in the western legal services industry. Zhang emphasises that emphasising lower fees alone is not a sustainable approach and may erode the professional expertise of lawyers. Instead, W&H focuses on increasing costs and improving service quality to create a noticeable service advantage and stronger bargaining power.

To tackle these challenges, firms strive for a higher level of professional competence. Sun believes that professional strength and cross-border expertise should be the core competitiveness of Duan & Duan to face any challenges. W&H aims to create significant service differentiators by increasing costs and enhancing service quality. This approach enables clients to recognise the outstanding talent of the firm and avoids getting trapped in a meaningless cycle of low-price competition.

Du highlights the strong demand for high-quality legal services from clients in West China, especially top clients. He sees greater potential in the West China market compared to first-tier cities and emphasises the importance of building competitive barriers based on professional capabilities to lead in long-term development.


While firms in West China face external challenges, internal management policies are crucial to their success. Each firm has its unique story to share based on its city and stage of development.

According to Bi from Hui Ye Law Firm, the corporate model has gained popularity among many firms due to its advantages in providing high-quality middle- and back-office support. However, Hui Ye's Chengdu office still practices the partnership model and has yet to make any immediate plans to shift to the corporate model. The partnership model fosters team harmony and maintains a highly flat organisational structure. Partners and senior partners do not have independent offices, promoting equal communication and growth among colleagues. The Chengdu office closely monitors the development of firms that adopt the corporate model to learn from their strengths while staying true to their approach.

Bi also notes the information asymmetry between national and local firms. Regional offices should acknowledge the gap in serving businesses in first-tier cities and proactively build resources for potential booming practice areas in the future. The Chengdu office recruits teams aligned with Hui Ye's overall development directions, focusing on practice areas such as compliance, data, environmental resources, and energy.

Similarly, Sun emphasises the alignment of Duan & Duan's presence in West China with its overall development strategies. The firm places great importance on integrating the head office and local outfits, providing continuous practice and professional training for partners and lawyers. Duan & Duan leverages its brand advantage in cross-border legal services to support the foreign trade operations of local companies in West China.

Brand management has also gained recognition among firms in West China. Baijus, for instance, has shifted its focus to new media data analytics, award applications, activity planning and quality, internal brand satisfaction, brand market awareness, and public relations crisis management. The firm has developed various strategies, including the Baijus Golden Pen List Index, to measure new media data, award application guidelines, and a comprehensive activity plan. They also conduct annual market surveys to assess brand influence and have established a public opinion emergency response mechanism to monitor real-time public opinions. These efforts have resulted in significant progress in online traffic, media exposure, and original content for Baijus.


Building the strength of a law firm involves cultivating talents across different age groups and practice areas, and the western legal services market is no exception to this process.

Zhang from W&H Law Firm acknowledges that the return of high-end talents in recent years has brought new opportunities to developing the western legal services market. W&H prioritises human resources appreciation over revenue generation, recognising that a cohesive and creative talent pool is crucial for a firm's core competitiveness. W&H focuses on remuneration, benefits, promotion paths, cultural atmosphere, training, professional exchange, and collaboration with higher learning institutions to attract and train talents effectively in West China. These aspects have become essential components of leading firms' talent strategies.

Duan & Duan established the Duan & Duan Global Training Center in Xi'an in June this year, hosting its first cross-border legal services training camp. According to Sun, the training centre serves as a platform for legal professionals to exchange knowledge, expand specialised services, and cultivate talents with a global vision. By connecting practitioners, academics, and business communities, the centre aims to integrate resources across different industries and foster a continuous talent development process.

However, cultivating legal talents in West China presents challenges compared to first-tier cities. Bi admits that Hui Ye's Chengdu office faces difficulties in attracting and training talents due to the slower adoption of emerging practice areas in non-first-tier cities. The growth of markets and teams also tends to be slower in these regions. Despite this, the Chengdu office has focused on specialised development and achieved national recognition in cross-border legal services, financial leasing, cybersecurity and data compliance, and financial regulation and compliance.

Baijus, with over 500 lawyers, remains dedicated to building a highly competent team while expanding its headcount in Chongqing. The firm has developed a comprehensive training system that enables law school graduates to progress from paralegals to partners. Baijus ensures that the practice level of each lawyer is highly regarded by the industry, striving to uplift the overall competency of lawyers in Chongqing.


In the post-pandemic era, with the reshaping of industrial and social structures, lawyers in West China are facing an uncertain future. In response, they have developed plans for the development and growth of their firms.

Tang explains that Baijus' strategic transformation will focus on micro and subdivided market segments. As clients increasingly seek specialised and targeted legal services, especially in areas like technology, bankruptcy, and reorganisation, Baijus aims to explore these fields in greater depth. They plan to leverage their current 15 internal practice teams to meet clients' evolving needs.

According to Bi, Hui Ye's Chengdu office will continue its current development trajectory, capitalising on its advantages in emerging and subdivided vertical fields. They also plan to expand traditional practice areas and the existing team. To enhance their capabilities, they will improve their knowledge management system and enhance the service capabilities of their marketing and administrative teams, striving to be on par with firms that adopt the corporate model.

Du's focus lies in the "depth" of professional expertise. Regardless of the field they pursue, their goal is to provide clients with a high level of professional service. While they may have a smaller client pool in the early stages, Du believes professional expertise is key to expanding their reach.

Duan & Duan is entering its 30th anniversary, marking the beginning of its "3.0 era of development." Sun states that the firm's next phase will prioritise cross-border services and serve national strategies in new dimensions. They plan to open new offices in an orderly manner across the western region to create a service network that covers West China and extends globally.

W&H intends to refine the division of labour, clarify the roles of each team member, and leverage their strengths to embark on a new journey, according to Zhang. They will further tap into local resources in West China, harnessing the strength and brand recognition as a national firm to pursue integrated and long-term development.

Overall, these firms in West China are adapting to market demands, exploring specialised fields, expanding their reach, and investing in their teams and resources to position themselves for success in an evolving legal landscape.


2023 ALB China Regional Ranking: West China Firms & Rising Lawyers
2023 ALB China 区域市场排名:西部地区律所和律师新星

Local Firms 西部地区本地律所

Chongqing Baijus Law Firm

Faxian Law Firm

Help Reaching Law Firm

K&H Law Firm

Ning Ren Law Firm

Shaanxi Jiaxuan Law Firm

Sichuan Mingju Law Firm

Tahota Law Firm

Yong Jia Xin Law Firm

ZHH & Robin LLP

Non-local Firms 西部地区非本地律所(西部地区业务)

AllBright Law Offices

City Development Law Firm

DeHeng Law Offices

Dentons China

Duan & Duan Law Firm

Grandall Law Firm

Hui Ye Law Firm

Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm

Kangda Law Firm

King & Wood Mallesons

Long An Law Firm

SGLA Law Firm

Tian Yuan Law Firm

W&H Law Firm

Zhong Lun Law Firm


Rising Lawyers

Local Law Firms

Cao Peng
Shaanxi Jiaxuan Law Firm

Chen Han
Yong Jia Xin Law Firm

Lai Siqi
Chongqing Baijus Law Firm

Lan Junwei
Shaanxi Jindi Law Firm

Lin Xue
K&H Law Firm

Liu Xinying
Silkroad, Anchorite and Sage Law
Firm 锦路安生律师事务所

Wang Peiyao
Help Reaching Law Firm

Yang Weimin
Guizhou Visen Law Firm

Zhao Ke
Faxian Law Firm

Zheng Wenwen
Tahota Law Firm

Non-local Law Firms

Ding Feng
Haiwen & Partners

Du Xiaocheng
TianTong Law Firm

Geng Hui
AllBright Law Offices


Huang Pingping
Grandall Law Firm

Huang Jingran
Zhong Lun Law Firm

Kou Chunyan

Li Lu
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm

Niu Zehua
East & Concord Partners

Peng Kai
Tian Yuan Law Firm

Sidney Qiu
Duan & Duan Law Firm

Wu Rui
Jingtian & Gongcheng

Xiong Yanhong
Dentons China

Zhang Jiayu
DeHeng Law Offices

Zhang Mo
King & Wood Mallesons

Zhang Junyuan
SGLA Law Firm



The research was based on the law firm’s basic information, professional strength, business layout, customer relationship, and development path.

         Firm information: number of personnel, market scale, business volume, etc.;

         Professional strength: significant achievements over the years, major transactions/litigation completed in the past 12 months;

         Practice Area: practice areas layout, new practice areas in the past 12 months;

         Client relationship: key clients, new clients in the past 12 months;

         Development path: market positioning and development strategy.

         The list of rising lawyers has been chosen on the basis of a combination of the following:

         significant achievements;

         important deals or cases;

         significant work in the last 12 months;

         clients the candidate has acted for;

         significant accolades the candidate has received for work in the form of public recognition;

         client comments and colleague comments.

















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