过去一年,中国律师招聘市场的活跃度如何?背后的原因是什么?相较于去年,您观察到哪些新现象和新趋势? 受全球经济周期影响,2023年中国内地律所招聘活跃度整体呈现放缓的态势。除了正常人员流动产生的机会之外,绝大多数律所希望能吸引有一定业务和客户储备的合伙人加盟。另一个趋势是,在大部分律所招 聘呈现较为保守的态度时,部分国内精品所展开了积极的合伙人吸纳,主要业务领域集中于公司法、投融资、涉外业务、专利诉讼等。 其背后原因主要有四个。第一,精品所的业务类型和团队规模使得其在周期调整中受到的冲击较小,仍有一定财务空间吸收新的资深律师和合伙人;第二,精品所希望通过吸收人才的方式加强自身在重点执业领域的专业能力及知名度,他们积极发展的意愿非常 坚定。 第三,受经济大环境影响,头部律所的业绩要求对部分年轻顾问、合伙人来说挑战极大,而精品所的财务制度和组织架构相对灵活;第四,外资所部分高年级律师也由于工作饱和度及上升通道问题,对正处于上升期的精品律所产生浓厚兴趣。 2023年,哪些业务领域的律师最受欢迎?原因是什么? 2023年的法律招聘市场出现了“逆周期”的发展特点。具体到受市场青睐的领域,上半年跨境并购、PE/VC、资本市场领域的招聘活动非常谨慎,争议解决、合规、破产重整等不易受到周期影响,甚至属于“逆周期”的执业领域较为活跃。而进入第三、四季度,经过上半年的调整,部分律所开始重新关注金融银行、资本市场、知识产权等领域的 招聘。 您是否有观察到中国不同城市对法律人的吸引力变化?哪些城市最受欢迎?原因如何? 谈及最受法律人欢迎的城市,北京、上海依旧稳坐头把交椅,这主要是因为顶尖律所绝大多数选址于此,这两个城市也同样拥有最成熟的法律市场和大批高质量客户。 随着部分国际所在2023年进驻深圳,一些希望专注于TMT、知识产权、数据合规领域的律师,也会更有意向将深圳以及大湾区作为未来发展的主战场。 就您观察,律所希望律师具备怎样的素养? 精准理解和适用法律帮助客户解决问题是律师的核心工作内容和基本职业素养。对于部分方兴未艾或者处于快速更迭的业务领域,比如AIGC、数据合规,律所还特别强调律师具备快速学习的能力。 极具挑战的市场环境也让律所愈发重视律师的商业思维和意识,希望律师具备客户关系管理能力,并逐渐发展、打磨业务开发能力。 您如何预期2024年的法律招聘市场?有哪些趋势值得关注? 明年上半年,律所招聘的活跃度可能还会处于恢复期,我们期待明年下半年律所经过此轮调整期后,开启更大规模的招聘计划。 2024年可能仍然会是争议解决、合规领域律师‘抢手’的一年,与此同时,资本市场、知识产权、金融银行领域的招聘可能也会逐渐恢复。此外,不断发展的AIGC、法律科技可能会给律所招聘的方向、趋势、流程带来变化和挑战。 |
过去一年,中国企业法务招聘市场的活跃度如何?背后的原因是什么?相较于去年,您观察到哪些新现象和新趋势? 企业法务领域的人才流动也与整个法律行业趋势保持一致。过去一年企业法务招聘市场整体并不太活跃,很多在找工作的候选人都经历了不断调整预期的过程。 企业在2023年的一个关键词是“降本增效”,许多公司在进行团队精简和组织架构调整,保留住岗位的法务人员可能也面临了工作量的增加。此外,中国企业虽然对具备法律专业背景、拥有投后/出海经验的候选人有比较强烈的需求,但整体招聘流程变长,要求也愈发严格,呈现出谨慎保守的态度。 2023年,哪些业务领域的法务最受欢迎?原因是什么? 在热门领域方面,合规职位最为活跃。伴随着政策法规的推陈出新与监管的日益趋严,企业越发重视合规部门的建设,尤其是反腐败、反商业贿赂、出口管制、数据合规等领域,对于法律合规人才的需求逐渐增强。 您是否有观察到中国不同城市对法律人的吸引力变化?哪些城市最受欢迎?原因如何? 有些候选人打开了思路,认为继续留在上海和北京等比较内卷的地方,可能无法突显自身的竞争优势。因此不如抱着开放的心态,跳转去初创公司,或是其他具备地域行业特点的城市。 就您观察,企业希望法务具备怎样的素养? 在法律专业能力之外,企业法务也需要具备商业逻辑与强大的沟通能力,只有深入了解业务、及时发现风险点、避免“法言法语”的习惯,才能够和业务部门紧密合作,在黑与白之间找到最佳解决方案,保护企业利益。 您如何预期2024年的法律招聘市场?有哪些趋势值得关注? 不论对于候选人还是企业,2024年都将会继续抱持保守的态度,我们还是抱着谨慎乐观的心态,相信明年人才流动的需求量会稳步增长。 从行业领域来看,未来几年,将有越来越多的法务候选人选择初创阶段或处于融资B轮/C轮的企业,尤其医疗大健康、高新科技与新消费领域的人才需求量较大。 |
Kingfisher首席顾问(内地) Lena Zheng Kingfisher首席顾问(香港) Hannah Lau
过去一年,中国法律招聘市场的活跃度如何?背后的原因是什么?相较于去年,您观察到哪些新现象和新 趋势? 相较于去年,法律招聘公司Kingfisher的国际所招聘业务下降了20%,中国所业务以及企业法务招聘业务的发展也较为平缓,有10%左右的提升。 总的来说,国际所的拆分、某些顶尖国内律所关闭海外办公室、美资所招聘名额冻结或关闭办公室,以及跨境项目数量的下降,都是招聘需求放缓的主要原因。然而,中国所的出海业务仍在延续新的生机,带来了一定的招聘业 务量。 此外,法律招聘市场的一个重要发展趋势是储备性人才的需求明显下降。 同时,法务招聘领域有几点新变化:首先,企业开拓新赛道时,倾向于直接吸纳具备相关行业工作经验的法律人作为法务人员;第二,在协助民营企业拓展海外市场时,服务跨境出海业务的能力尤为重要,特别需要克服语言、文化、时差等障碍;第三,当企业法务需要直接汇报给没有法律背景的管理层时,向上管理和沟通能力同样不容或缺,这点在民营企业尤为 突出。 2023年,哪些业务领域的法律人最受欢迎?原因是什么? 今年资本市场及并购领域的人才流动较少,而各类型的合规律师、争议解决律师则成为了炙手可热的人才。此外,既懂专业又懂技术的知识 产权复合型人才受到了高新科技企业的追捧。而同时,伴随着高净值群体的增长,私人财富管理与家族业务也是热门领域之一。 香港地区律所通常会设有一个较为特殊的部门,叫做Special Situation(困境资产)。这些为企业解决不良资产的部门通常会联动深耕于IPO、公司业务以及银行与金融领域的律师。 您是否有观察到中国不同城市对法律人的吸引力变化?哪些城市最受欢迎?原因如何? 除了北京、上海之外,新一线城市、二线城市也在过去一年经历了持续崛起。Kingfisher的招聘业务数据显示,西安、南京、重庆、苏州、杭州等城市的招聘量在2023年相对较高,大型所在以上城市开设办公室促生了相关需求。此外,粤港澳大湾区也是法律人发挥自身专业能力的热门目的地。 就您观察,律所希望律师具备怎样的素养? 律所希望律师能够将专业素养转化为实际的产出,因此律师需要思考自己的商业价值,在为客户提供具有前瞻性的法律意见的同时,快速掌握信息、协同合作、整合资源、灵活创新并共同开发客户的能力,也是律所乐见的职业素养。 您如何预期2024年的法律招聘市场?有哪些趋势值得关注? 随着国际所客户招聘名额的逐渐解冻,我们期待人才流动重新活跃起来,对于明年的市场复苏抱有了更乐观的态度。 机遇总是伴随挑战而生。未来一年中国所持续走向国际,并聚焦本土增长,因此会积极设立新办公室、寻求合作/联营伙伴,给法律人才带来更多灵活的机会。 |
Reflecting on 2023, despite overcoming the global epidemic, the legal recruitment market remains in recovery mode due to the influence of economic and political factors. This trend is evident in the lateral recruitment records of ALB. In the past year, ALB documented over 100 partner-level lateral recruitments in the Chinese market. Following a decline in Q1, the recruitment market experienced an upturn in Q2, but it struggled to sustain this momentum in Q3 and Q4, settling into stability or even sluggish-ness.
In terms of practice areas, traditional sectors such as capital markets, banking and finance, investment, and M&A exhibited a significant decrease in activity. In contrast, cross-border business, litigation, compliance, and intellectual property demonstrated heightened activity.
Among Chinese law firms, Merits & Tree, Chance Bridge, Shihui, Han Kun, Jingtian & Gongcheng, Haiwen, etc., stand out in attracting talent, while other leading law firms have adopted a more conservative approach. Concerning international law firms, ALB reported approximately 20 recruitments in the past year, with new partners primarily concentrated in Hong Kong and only a small number in Shanghai. Geographically, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong continue to be as attractive to legal professionals as ever, maintaining the most active trends in talent mobility.
Cherry Zhang
How active has the Chinese legal recruitment market been over the past year? What new phenomena and trends have you observed? Cherry Zhang, a manager at SSQ, specializes in the lateral recruitment market for lawyers. According to her observations, impacted by the global economic cycle, the overall recruitment activity of law firms in Mainland China exhibited a slowing trend in 2023. Zhang also emphasizes, “In addition to opportunities arising from normal personnel turnover, most law firms aim to hire partners with specific business and client sources.” Another trend observed by Zhang is that, “While most law firms maintain a relatively conservative attitude towards recruitment, certain premium Chinese law firms have actively sought to recruit partners, focusing on main businesses in corporate law, investment and financing, foreign-related business, and patent litigation, among others.” Zhang outlines four main reasons for this phenomenon. “Firstly, the business types and team sizes of premium firms make them less susceptible to cyclical adjustments, allowing them to retain certain financial power for hiring new senior lawyers and partners. Secondly, premium firms aspire to enhance their professional capabilities and visibility in key practice areas by attracting top talent, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to proactive development.” “Thirdly, influenced by the overall economic environment, the performance requirements set by leading law firms pose challenges for some young consultants and partners. In contrast, the financial system and organizational structure of premium firms are relatively flexible. Fourthly, due to job saturation and upward path issues, certain senior lawyers in foreign-funded firms have also developed a strong interest in premium law firms that are on the rise," Zhang concludes. Talent mobility within the corporate legal fields aligns with prevailing trends in the broader legal industry. Chancy Chen, an expert at SSQ specializing in corporate legal recruitment, notes that the overall corporate legal recruitment market has been relatively inactive in the past year, undergoing a process of adjusting market expectations. She puts it bluntly: "One of the key imperatives for firms in 2023 is cost reduction and efficiency improvement. Many firms are streamlining teams and adjusting organizational structures. Legal personnel who have retained their positions may also face increased workloads." Furthermore, despite a relatively robust demand for candidates with a legal background and post-investment/overseas experience, Chen observes that the overall recruitment process has become lengthier, with more stringent requirements reflecting a cautious and conservative approach by firms. Which practice areas are the most popular for lawyers in 2023? Influenced by external factors, the legal recruitment market in 2023 exhibited a "counter-cyclical" development trend. Regarding specific areas favored by the market, she observed cautious recruitment activities in cross-border M&A, PE/VC, and capital markets during 1H23. In contrast, dispute resolution, compliance, bankruptcy, and reorganization were relatively active practice areas that proved resistant to cycles and even demonstrated a “counter-cyclical” nature. Following adjustments in the first half of the year, some law firms redirected their focus to recruitment in areas such as finance, banking, capital markets, and intellectual property in Q3 and Q4. Have you observed any changes in the attractiveness of different cities for legal professionals in China? Zhang asserts that Beijing and Shanghai continue to be their top choices. This preference is primarily driven by the concentration of most top law firms in these cities. Zhang also notes that, in 2023, the establishment of offices by some international law firms in Shenzhen has introduced a new dynamic. As a result, lawyers seeking to specialize in TMT, intellectual property, and data compliance may find Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area (GBA) more attractive. What kind of qualities do law firms look for in their lawyers? “Accurately understanding and applying laws to help clients solve problems is the core work content and basic professional quality of lawyers. In some emerging or rapidly changing business fields, such as AIGC and data compliance, law firms also place significant emphasis on lawyers’ ability to adapt quickly and learn.” She further highlights that the exceptionally challenging market environment has compelled law firms to intensify their focus on lawyers’ business acumen and awareness. How do you anticipate the legal recruitment market in 2024? “The activity of law firms’ recruitment may continue to be in recovery during 1H24. Following this adjustment period in 2H24, we anticipate law firms launching a larger-scale recruitment plan.” She further analyses, “2024 is likely to be a year where demand persists for dispute resolution and compliance lawyers. The recruitment of lawyers in capital markets, intellectual property, finance, and banking may also experience a gradual recovery. Additionally, the evolving fields of AIGC and legal technology may introduce changes and challenges to the direction, trends, and processes of law firms’ recruitment.” |
Chancy Chen
How active has the Chinese legal recruitment market been over the past year? What new phenomena and trends have you observed? Chancy Chen, an expert at SSQ specializing in corporate legal recruitment, notes that the overall corporate legal recruitment market has been relatively inactive in the past year, undergoing a process of adjusting market expectations. She puts it bluntly: “One of the key imperatives for firms in 2023 is cost reduction and efficiency improvement. Many firms are streamlining teams and adjusting organizational structures.” Furthermore, despite a relatively robust demand for candidates with a legal background and post-investment/overseas experience, Chen observes that the overall recruitment process has become lengthier, with more stringent requirements reflecting a cautious and conservative approach by firms. Which practice areas are the most popular for in-house counsels in 2023? Chen places a strong emphasis on compliance. This trend is attributed to the introduction of new policies and regulations, coupled with heightened supervision, prompting firms to focus more on the establishment of compliance departments. Chen highlights the growing demand in areas such as anti-corruption, anti-commercial bribery, export control, and data compliance. Have you observed any changes in the attractiveness of different cities for legal professionals in China? “Consequently, it’s preferable to maintain an open mind and explore opportunities with start-up firms or in other cities with distinct regional industry characteristics,” she explains. What kind of qualities do corporates look for in their in-house counsels? Chen emphasizes that “corporate legal personnel also need to possess business logic and strong communication skills.” How do you anticipate the legal recruitment market in 2024? Chen outlines her expectations, stating, “There will still be a conservative attitude towards both candidates and firms in 2024, and we remain cautiously optimistic and believe that the demand for talent mobility will grow steadily next year.” Regarding industries, Chen predicts, “In the next few years, an increasing number of legal candidates will opt for firms in the start-up stage or the B/C round of financing. Particularly, there is a substantial demand for talents in the medical health, high-tech, and new consumption fields.” |
Lena Zheng |
How active has the Chinese legal recruitment market been over the past year? What new phenomena and trends have you observed? According to the insights provided by Kingfisher’s two experts, the recruitment business of international law firms experienced a 20 percent decline compared to the previous year. In contrast, Chinese law firms and corporate legal recruitment demonstrated a relatively slow development, with an increase of about 10 percent. The experts attribute this slowdown in recruitment demand to various factors, including the division of international firms, the closure of overseas offices by certain top domestic law firms, the freezing of recruitment quotas or office closures by US-funded firms, and a decline in the number of cross-border projects. Despite this, Kingfisher notes that the renewed vigour in the overseas business of Chinese law firms has introduced a certain level of recruitment activity. They further highlight a significant development trend wherein the demand for reserve talents has dropped significantly. Additionally, Kingfisher has identified several notable changes in in-house recruitment. Firstly, when firms embark on opening up new markets, they tend to directly recruit legal personnel with relevant industry work experience. Secondly, in assisting private firms to expand overseas markets, the ability to navigate cross-border business becomes crucial, requiring adeptness in overcoming language, culture, and time differences. Lastly, when reporting directly to management without a legal background, corporate legal personnel are expected to possess superior management and communication skills, which is particularly crucial for private enterprises. |
Hannah Lau |
Which practice areas are the most popular for legal professionals in 2023? As Kingfisher’s principal consultant in Mainland China, Lena Zheng shares that: “There is less talent mobility in the capital markets and M&A fields this year, while compliance lawyers and dispute resolution lawyers have become the most sought-after talents.” Additionally, Zheng observes a heightened demand for intellectual property talents possessing both professional and technical knowledge, especially from high-tech enterprises. As the growth of high-net-worth groups continues, private wealth management and family businesses emerge as hot fields within the legal recruitment landscape. Turning to the Hong Kong market, Hannah Lau, Kingfisher’s principal consultant, provides a comprehensive perspective. Lau notes that law firms typically have a specialized department called Special Situation, tasked with resolving bad assets for companies. Have you observed any changes in the attractiveness of different cities for legal professionals in China? According to Kingfisher’s recruitment business data, cities such as Xi’an, Nanjing, Chongqing, Suzhou, and Hangzhou witnessed relatively high recruitment volumes in 2023. Additionally, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) emerges as a popular destination for legal professionals. What kind of qualities do law firms look for in their lawyers? Law firms aspire for lawyers to translate professionalism into tangible outcomes. They emphasize that lawyers should contemplate their business value and cultivate abilities to swiftly grasp information, collaborate, integrate resources, innovate flexibly, and collectively attract clients while offering forward-looking legal advice. These qualities are deemed essential by law firms. How do you anticipate the legal recruitment market in 2024? Anticipating the legal recruitment market in 2024, Kingfisher predicts, “With the gradual unfreezing of recruitment quotas for international law firms, we expect talent mobility to become active again and it does make us more optimistic about the market recovery next year.” They further note, “In 2024, Chinese law firms will continue to go global and focus on local growth. Consequently, they will actively establish new offices and seek partner law firms/joint venture partners, providing legal talents with more flexible opportunities.” |