



“当前无论是我们的客户还是事务所自身都面临诸多挑战。由韩亮律师带领的新一届管理团队将致力于确保方达始终在客户最需要我们的时候,为他们提供优质、专业的服务。” 管理合伙人高旸律师在新闻稿中说。


Michael Han to lead Fangda after management team change

Fangda Partners has elected a new management committee comprising of seven partners and has appointed Michael Han as the new chairman of the committee. This is the latest management level change of the firm after announcing the leaving of founder and previous chairman Jonathan Zhou in mid-April

According to ALB’s previous report, Michael Han, who is a seasoned expert in antitrust and competition law, joined Fangda as partner in 2014 in its Beijing office. He previously worked for magic circle firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer for twelve years and was the head of its antitrust business in Greater China. He also had more than five years’ experience with MOFTEC (now the Ministry of Commerce).

Han graduated from Wuhan University in 2001 and obtained his doctor’s degree from Harvard University.

“I am extremely honored to be taking on this role… With the new management team and the unwavering commitments of our partners, I have every confidence that we will take the firm to its new height,” says Han in one press release.

“Together with our clients, we face challenging times ahead. Our new management team, now led by Michael, remains confident about the resilience of our business... We are committed to ensuring that Fangda will continue to deliver exceptional and seamless services to our clients when and where they need us most,” comments managing partner Gao Yang in the same press release.


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