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Drilling furiously
China’s energy heavyweights Sinopec Corp and PetroChina have upgraded their outlook on the country’s shale gas industry and turned upbeat on shale gas, citing steadily declining costs, but stopped short of predicting a near-term boom. Charlie Zhu…

‘A lot more discriminatory’
China’s foreign investment mix is changing, with portfolio investors buying more stocks but FDI falling to a two-year low on a slowing economy, rising business costs and anti-monopoly probes and crackdowns on foreign firms. Pete Sweeney reports

Learn from thy neighbour
Chinese antitrust officials have met with their South Korean counterparts to discuss violations by U.S. chipmaker Qualcomm Inc, with Beijing reaching out to regulators overseas to complete a case that could result in record fines at home. Michael…

TPP fallout
“Made in China” will be a less frequent sight in U.S. clothing stores if the United States has its way in a new trade pact negotiated among 12 Pacific Rim nations, says Krista Hughes