

但Dentons及其在King & Spalding的律师于周二在联邦法院的文件中提出了他们自己的指控,声称张晋蜀被解雇是因为他将85%的应急费用(包括股票)转给了自己。

周三提供给路透社的一份声明显示,Dentons的发言人表示是张晋蜀误导了他的客户,并称张关于造假的指控是 “完全的捏造”。


张晋蜀在大型律师事务所担任合伙人已有20年,他的领英资料显示,其在2008年加入礼德律师事务所之前,于Greenberg Traurig领导中国业务,此后,于2014年加入Dentons。


张晋蜀声称,在其美国首席执行官Michael McNamara和总法律顾问Edward Reich的指示下,Dentons伪造了一份文件,转走了客户的数百万美元。张表示,他采取了行动以保护客户和Dentons的声誉,并要求公司解雇McNamara。

然而Dentons却解雇了他,并以 “捏造的重量级论据 ”来证明此举的合理性。

但是,Dentons周二提交的文件却讲述了一个不尽相同的故事。该所称,在拒绝了张晋蜀要求获得客户费用的大部分份额的要求后,张背着公司直接与客户谈判,获得了 “本应提供给Dentons的股票收益的85%”。

Dentons还声称,在张晋蜀被开除前不久,他还 “秘密泄露了公司的机密信息” 。


“本案事关Dentons的所作所为,他们试图跑去仲裁,想将一切保密,”张晋蜀的律师、Murphy Rosen创始合伙人Paul Murphy表示。他补充道,他们将提交一份禁令,以停止仲裁程序,从而使法院能够确定仲裁是否是审理张晋蜀索赔的适当场所。


Dentons squares off with fired partner over Chinese client fees

Dentons has become embroiled in a multi-front legal battle with former partner and longtime Big Law China practitioner Jinshu (John) Zhang, according to federal court documents filed this week, after Zhang and the global mega-firm clashed over client fees.

Zhang, in a lawsuit filed last month in California state court, claims he was fired by Dentons for blowing the whistle on the firm for allegedly using forgery to obtain millions of dollars from an unnamed Chinese client.

But Dentons and its lawyers at King & Spalding levelled their own allegations against Zhang in federal court papers on Tuesday, asserting he was fired because he diverted 85% of a contingency fee, including stock, to himself. The firm claims Zhang's lawsuit, which came in the midst of ongoing arbitration proceedings with the firm, belongs in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.

In a statement to Reuters Wednesday, a Dentons spokesperson said Zhang misled his partners and called his allegation of forgery "an utter fabrication."

"Zhang's slanderous accusations and misleading attempts to falsely portray himself as a whistleblower, tellingly made only after Dentons directly confronted him, are as outrageous as they are untrue," the spokesperson said.

Zhang has been a partner at major law firms for two decades and led the China practice at Greenberg Traurig before joining Reed Smith in 2008, according to legal media coverage. He joined Dentons in 2014, his LinkedIn profile says.

Beginning in 2018, Dentons said in its Tuesday filing, Zhang and the firm represented a China-based client who sought to enforce a foreign arbitral award in China, resulting in a multi-million dollar settlement for their client.

Zhang alleged that Dentons, at the direction of its U.S. CEO Michael McNamara and general counsel Edward Reich, forged a document that would have transferred millions of dollars from the client. Zhang alleged he took action to protect both the client and Dentons' reputation and demanded that the firm fire McNamara.

Instead, Dentons fired Zhang, justifying the move with "made-up or make-weight arguments", his lawsuit alleged.

Dentons' filing on Tuesday tells a very different story. The firm says that, after it turned down Zhang's request to receive a lion's share of the client's fee, Zhang went behind the firm's back and negotiated with the client directly, receiving "85% of the proceeds of the shares of stock due to Dentons."

Dentons also alleges Zhang was "secretly exfiltrating sensitive and confidential information" from the firm shortly before he was fired on May 5.

After his dismissal on May 5, Zhang and Dentons entered into arbitration with the International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution. Dentons alleged Zhang stopped participating in the arbitration process after he lost a ruling; Zhang in his lawsuit said he withdrew because the arbitrator gave him no time to reply to matters. He said he also objected to the secretive nature of the arbitration proceedings.

"This case is about what Dentons has done, and they’re trying to run to arbitration and try to keep everything secret," said Zhang's attorney Paul Murphy, a founding member of Santa Monica, California-based Murphy Rosen. He said they will file an injunction to halt the arbitration proceedings so that a court can determine whether arbitration is the proper venue to hear Zhang's claims.

The case is Zhang v. Dentons US LLP, U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, No. 2:21-cv-04682.

For Zhang: Daniel Csillag and Paul Murphy, of Murphy Rosen LLP

For Dentons US, Michael McNamara and Edward Reich: Joseph Akrotirianakis, Patrick Collins, Patrick Otlewski and Brian White of King & Spalding

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