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作为年利达新晋合伙人之一的杨佩君律师(Iris Yeung)对大中华区女性律师的崛起感到欣喜。她告诉ALB,这一崛起的一个重要原因是女性律师的努力与才能得到愈加广泛的认可,此外,越来越多律所也认识到了留住女性法律人才的必要性,并愿意营造性别平等的律所文化,为女律师创造更多的发展机遇。




尽管女性律师的崛起之势令人欣喜,但真正的性别平等尚未完全实现。宾夕法尼亚大学法学院国际事务副院长Rangita de Silva de Alwis及其学生Ziguo Yang的一项研究显示,中国女性法律从业者在职业发展中仍然面临着来自社会期望的阻力——比起追求事业,女性似乎被认为更应该去生育子女。



China’s female lawyers are growing in prominence, but inherent career-track limitations remain 

If you take a look at the partner promotions results announced by law firms in China during the first half of 2021, you can see a considerable proportion of female lawyers among them. For example, of the 32 partner promotions announced by Sino-Australian firm King & Wood Mallesons, 17 are women. In April, Linklaters made up 14 female partners, which hit the firm’s newly set target of achieving a 40 percent gender balance in a 35-strong promotions round. The firm also named Beijing partner Ji Xiaohui to its global partnership board, as well as the firm’s Asia representative. Fellow Magic Circle firm Allen & Overy’s named three new partners, of whom two were women. 

Iris Yeung, one of the newly promoted female partners at Linklaters, tells ALB that not only are the hard work and achievements of female lawyers being more widely recognized, but an increasing number of firms are realising the importance of retaining female legal talents, and taking action to emphasise gender equality in firm culture, thereby creating more opportunities for career development.

Take Linklaters’ new “40 percent” rule as an example. Yeung tells ALB that setting such targets for senior positions helps to focus the attention of leadership, and pushes them to do better.

“Setting targets does not mean that those are to be met no matter what. We are focused on promoting the right people for the right roles so that we can enlarge the know-how pool,” Yeung says.

In addition to partnership promotions, Linklaters has developed bespoke talent programmes to create a “sustainable pipeline” of diverse talent for leadership roles, including its flagship Women’s Leadership Programme, which aims to ensure that there is greater proportion of women leaders acting as role models and mentors for the next generation.

However, despite the rise of female lawyers, there is still a distance to complete gender equality. According to a study conducted by Rangita de Silva de Alwis, associate dean of international affairs at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and her student Ziguo Yang, the biggest headwind that professional women in China face in advancing their careers is society’s expectations when it comes to child-bearing. Yeung acknowledges the existence of such prejudice in the legal industry, and believes that fostering a gender-inclusive work environment should start at the top.

“You can implement many policies and programmes, but if the leaders of the organisation don’t genuinely foster and role-model inclusion in real life, those will fail. On the contrary, a diverse and inclusive leadership will make sure that everyone gets access to those roles – and this will invariably mean taking positive steps and action to support those who start at a disadvantage,” Yeung says.


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