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18 Results

华丽蜕变:探索法律职业的成长路径 ——专访ALB年度华南华中地区公司法务大奖获得者、华大基因徐茜 (ZH/EN)

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不久前,凭借在华大基因副总经理、总法律顾问、董事会秘书三个职位上的优异成绩,徐茜摘得2024 ALB年度华南华中地区公司法务大奖,这也是ALB华南华中大奖中针对法务个人成就的最高奖项。

Global Intellectual Propery Odyssey

Barry completed an Arts and Law degree in Australia in the late 80’s. Following admission as a solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales he commenced his legal career in Australia’s leading patent and trade mark attorney firm.  At that time non-contentious intellectual property [“IP”] matters - registering marks, patents and designs - was mostly handled by several established patent firms. The principal at my firm, Dan Shanahan - wrote the Bible on” Australian Law of Trade Mark’s and Passing Off”. My immediate supervisor was an exacting attorney who provided excellent tutelage and updated subsequent editions of the trade mark Bible. It was a privilege to have such expert guidance. I worked tirelessly to justify the patient training and faith given to me as a junior lawyer.

打造多元能力,领导全球团队,勇于做出决策 ——专访亿纬锂能总法律顾问陈卓瑛 (ZH/EN)




深耕细分领域,拓宽知识储备,扎根一线守“初心” ——专访2024 ALB China 十五佳诉讼律师:汉坤律师事务所张亚兴律师 (ZH/EN)

汉坤律师事务所张亚兴律师近日登上2024 ALB China 十五佳诉讼律师榜单,他分享了深耕争议解决领域十多年的感悟和思考,并介绍了商事争议解决领域的最新变化和发展。

PROFILE: Yu Piao, one of ALB's 2023 Dealmakers of Asia

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Dealmaking in Asia this year has been marked by resilience and innovation, despite the pandemic. Transaction lawyers are navigating a complex terrain of geopolitical shifts and regulatory developments, with a surge in cross-border deals. Dealmakers are engaging dispute resolution teams to assist clients in achieving their negotiation goals, underscoring their adaptability.

Commitment to Client-Oriented Services——Interview with Quan (Cindy) Xianzhi, Senior Partner at Long An Law Firm, 2022 ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers Winner (ZH/EN)

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Quan (Cindy) Xianzhi, Master of Computer Science from Tsinghua University, Master of Laws from Chicago-Kent College of Law, and Doctor of Economic Law (on-the-job) at China University of Political Science and Law, has engaged in many community services, e.g. a former IP expert of the Supreme People's Court, Chairman of Asian region of INTA LRC Committee and AIPLA Global Networking Event, a part-time mentor of China University of Political Science and Law, and director of the Intellectual Property Committee of Beijing Chaoyang Lawyers Association. Quan was awarded the title of "Best IP Barrister of the Year" at the China Intellectual Property Forum. Proficient in Chinese, English and Japanese, she has also been recognized as one of the first batch of foreign-related lawyers by the Ministry of Justice.