Dealmaking in Asia this year has been marked by resilience and innovation, despite the pandemic. Transaction lawyers are navigating a complex terrain of geopolitical shifts and regulatory developments, with a surge in cross-border deals. Dealmakers are engaging dispute resolution teams to assist clients in achieving their negotiation goals, underscoring their adaptability.
Quan (Cindy) Xianzhi, Master of Computer Science from Tsinghua University, Master of Laws from Chicago-Kent College of Law, and Doctor of Economic Law (on-the-job) at China University of Political Science and Law, has engaged in many community services, e.g. a former IP expert of the Supreme People's Court, Chairman of Asian region of INTA LRC Committee and AIPLA Global Networking Event, a part-time mentor of China University of Political Science and Law, and director of the Intellectual Property Committee of Beijing Chaoyang Lawyers Association. Quan was awarded the title of "Best IP Barrister of the Year" at the China Intellectual Property Forum. Proficient in Chinese, English and Japanese, she has also been recognized as one of the first batch of foreign-related lawyers by the Ministry of Justice.
拥抱挑战,行稳致远 ——专访二零二四年ALB中国法律大奖-年度女性律师大奖:美国威尔逊•桑西尼•古奇•罗沙迪律师事务所欧阳丹律师 (ZH/EN)
深耕细分领域,拓宽知识储备,扎根一线守“初心” ——专访2024 ALB China 十五佳诉讼律师:汉坤律师事务所张亚兴律师 (ZH/EN)
汉坤律师事务所张亚兴律师近日登上2024 ALB China 十五佳诉讼律师榜单,他分享了深耕争议解决领域十多年的感悟和思考,并介绍了商事争议解决领域的最新变化和发展。
PROFILE: Yu Piao, one of ALB's 2023 Dealmakers of Asia
Dealmaking in Asia this year has been marked by resilience and innovation, despite the pandemic. Transaction lawyers are navigating a complex terrain of geopolitical shifts and regulatory developments, with a surge in cross-border deals. Dealmakers are engaging dispute resolution teams to assist clients in achieving their negotiation goals, underscoring their adaptability.
专访汉坤律师事务所合伙人吕卓律师:以高质量服务立心,以信任网络立命,成为坚定的法律服务践行者 (ZH/EN)
Commitment to Client-Oriented Services——Interview with Quan (Cindy) Xianzhi, Senior Partner at Long An Law Firm, 2022 ALB China Top 15 Female Lawyers Winner (ZH/EN)
Quan (Cindy) Xianzhi, Master of Computer Science from Tsinghua University, Master of Laws from Chicago-Kent College of Law, and Doctor of Economic Law (on-the-job) at China University of Political Science and Law, has engaged in many community services, e.g. a former IP expert of the Supreme People's Court, Chairman of Asian region of INTA LRC Committee and AIPLA Global Networking Event, a part-time mentor of China University of Political Science and Law, and director of the Intellectual Property Committee of Beijing Chaoyang Lawyers Association. Quan was awarded the title of "Best IP Barrister of the Year" at the China Intellectual Property Forum. Proficient in Chinese, English and Japanese, she has also been recognized as one of the first batch of foreign-related lawyers by the Ministry of Justice.
专访汉坤律师事务所合伙人薛冰律师:集全所之力,耕耘每一块区域市场 (ZH/EN)
2022 ALB China 知识产权业务排名入选律所案例分享丨紫藤助力客户赢得美国“337调查”案胜利
律所简介 紫藤知识产权集团成立于中国深圳,是一家立足中国、面向国际的高端知识产权服务机构,致力于搭建国际创新合作与知识产权价值实现的桥梁。我们提供全链条、一站式的知识产权解决方案,包括全球布局申请、分析咨询管理、高价值专利交易运营、许可谈判支持和诉讼争议解决。集团旗下包括知识产权代理机构、专利商标事务所、律师事务所、知识产权运营公司和专利投资基金,业务机构遍及深圳、北京、上海、武汉、成都、苏州、南京、香港、台北等大中华区主要知识产权中心,以及美国、欧洲等全球知识产权运营活跃区域。核心团队成员来自行业领先的科技公司和国际顶级专业机构,拥有丰富的产业经验和精深的专业见解。专业有效、务实可行是我们的服务宗旨。