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此外,据中伦薛律师确认英国首部《国家安全与投资法》(National Security and Investment Act 2021)已于今年4月29日通过皇家授权,并将于今年晚期实施。需要注意的是该部国家安全审查法具有逆向追溯力,对于发生在2020年11月12日及之后的任何交易,均具有追溯审查权。该法律理论上可适用发生在英国的任何投资交易,同时可以覆盖发生在英国境外,但涉及的英国国家安全的交易。法律中明确对17个行业的投资进行了限制,其中绝大多数行业是中资投资企业在英的投资热点,比如民用核能、通信、数据基础设施、能源、运输、人工智能、自动机器人、 计算机硬件、加密认证、先进材料、量子技术、工程生物以及卫星和空间技术等。对以上行业的投资将需要履行强制申报义务。故薛律师强烈建议目前有意投资英国以上行业的企业,在投资前做好国家安全方面的分析与评估,并届时主动进行申报。



Chinese law firms in the UK are helping investors navigate the uncertainties of the post-Brexit era

As of Jan. 1 this year, the United Kingdom had severed ties with the European Union, bringing to an end the four-year-long Brexit saga. With rules being rewritten and agreements being drawn up, lawyers have had their hands full explaining the new landscape to their clients; according to a report by NatWest, commercial law firms in the UK have experienced an uptick in demand for advice and many of them have increased their billing. 

This is a trend also witnessed by Chinese law firms that have offices in the country, such as Jingsh Law Firm, which registered its London outpost in April this year. With Brexit causing issues for many UK and European citizens when it comes to their assets and businesses, Jingsh is seeing increased demand for legal services pertaining to enforcement and termination of contracts, says You Yong, chief representative and partner at the firm’s London office.

For Chinese nationals working in the UK, Brexit has been a mixed bag so far. Xue Haibin, a partner at Zhong Lun Law Firm’s London office, which was set up in 2012, says that one of the biggest changes witnessed so far is that the firm has lost the ability to interact with the European Common Market, and thus cannot provide legal services directly to European clients.

However, as You points out, now that European citizens do not get preferential treatment in the UK when it comes to working and studying, Chinese students, professionals and investors are more in demand. And law firms are playing a more important role supporting them. ““Following the Brexit, some financial enterprises will withdraw from the UK and return to European countries, which indeed casts a cloud over UK’s economy to some extent. However, running with a lighter pack means more flexible and independent development for the UK in the long term. Known for its well-founded legal and financial system, the UK in post-Brexit era will introduce new investment and opportunities.” says You, who adds that Jingsh’s domestic clients are showing increased interest in investing in the UK, making the firm’s presence in London imperative.


With Brexit creating a gap between the UK and Europe, Xue warns Chinese investors to always keep in mind that these two are very separated markets now.

“The UK is no longer the gateway for Chinese companies to European markets as the free movement of people, goods, services and capital between them has come to an end,” he says.

Furthermore, the UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy released the National Security and Investment Bill 2020 last November, signalling stricter scrutiny for foreign direct investment. Amid this, You says that law firms play an important part in preparing Chinese investors for potential risks.

“I believe that first, it is necessary for Chinese investors to conduct thorough field study on UK market. There exist huge differences between China and the UK in terms of market environment, legal regulatory and tax system. Without knowledge and understanding, the investors may face great danger. Secondly, the UK is a country that deems law as the supreme, so foreign direct investment in the UK is legally protected. Every process is transparent. With guide from professionals, uncertainty that Chinese investors face will be greatly reduced. In addition, the UK favours Chinese culture, so there may be a promising development space for Chinese companies with excellent quality and cultural characteristics,” says You.

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