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美国期货业协会(Futures Industry Association, FIA)的统计数据也呈现出中国期货与衍生品市场的强大发展动力。去年,中国境内的郑州商品交易所、上海期货交易所及大连商品交易所在全球交易所期货和期权成交量排名中跻身全球前十,分别位居第7、8、9位。








“中国的期货市场有着全面对外开放的特点,既有国内的期货公司‘走出去’,也积极引进境外专业机构‘走进来’,并向境外投资者开放期货交易。新法相关规则吻合了市场进一步国际化的需求。” 曲峰律师说。












- 曲峰,大成律师事务所

具体来看,《期货法》也将对金融市场带来立竿见影的影响。首先,期货与衍生品市场将迎来可观的业务增量,面临发展红利期。“新法准许业务多元发展,鼓励交易规模的增量,可以在已经进行风险资本管理的情形下,进一步拓展境内外业务。” 曲峰律师说,“这会使期货经营主体的业务不再单一,期货参与者越来越多,期货的交易品种注册也会越来越便利。”











China started the legislative process for its futures law in the mid-1990s. After 30 years, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Futures and Derivatives was finally passed and will come into effect on Aug. 1 this year. An expert involved in the legislative process discusses the opportunities for China's futures and derivatives markets and related legal services under the new law.  


Since being launched in the early 1990s, China's futures and derivatives markets have grown considerably. Data from the China Futures Association show that by the end of 2021, there were 94 listed products on China's futures market, covering important fields such as energy, agricultural products and metals, and involving more than 60 industrial chains.

Statistics from the Futures Industry Association also point to strong momentum of China's futures and derivatives markets. Last year, the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (7th), the Shanghai Futures Exchange (8th) and the Dalian Commodity Exchange (9th) ranked among the top ten globally in terms of futures and options trading volume.

The fast-growing market contrasts with slow legislative progress. On April 20, the long-awaited Law of the People's Republic of China on Futures and Derivatives, or China’s Futures Law, was officially adopted, a milestone in the development of the country’s markets.

"The introduction of the Futures Law supports the development of the entire capital market and completes the last jigsaw puzzle in financial market rule of law," says Frank Qu, a senior partner at Dentons, who also serves as deputy director of the Financial Instruments Committee of the Shanghai Bar Association, and sits on the advisory panel of the futures legislative drafting team of the National People's Congress (NPC).

According to Qu, with China's futures market developing to the current stage, the introduction of the Futures Law is highly necessary. Different from western markets where legislation precedes development, China's futures market follows the market-first model. The Regulations on the Administration of Futures Trading, which was the sole regulation for the futures market, can no longer meet market demand, and it was urgent to move to the stage of NPC legislation.

"The growth of China's futures market has reached a stage where having a law is a must. The futures market needs to use the new law to clarify its positioning in the capital market and the financial market," says Qu.

It is worth noting that based on focusing on regulating the futures market, the Futures Law also governs the derivatives market. It clearly includes derivatives trading in its scope, and fully adopts the consensuses reached by G20 on strengthening derivatives regulation after the global financial crisis. The new law defines derivatives trading, establishes basic trading rules, and clarifies the basic regulatory framework for the derivatives market.


The timing of the Futures Law has also made it more international. For example, the new law has chapters dedicated to cross-border futures trading, regulation, internationalization of futures products, and interconnection between foreign and Chinese investors, all of which will promote China's futures and derivatives markets to open up further.

"China's futures market opens up to the outside world comprehensively. Domestic futures companies are 'going global', foreign professional institutions are actively being 'introduced in', and futures trading is open to foreign investors. The new law is in line with the market's needs for further Internationalization," says Qu.

In addition, the Futures Law and the Securities Law complement each other and share the same regulatory ideas. However, the Futures Law contains more details and guidelines, creating more possibilities for the innovative and compliant development of relevant markets.

"The Securities Law is more about playing the role of investment and financing, while the Futures Law focuses more on risk management and can help prevent systemic financial risks. The legislative positions of the two laws are closely linked, but each has its own characteristics and complements the other," says Qu.

The advent of the era of tightened regulation means the level of regulation in the financial sector has risen rapidly. According to Qu, the Futures Law, based on adopting the original regulatory ideas, has reinforced foreign-related regulation, and implemented more cross regulation. “It is indeed a relatively advanced piece of legislation in the financial sector," he adds.

For example, long-arm jurisdiction has frequently appeared in laws in recent years, and the new Futures Law also contains provisions that share common traits with the provisions on long-arm jurisdiction in the Securities Law. "Given the pace of liberalization of China's futures market, the new Futures Law is one of the few laws with extraterritorial application and long-arm jurisdiction," says Qu.

Meanwhile, the Futures Law also has dedicated chapters for cross-border trading and regulatory cooperation to further enhance its international applicability under the premise of "reciprocity and mutual benefit.” Information released by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) shows that as of the end of last year, the CSRC has reached cross-border regulatory partnership with securities (futures) regulators in 67 countries and regions.

"The Futures Law enables joint regulation with international players through the regulatory framework and the principle of fairness," adds Qu. Accordingly, the domestic and overseas futures and derivatives markets become interconnected, and there is also strong legal support for cracking down on cross-border violations and handling cross-border market risks.


From a macro perspective, the core function of the new law is to help the real economy develop, which is reflected in the provisions on the State's support for the futures market to enjoy healthy development and play its functions of price discovery, risk management and resource allocation.

“In addition, the new law will have a positive impact on real economy enterprises because manufacturers, regardless of size, all need to manage risks," says Qu. The new law can help companies improve risk control systems and further consolidate the foundation for stable market operations.

On more concrete terms, the Futures Law will also have an immediate impact on the financial market. First, futures and derivatives markets will witness considerable business growth and enter a development bonus period.

news"The new law allows the diversified development of businesses and encourages the increase of transaction volume. Market players can further expand domestic and overseas business where risks and capital are being managed. This will allow futures business operators to diversify. There will be more and more futures participants, and the registration of futures products will become increasingly convenient."

Qu Feng, Dentons

"The new law allows the diversified development of businesses and encourages the increase of transaction volume. Market players can further expand domestic and overseas business where risks and capital are being managed," says Qu. "This will allow futures business operators to diversify. There will be more and more futures participants, and the registration of futures products will become increasingly convenient."

The Futures Law will also bring opportunities to the securities sector. Securities and futures both have attributes of financial instruments and financial derivatives, and the two are closely linked. "Some foreign-invested investment banks lack obvious advantages in domestic IPO business but perform very well in derivatives trading. The opening-up of the securities market will bring them better opportunities," adds Qu.

Finally, the new law will be a plus for financial institutions and quasi-financial institutions. According to Qu, the promulgation of the Futures Law has made futures options in foreign exchanges, treasury bonds, interest rates, etc., including the sub-sector of client derivatives trading, strong profit growth points for commercial banks, and non-bank financial institutions, such as those for insurance, asset management and private equity funds will also see many business opportunities from the Futures Law.


With the effective date of the Futures Law approaching, how should lawyers help clients achieve future product compliance during this window period? Noticing increasing client inquiries recently, Qu suggests: "Financial institutions that want to grow futures and derivatives trading need to make corresponding adjustments to their compliance management and system construction."

Qu observes that presently client needs mainly involve three aspects. First, in terms of cross-border trading, intertwined legal issues such as data, compliance and regulation receive special attention; second, for institutions whose existing documentation is insufficient to support business operations under the new law, their top priority must be to promptly update rules; and third, for overseas clients, they need to seek professional advice from lawyers on how to participate in and enter the Chinese market, how to facilitate trading speed, and how to increase total trading volume, etc.

With the increase in business volume, Qu also senses development opportunities for lawyers in this field. "The promulgation of a new law will definitely bring a new window for the career growth of lawyers," says Qu. However, years of futures and derivatives practice also mean he is acutely aware of the struggle in a niche market.

"Futures and derivatives are an independent niche market with strong financial attributes and high professional barriers. It is more suitable for a small group of lawyers who have the drive to develop and learn in this field, or who are clients-driven," admits Qu.

"For me personally, I encourage and welcome more lawyers, especially younger ones, to join this field. But as a senior lawyer, I feel the field of futures and derivatives is worth learning, but also requires caution," adds Qu.


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