




今年上榜ALB China十五佳律师新星榜单的律师平均年龄为37.8岁,平均从业年限约为13.6年,他们凭借着卓越的成绩,在各自的专业领域持续耕耘、不断收获。







“2017年,基于此前在多个跨境反垄断调查、诉讼项目中的紧密合作,我作为中伦合伙人,受到美国顶级律所Cravath, Swaine & Moore的邀请,以外国律师身份到Cravath纽约总部办公室工作,直接参与客户在美国的多起涉案金额高达十数亿美元的反垄断诉讼和申报业务,并协调在日韩等地的反垄断调查应对。”蒋律师说。











“如果不能很好地理解行业、理解客户,则必然难以抓住重点、痛点,真正服务好客户。这也是我一度加入企业、进入到商业一线实践和学习,之后再回到律师行业的原因。这段经历极大地拓展了我的视野,丰富了我的经验,提高了我对商业的理解能力,相信能够受用终身。” 他说。


































The ALB China Top 15 Rising Lawyers are emerging as stalwarts in the industry, demonstrating solid professionalism, embracing win-win concepts, possessing sheer tenacity, and providing keen insights. Looking ahead, they will leverage this platform to the fullest, working diligently to meet and exceed client expectations while enhancing the legal landscape, despite uncertainties and challenges.



2024 ALB China Top 15 Rising Lawyers

The lawyers featured on this year's list have an average age of 37.8 years and boast 13.6 years of practice, during which they have achieved remarkable success in their respective fields. What has brought them here on their career path? What are their professional attributes and aspirations? ALB had the privilege of interviewing some of these exceptional individuals, who graciously shared their personal journeys and invaluable insights to gain market and client recognition.


Frank Jiang, a partner at Zhong Lun Law Firm, has witnessed three relocations of Zhong Lun's Beijing office from China Merchants Tower to SK Tower and Zhengda Centre in his 16 years of practice since his internship in 2007.

Reflecting on his early days, he acknowledges that "opportunity favours the prepared mind". When he officially joined Zhong Lun in 2008, the Anti-Monopoly Law of China came into force. "Foreign-related transactions back then were likely to trigger a notification requirement, so our team started merger control filing while providing investment and M&A transaction services for foreign clients. To meet market and client needs, my areas of practice have been expanded to include antitrust investigation and litigation."

As cases about CFIUS review in the U.S. and FDI regulation in the EU are frequently reported in China, Jiang notices that more and more foreign clients are paying attention to investment review requirements in China. His team has helped multiple multinationals obtain non-filing, unconditional, or conditional approvals. "Based on previous cooperation in several cross-border antitrust investigation and litigation projects, I was invited by Cravath, Swaine & Moore, a white-shoe law firm in the U.S., to work at its headquarters in New York on behalf of Zhong Lun in 2017. As a foreign lawyer, I was directly involved in several antitrust litigation and filing actions in the U.S., with billions of dollars at stake, and coordinated responses to antitrust investigations in Japan and South Korea."


Tian Mingzi, a partner at Jingtian & Gongcheng, advises on the full life-cycle of deals like domestic and overseas listings, bond issuances, investments and financing, and mergers and acquisitions. Tian describes her personality as cooperative and less confrontational, so non-litigation is more suitable for her. "As a capital markets lawyer, I help corporate clients with domestic and overseas listings, pre-IPO financing, and post-listing refinancing to facilitate their IPOs or investment and financing. Our partners include investment banks, accountants, foreign lawyers, as well as domestic law firms. In a word, we share the ultimate goal of maximising the interests of corporate clients while conforming to laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements."

Tian emphasises that collaboration and communication among all parties are particularly important, and her career has been closely intertwined with the idea of cooperation. Graduated from the China University of Political Science and Law, she has kept in mind the motto of "厚德、明法、格物、致公" (literally keeping integrity, mastering the law, looking for truth and serving the public).

Looking back at her career trajectory, Tian believes that true grit and a strong will also matter. "You cannot have a favourable wind all the way from paralegal to lawyer and partner. There are unpredictable problems during project execution, and confusion about whether to continue the practice. I have to face and address the difficulties and setbacks to embrace real growth."

Smooth cooperation comes with professional and sincere services. Tian has been committed to helping clients achieve their goals and witnessing their growth. Regardless of results, "perseverance and efforts in the long run will pay off even if they are not seen.”


Nathan Bu, a partner at DeHeng Law Offices, specialises in dispute resolution, with noticeable results in the resolution of asset management and private fund disputes as a front-line business lawyer.

Bu shares his typical career path for dispute resolution lawyers. "After obtaining my LLB and LLM in civil and commercial law from China University of Political Science and Law, I joined a commercial dispute resolution team led by one of the top partners in the litigation market. I have since focused on commercial dispute resolution, including a period when I advised on investment business."

Bu believes that the rapidly developing legal market in China not only presents challenges but provides ample room for imagination. He emphasises that a commercial dispute resolution lawyer should have a deep understanding of and a keen insight into business operations in order to gain a foothold in the rapidly changing market. "If you fail to understand the industry and clients, it is surely difficult to identify their pain points and meet their needs. This is why I joined the corporate world for first-line practice and returned to the legal profession. This experience has greatly broadened my horizons, enriched my experience, and improved my business understanding. I believe it can be of lifelong use."


Nathan Bu also talks about the most impressive experience in his career — his two related cases were heard the same day in Shenzhen. The case in the morning was heard by the Supreme People's Court International Commercial Court, and the case in the afternoon was heard by the First Circuit Court of the Supreme People's Court. "With nearly ten billion yuan at stake, the cases involve complex international commercial contracts and years of complex debt relations, and more than ten lawsuits had been conducted among the parties. The day marks the 'final battle' for both cases. We had prepared long for the trial, with high-intensity analyses, debates, and simulated court exercises almost every day the month before the trial."

On that day, Bu and his team had to confront top litigators from leading law firms in the highest-level court in China. He was excited and nervous. Both sides fought to their best and delivered a wonderful performance, but DeHeng achieved a complete victory with better preparation and performance. One case was listed by the Supreme People's Court among the fourth batch of typical cases for the Belt and Road development due to its complexity and typicality in distinguishing between equity transfer and equity transfer guarantee.

Jiang from Zhong Lun shares his most impressive experience of handling a major complex monopoly case that involves the country's highest fine on a well-known U.S. semiconductor company. He recalls that "the National Development and Reform Commission, the law enforcement agency at that time, launched a year-long antitrust investigation, accusing the company of nearly a dozen monopolistic acts and imposing a fine of more than 10 billion yuan.

The client's headquarters attached great importance to the case because it involves its decades of core business model, and dispatched senior management including the president, general counsel, as well as U.S. attorneys, to Zhong Lun's office."

The client acted in the first place with their usual strategies of responding to litigation in the U.S. but was pushed from pillar to post. The case then took a turn for the better after the client listened to Zhong Lun's advice. "Led by the partners, I worked on behalf of Zhong Lun to coordinate internal and external affairs, participate in meetings with law enforcement authorities, and visit the client's headquarters in the U.S. several times to report to the senior management. After thousands of hours of hard work in fifteen consecutive months, we defended the client's core interests with a result satisfactory to all parties," Jiang adds.

Says the client's head of litigation: "We are known for being critical of our legal professionals, but Zhong Lun stood up to the test at such a difficult time... Frank played an important role." The lead partner of the U.S. law firm said, "You are different from those local consultants. You are partners who fight alongside us."


Tian from Jingtian & Gongcheng shares her way of endearing herself to clients—to observe, listen, and think.


“Lawyers need to learn more about the project background, listen more to the needs of all parties, experience different roles in the project and think about their concerns. Many things not legally related are inextricably linked. ”

——Tian Mingzi, Jingtian & Gongcheng


She explains that "lawyers need to learn more about the project background, listen more to the needs of all parties, experience different roles in the project and think about their concerns. Many things not legally related are inextricably linked. A clause may be interpreted differently in different contexts. We need to take a professional and flexible approach to meet clients' needs, and strike a balance between legal compliance and business operations."


“Execution is about not only the strict control and scrutiny of every detail, but the indomitable spirit in the face of difficulties. When we look back at many cases, we can find that success is hinged on extra efforts and perseverance.”

——Nathan Bu, DeHeng Law Offices

Bu concludes by borrowing the famous idea about the unity of knowledge and action from Wang Yangming. "Knowledge means using solid professional competence and rich practical experience to identify the best litigation strategy for each case. As the saying goes, victory is determined not only by the words spoken in court, but more importantly, the core strategy and thorough preparation. Based on our experience, victory is set before the trial begins, and the trial is more about the presentation of the results. Being sure of winning before engaging the war is never what we seek."


“We need to communicate with clients to understand their concerns because their problems are not just simple legal issues. We should put ourselves in their shoes and think from a business perspective, so that we can win their trust.”

——Frank Jiang, Zhong Lun Law Firm


"Action refers to execution. A strategy, however good it may be, is an unrealistic rosy view if it cannot be implemented. Execution is about not only the strict control and scrutiny of every detail, but the indomitable spirit in the face of difficulties. When we look back at many cases, we can find that success is hinged on extra efforts and perseverance," he adds.

Jiang shares his professional insights of keeping improving, building empathy, and maintaining peace of mind. "We need to keep learning and improving ourselves so that clients can rely on our professionalism when they encounter problems and difficulties; we need to communicate with clients to understand their concerns because their problems are not just simple legal issues. We should put ourselves in their shoes and think from a business perspective, so that we can win their trust. When developing business, we also need to maintain peace of mind. Amidst growing competition in all fields of the domestic legal market, including antitrust/competition law, it is common that we fail to win the case or run into different conditions for reasons like price. If we are anxious about personal gains and losses, our physical and mental health and sustainable development are damaged. We need to look farther ahead," he adds.



Nathan Bu shares his career vision and planning. "As a professional commercial litigator, I am very clear about my career path. I want to provide the most excellent legal services to individual, corporate and governmental clients. With my professional knowledge and experience, rigorous legal analysis, and superb debating skills, I can help clients solve the most complex legal issues and reach the best results."

For personal value realisation, "I believe that the debate and analysis of complex legal issues can contribute to law development and improvement, and can make the written law an effective social tool. I hope that I can help create a fair and transparent business environment through my work as a commercial litigator. And I look forward to instilling the rule of law in the public, so that they can act as the law prescribes," he adds.

By leveraging Zhong Lun's resources and his personal attributes, Jiang wants to become a leading China-based antitrust/competition law expert among rising lawyers globally. He will expand areas of practice to include emerging compliance and regulation business and build his strength in foreign-related and compliance business represented by antitrust/competition law, security review, and ESG."

Tian emphasises the uncertainties of the legal landscape in the next few years given recent changes in the international political and business environment and domestic policies. Legal professionals can only make advances by improving their professional capabilities, integrating internal and external resources, and exploring innovative areas. "While improving professional capabilities, lawyers need to cultivate an ecosystem of specialised practices and empower each other within the ecosystem,” she says. “This ecosystem can include not only colleagues from your agency and peer agencies but also external agents and consultancies. Working with someone reliable and trustworthy to provide better comprehensive services to our clients is worthwhile both for ourselves and for others. Our team is very collaborative. The gene of cooperation is important if we want to grow bigger at the right pace."


2024 ALB China Top 15 Rising Lawyers
2024 ALB China 十五佳律师新星

Cheng Jingjiao承婧艽
Grandall Law Firm 国浩律师事务所

Deng Xiaoming邓晓明
Han Kun Law Offices 汉坤律师事务所

Nathan Bu吉·布音那森
DeHeng Law Offices 德恒律师事务所

Frank Jiang蒋蕙匡
Zhong Lun Law Firm 中伦律师事务所

Li Hongdeng李洪灯
Jincheng Tongda & Neal Law Firm 金诚同达律师事务所

Li Qizhen李啟珍
AllBright Law Offices 锦天城律师事务所

Sun Jiangang孙建钢
JunHe LLP 君合律师事务所

Sun Rui孙睿
Llinks Law Offices 通力律师事务所

Tian Mingzi田明子
Jingtian & Gongcheng 竞天公诚律师事务所

Wu Jiji吴霁霁
Hui Zhong Law Firm 汇仲律师事务所

Xu Jingyi许静颐
Cooley LLP 美国科律律师事务所

Yan Yan鄢妍
White & Case 伟凯律师事务所

Yan Shiye闫世晔
LexField Law Offices 联德律师事务所

Zhang Haojun张皓钧
King & Wood Mallesons 金杜律师事务所

Zhou Hang周航
Commerce & Finance Law Offices 通商律师事务所




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